
很简单,把代码中的 setup_paths.m 和在runfiles文件夹中的 test.m 文件中的内容综合一下就行了,这里需要把整个文件夹的名字从 C-COT 改为 CCOT,因为命名里面短横线不符合matlab文件命名规范。然后在CCOT文件夹下新建run_CCOT.m 文件。

function results=run_CCOT(seq, res_path, bSaveImage)close all%% Add the neccesary paths
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
% Tracker implementation
addpath([pathstr '/implementation/']);
% Runfiles
addpath([pathstr '/runfiles/']);
% Utilities
addpath([pathstr '/utils/']);
% The feature extraction
addpath(genpath([pathstr '/feature_extraction/']));
% Matconvnet
addpath([pathstr '/external_libs/matconvnet/matlab/mex/']);
addpath([pathstr '/external_libs/matconvnet/matlab']);
addpath([pathstr '/external_libs/matconvnet/matlab/simplenn']);
% PDollar toolbox
addpath(genpath([pathstr '/external_libs/pdollar_toolbox/channels']));
% Mtimesx
addpath([pathstr '/external_libs/mtimesx/']);
%%% Feature specific parameters
hog_params.cell_size = 4;grayscale_params.colorspace='gray';
grayscale_params.cell_size = 1;cn_params.tablename = 'CNnorm';
cn_params.useForGray = false;
cn_params.cell_size = 4;ic_params.tablename = 'intensityChannelNorm6';
ic_params.useForColor = false;
ic_params.cell_size = 4;cnn_params.nn_name = 'imagenet-vgg-m-2048.mat'; % Name of the network
cnn_params.output_layer = [0 3 14];             % Which layers to use
cnn_params.downsample_factor = [4 2 1];         % How much to downsample each output layer
cnn_params.input_size_mode = 'adaptive';        % How to choose the sample size
cnn_params.input_size_scale = 1;                % Extra scale factor of the input samples to the network (1 is no scaling)% Which features to include
params.t_features = {struct('getFeature',@get_cnn_layers, 'fparams',cnn_params),......struct('getFeature',@get_colorspace, 'fparams',grayscale_params),......struct('getFeature',@get_fhog,'fparams',hog_params),......struct('getFeature',@get_table_feature, 'fparams',cn_params),......struct('getFeature',@get_table_feature, 'fparams',ic_params),...
};% Global feature parameters
params.t_global.normalize_power = 2;    % Lp normalization with this p
params.t_global.normalize_size = true;  % Also normalize with respect to the spatial size of the feature
params.t_global.normalize_dim = true;   % Also normalize with respect to the dimensionality of the feature% Image sample parameters
params.search_area_shape = 'square';    % The shape of the samples
params.search_area_scale = 5.0;         % The scaling of the target size to get the search area
params.min_image_sample_size = 200^2;   % Minimum area of image samples
params.max_image_sample_size = 300^2;   % Maximum area of image samples% Detection parameters
params.refinement_iterations = 1;       % Number of iterations used to refine the resulting position in a frame
params.newton_iterations = 5;           % The number of Newton iterations used for optimizing the detection score% Learning parameters
params.output_sigma_factor = 1/12;     % Label function sigma
params.learning_rate = 0.0075;         % Learning rate
params.nSamples = 400;                  % Maximum number of stored training samples
params.sample_replace_strategy = 'lowest_prior';    % Which sample to replace when the memory is full
params.lt_size = 0;                     % The size of the long-term memory (where all samples have equal weight)% Conjugate Gradient parameters
params.max_CG_iter = 5;                 % The number of Conjugate Gradient iterations
params.init_max_CG_iter = 100;          % The number of Conjugate Gradient iterations used in the first frame
params.CG_tol = 1e-3;                   % The tolerence of CG does not have any effect
params.CG_forgetting_rate = 10;         % Forgetting rate of the last conjugate direction
params.precond_data_param = 0.5;        % Weight of the data term in the preconditioner
params.precond_reg_param = 0.01;        % Weight of the regularization term in the preconditioner% Regularization window parameters
params.use_reg_window = true;           % Use spatial regularization or not
params.reg_window_min = 1e-4;          % The minimum value of the regularization window
params.reg_window_edge = 10e-3;         % The impact of the spatial regularization
params.reg_window_power = 2;            % The degree of the polynomial to use (e.g. 2 is a quadratic window)
params.reg_sparsity_threshold = 0.05;   % A relative threshold of which DFT coefficients that should be set to zero% Interpolation parameters
params.interpolation_method = 'bicubic';    % The kind of interpolation kernel
params.interpolation_bicubic_a = -0.75;     % The parameter for the bicubic interpolation kernel
params.interpolation_centering = true;      % Center the kernel at the feature sample
params.interpolation_windowing = false;     % Do additional windowing on the Fourier coefficients of the kernel% Scale parameters
params.number_of_scales = 5;            % Number of scales to run the detector
params.scale_step = 1.02;               % The scale factor% Other parameters
params.visualization = 0;               % Don't visualiza tracking and detection scores
params.debug = 0;                       % Do full debug visualizations_frames = seq.s_frames;% Initialize
params.wsize = [seq.init_rect(1,4), seq.init_rect(1,3)];
params.init_pos = [seq.init_rect(1,2), seq.init_rect(1,1)] + floor(params.wsize/2);
params.s_frames = s_frames;% Run tracker
results = tracker(params);if bSaveImageimwrite(frame2im(getframe(gcf)),[res_path num2str(frame) '.jpg']); endend


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