那你就下载一个 c complier不就完了?




you need a c compiler to build uwsgi相关推荐

  1. java compiler.run_eclipse build path与java Compiler

    在eclipse中开发的项目有个java build path中可以配置的jdk,还有个java compiler中可以配置compiler level,这两个是有区别的,java compiler ...

  2. you need to build uWSGI with SSL support to use the websocket handshake api function !!!

    django+uwsgi+nginx https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24183053/how-to-build-uwsgi-with-ssl-support- ...

  3. windows10 安装uwsgi

    下载uwsgi uwsgi官网下载传送门 解压uwsgi 下载后解压到uwsgi安装盘中 安装uwsgi 修改uwsgiconfig.py中的所有os.uname,将其改为platform.uname ...

  4. ninja Compiling the C compiler identification source file CMakeCCompilerId.c failed

    Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" failed 同时,控制台也报错: ...

  5. 通过uwsgi+nginx启动flask的python web程序

    通过uwsgi+nginx启动flask的python web程序 一般我们启动python web程序的时候都是通过python直接启动主文件,测试的时候是可以的,当访问量大的时候就会出问题 pyt ...

  6. C/C++ tip: How to detect the operating system type using compiler predefined macros

    转自:http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/01/c_c_tip_how_use_compiler_predefined_macros_detect_oper ...

  7. Ubuntu 安装 uWSGI

    uWSGI官方网址: https://pypi.org/project/uWSGI/ 使用如下命令安装: pip install uWSGI 报如下错: Collecting uWSGIUsing c ...

  8. Ubuntu 安装uwsgi出错

    1.分析了下,感觉是gcc除了问题,百度了一下,发现有类似的解决办法,记录一下. Collecting uwsgiUsing cached https://files.pythonhosted.org ...

  9. 安装uwsgi 报错 是什么原因??

    Collecting uwsgi Using cached uWSGI- (803 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: ...

  10. sdk matlab,MATLAB Compiler SDK

    MATLAB Compiler SDK Build software components from MATLAB programs MATLAB® Compiler SDK™ extends the ...


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