gnome 如何自定义样式

Gnome 3 is great and I can understand that it emphasizes on simplicity. However, the configuration settings for Gnome 3 does not provide tools for certain functions that I need. One of them is customizing the fonts. This post will summarize the tools/tips that I adopted to customize the fonts in Gnome 3.

Gnome 3很棒,我可以理解它强调简单性。 但是,Gnome 3的配置设置未提供我所需的某些功能的工具。 其中之一是自定义字体。 这篇文章将总结我用来自定义Gnome 3中字体的工具/技巧。

Usually, the settings will take effect after being changed. If they did not take effect, you can manually restart Gnome 3 without rebooting the Linux.

通常,设置将在更改后生效。 如果它们没有生效,则可以手动重新启动Gnome 3,而无需重新启动Linux 。

The default configuration tool of Gnome 3 does not provide the option to change the fonts. However, the gnome-tweak-tool provides it. If you have not installed it, you need to install it first. On Fedora, run

Gnome 3的默认配置工具不提供更改字体的选项。 但是, gnome-tweak-tool提供了它。 如果尚未安装,则需要先安装。 在Fedora上运行

# yum install gnome-tweak-tool

默认字体和字体文件中的Gnome 3 ∞ (Default fonts and document fonts in Gnome 3 ∞)

This is the default fonts and document fonts used in Gnome 3. In the “Fonts” tab in the gnome-tweak-tool, you can set the fonts.

这是Gnome 3中使用的默认字体和文档字体。在gnome-tweak-tool的“ Fonts”选项卡中,您可以设置字体。

For more details, please check How to change the fonts used in Gnome 3.

有关更多详细信息,请检查如何更改Gnome 3中使用的字体 。

窗口标题字体和字号在侏儒3 ∞ (The window title font family and size in Gnome 3 ∞)

You may find that the window title font family and size are set separately from the default fonts. However, the gnome-tweak-tool does not provide a setting for it yet. You can set the by the native gsettings commands like:

您可能会发现窗口标题字体系列和大小是与默认字体分开设置的。 但是, gnome-tweak-tool尚未提供设置。 您可以通过本地gsettings命令设置,例如:

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Sans Bold 10'

For more details, please check How to change the window title font family and size in Gnome 3.

有关更多详细信息,请检查如何在Gnome 3中更改窗口标题字体系列和大小 。

的Gnome的字体外壳的侏儒3字体∞ (Fonts of gnome-shell for Gnome 3 fonts ∞)

Lastly, the gnome-shell uses different settings that are not tracked by the gsettings. The gnome-shell use customized themes, you can either install your own theme which specifies the fonts in a css file, or change the theme style to customize the fonts.

最后,gnome-shell使用gsettings不会跟踪的不同设置。 gnome-shell使用自定义主题,您可以安装自己的主题以在css文件中指定字体,也可以更改主题样式以自定义字体。

If you are using the default theme, you can change the css style file for the them by editing the file /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css and replace the fonts-family with the fonts that you like.


For more details, please check How to change the fonts of gnome-shell for gnome3.

有关更多详细信息,请检查如何更改gnome3的gnome-shell字体 。

侏儒3的屏幕截图∞ (A screenshot of Gnome 3 ∞)

Here is a screenshot of my desktop.


For reference, here is the version of Gnome 3 that I used when this post is written:

作为参考,这是本文撰写时使用的Gnome 3版本:

Name        : gnome-session
Version     : 3.8.4
Release     : 1.fc19
Architecture: x86_64


gnome 如何自定义样式

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