
public class UsersAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {

private static class ViewHolder {

TextView name;

TextView home;


public UsersAdapter(Context context, ArrayList users) {

super(context, R.layout.item_user, users);



public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

User user = getItem(position);

ViewHolder viewHolder;

if (convertView == null) {

viewHolder = new ViewHolder();

LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext());

convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_user, parent, false);

viewHolder.name = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.tvName);

viewHolder.home = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(R.id.tvHome);


} else {

viewHolder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();




return convertView;



在这边,我们在ListView需要用到的Adapter中定义了一个内部类ViewHolder,它存储了我们要加载的view的所有子view结构,如果这个view已经被加载过只是暂时被回收, 当需要再次展示的话我们就不需要重新加载整个view,也不需要通过findViewById()来寻找要加载的view的子view,可以直接找到这个view,将要展示的数据设置即可返回显示。



android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"





android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"








android:textSize="19sp" />








public class ClassAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter {

private List classVOs;

static class ClassViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

View classView;

TextView className;

public ClassViewHolder(View itemView) {


classView = itemView;

className = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.t_class_name);



public ClassAdapter(List classVOs){

this.classVOs = classVOs;



public ClassViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {

View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.fragement_class_item, null, false);

final ClassViewHolder holder = new ClassViewHolder(view);

holder.classView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {


public void onClick(View view) {

int position = holder.getAdapterPosition();

ClassVO classVO = classVOs.get(position);

Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), "you click class "+classVO.getId(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



return holder;



public void onBindViewHolder(ClassViewHolder holder, int position) {

ClassVO classVO = classVOs.get(position);




public int getItemCount() {

return classVOs.size();




recyclerView = (RecyclerView) classListView.findViewById(R.id.t_classList);

layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this.getContext());


if (classVOs!=null){

adapter = new ClassAdapter(classVOs);






* Base class for an Adapter



Adapters provide a binding from an app-specific data set to views that are displayed

* within a {@link RecyclerView}.


public static abstract class Adapter {

private final AdapterDataObservable mObservable = new AdapterDataObservable();

private boolean mHasStableIds = false;


* Called when RecyclerView needs a new {@link ViewHolder} of the given type to represent

* an item.


* This new ViewHolder should be constructed with a new View that can represent the items

* of the given type. You can either create a new View manually or inflate it from an XML

* layout file.


* The new ViewHolder will be used to display items of the adapter using

* {@link #onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int, List)}. Since it will be re-used to display

* different items in the data set, it is a good idea to cache references to sub views of

* the View to avoid unnecessary {@link View#findViewById(int)} calls.


* @param parent The ViewGroup into which the new View will be added after it is bound to

* an adapter position.

* @param viewType The view type of the new View.


* @return A new ViewHolder that holds a View of the given view type.

* @see #getItemViewType(int)

* @see #onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)


public abstract VH onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType);


* Called by RecyclerView to display the data at the specified position. This method should

* update the contents of the {@link ViewHolder#itemView} to reflect the item at the given

* position.


* Note that unlike {@link android.widget.ListView}, RecyclerView will not call this method

* again if the position of the item changes in the data set unless the item itself is

* invalidated or the new position cannot be determined. For this reason, you should only

* use the position parameter while acquiring the related data item inside

* this method and should not keep a copy of it. If you need the position of an item later

* on (e.g. in a click listener), use {@link ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition()} which will

* have the updated adapter position.


* Override {@link #onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int, List)} instead if Adapter can

* handle efficient partial bind.


* @param holder The ViewHolder which should be updated to represent the contents of the

* item at the given position in the data set.

* @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set.


public abstract void onBindViewHolder(VH holder, int position);


* Called by RecyclerView to display the data at the specified position. This method

* should update the contents of the {@link ViewHolder#itemView} to reflect the item at

* the given position.


* Note that unlike {@link android.widget.ListView}, RecyclerView will not call this method

* again if the position of the item changes in the data set unless the item itself is

* invalidated or the new position cannot be determined. For this reason, you should only

* use the position parameter while acquiring the related data item inside

* this method and should not keep a copy of it. If you need the position of an item later

* on (e.g. in a click listener), use {@link ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition()} which will

* have the updated adapter position.


* Partial bind vs full bind:


* The payloads parameter is a merge list from {@link #notifyItemChanged(int, Object)} or

* {@link #notifyItemRangeChanged(int, int, Object)}. If the payloads list is not empty,

* the ViewHolder is currently bound to old data and Adapter may run an efficient partial

* update using the payload info. If the payload is empty, Adapter must run a full bind.

* Adapter should not assume that the payload passed in notify methods will be received by

* onBindViewHolder(). For example when the view is not attached to the screen, the

* payload in notifyItemChange() will be simply dropped.


* @param holder The ViewHolder which should be updated to represent the contents of the

* item at the given position in the data set.

* @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set.

* @param payloads A non-null list of merged payloads. Can be empty list if requires full

* update.





* A ViewHolder describes an item view and metadata about its place within the RecyclerView.



{@link Adapter} implementations should subclass ViewHolder and add fields for caching

* potentially expensive {@link View#findViewById(int)} results.



While {@link LayoutParams} belong to the {@link LayoutManager},

* {@link ViewHolder ViewHolders} belong to the adapter. Adapters should feel free to use

* their own custom ViewHolder implementations to store data that makes binding view contents

* easier. Implementations should assume that individual item views will hold strong references

* to ViewHolder objects and that RecyclerView instances may hold

* strong references to extra off-screen item views for caching purposes


public static abstract class ViewHolder {




Adapter implementations should subclass ViewHolder and add fields for caching potentially expensive {@link View#findViewById(int)} results(adapter应当拥有ViewHolder的子类,并且ViewHolder内部应当存储一些子view,避免时间代价很大的findViewById操作)

Adapters should feel free to use their own custom ViewHolder implementations to store data that makes binding view content easier



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