

引入jQuery validate库


var Register = function() {return {// main function to initiate the moduleinit : function() {// 字符验证   jQuery.validator.addMethod( "stringCheck", function(value, element) {      return this.optional(element) || /^[\u0391-\uFFE5\w]+$/.test(value);      }, "只能包括中文字、英文字母、数字和下划线" );// 手机号码验证      jQuery.validator.addMethod( "isMobile", function(value, element) {      var length = value.length;  var mobile = /^(((13[0-9]{1})|(15[0-9]{1}))+\d{8})$/ ;  return this .optional(element) || (length == 11 && mobile.test(value));      }, "请正确填写您的手机号码" );  // 密码验证   jQuery.validator.addMethod( "isPassword", function(value, element) {      var mobile = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/ ;  return this .optional(element) || mobile.test(value);      }, "密码只能包括数字和字母" );//显示验证$( '.register-form').show();$( '.register-form').validate({errorElement : 'label', // default input error message containererrorClass : 'help-inline', // default input error message classfocusInvalid : false, // do not focus the last invalid inputignore : "",rules : {userName : {required : true,rangelength : [fields.min_username_length,fields.max_username_length],// 用户名长度在3~64之间stringCheck : true,remote : { //异步发送请求到服务器,验证userNametype : "post",//url : "/adminUser/authName.do",//需要服务器controllor 中提供用户名检查的方法data : {userName : function() {return $("#userName").val();}},}},password : {required : true,minlength : fields.min_password_length,maxlength : fields.max_password_length,isPassword : true},passwordConfirm : {equalTo : "#register_password" ,},mailbox : {required : true,email : true},nickName : {maxlength : fields.max_nickname_length,},phone : {required : true,number : true,minlength : fields.phonenum_length,isMobile : true},},messages : { // 定义验证信息userName : {required : "用户名必填" ,rangelength : $.validator.format("输入的范围在 {0}-{1} 之间的数字、字符、下划线." ),remote :  "用户名存在" ,// 返回false时的提示信息},password : {required : "密码必填" ,minlength : "您输入的数字或者字符太少,最少为6" ,maxlength : "密码不能超过16位" ,},passwordConfirm : {equalTo : "两次输入的密码不一致" ,},mailbox : {required : "邮箱必填" ,email : "您输入的邮箱不合法,请重新输入" ,},nickName : {maxlength : "您输入的昵称已经给你超过最大长度20" ,},phone : {required : "手机号必填" ,number : "手机号只能是数字" ,minlength : "您输入的手机号长度不正确" ,}},invalidHandler : function(event, validator) { // display error alert on form submit},highlight : function(element) { // hightlight error inputs$(element).closest( '.control-group').addClass('error' ); // set errorclass to the control group},success : function(label) {label.closest( '.control-group').removeClass('error' );label.remove();},onsubmit: false,//默认表单提交});}};

调用的方法( HTML中)

<form class= "form-vertical register-form" action="/adminUser/register.do" method="post"><input type= "hidden" id ="hiddenSpace" /><h3 class= "">用户注册 </h3><!-- 返回錯誤提示信息 --><div><c:choose><c:when test= "${ response.result == 'true' }" ></c:when><c:otherwise><span class="register_error" >${ response.message} </span></c:otherwise></c:choose></div><!-- 返回錯誤提示信息 --><div class= "control-group"><label class= "control-label visible-ie8 visible-ie9"> 用户名</label ><div class= "controls"><div class= "input-icon left"><i class= "icon-user"></i > <input class= "m-wrap placeholder-no-fix" type="text" placeholder="用户名" name="userName" id= "userName" /></div><span id= "namespan"></span ></div></div><div class= "control-group"><label class= "control-label visible-ie8 visible-ie9"> 密码</label ><div class= "controls"><div class= "input-icon left"><i class= "icon-lock"></i > <input class= "m-wrap placeholder-no-fix" type="password" id="register_password" placeholder= "密码" name ="password" /></div></div></div><div class= "control-group"><label class= "control-label visible-ie8 visible-ie9"> 再次输入密码</label ><div class= "controls"><div class= "input-icon left"><i class= "icon-ok"></i > <input class= "m-wrap placeholder-no-fix" type="password" placeholder="确认密码" name="passwordConfirm" /></div></div></div><div class= "control-group"><!--ie8, ie9 does not support html5 placeholder, so we just show field title for that--><label class= "control-label visible-ie8 visible-ie9"> 邮箱</label ><div class= "controls"><div class= "input-icon left"><i class="icon-envelope" ></i> < input class ="m-wrap placeholder-no-fix" type= "text" placeholder ="邮箱" name="mailbox" /></div></div></div><div class= "control-group"><label class= "control-label visible-ie8 visible-ie9"></ label><div class= "controls"><div class= "input-icon left"><i class= "icon-cloud"></i > <input class= "m-wrap placeholder-no-fix" type="text" placeholder="昵称" name="nickName" /></div></div></div><div class= "control-group"><label class= "control-label visible-ie8 visible-ie9"></ label><div class= "controls"><div class= "input-icon left"><i class= "icon-phone"></i > <input class= "m-wrap placeholder-no-fix" type="text" placeholder="手机号" name="phone" /></div></div></div><div class= "form-actions"><button type= "submit" id="register-submit-btn" class="btn green pull-right">注册 <i class= "m-icon-swapright m-icon-white"></ i></button></div></form>


  <script >jQuery(document).ready( function() {App.init();Register.init();});    </script >


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