
- cocos creator 3.6


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- assets/script/game/GameScene.ts

import { _decorator, Component, Node, Prefab, assetManager, NodePool, instantiate, v3, Vec3, UITransform, game, tween, Animation, PageView, Label } from 'cc';
import { Fw } from '../../framework/manager/Fw';
import { ArrayUtil } from '../../framework/util/ArrayUtil';
import { LoadUtil } from '../../framework/util/LoadUtil';
import { GameStep, TileStatus, TileUnit } from '../config/BaseConf';
import { PageConf } from '../config/PageConf';
import { GameManager } from '../manager/GameManager';
import { Tile } from './Tile';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;@ccclass('GameScene')
export class GameScene extends Component {public static I: GameScene@property(Node)Map: Node = null;@property(Node)Put: Node = null;@property(Prefab)TilePrefab: Prefab = null;@property(Prefab)FxTishiPrefab: Prefab = null;@property(Label)NumRefresh: Label = null;@property(Label)NumTips: Label = null;@property(Label)NumBack: Label = null;lvd: { type: number, cell: number[][][], idList: number[], total: number } = null;tilePool: NodePool = new NodePool();fxTishiPool: NodePool = new NodePool();start() {GameScene.I = this;this.preLoadLevel(() => {this.initLevel();})this.refreshUI();//刷新UI}update(deltaTime: number) {}//预加载关卡配置与对应的预制体preLoadLevel(complete: Function, progress: Function = null): void {let skinChildIdList: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,];let finished: number = 0;let total: number = 2;LoadUtil.load(`level:${GameManager.I.level}`, (err0, res0) => {console.log(err0, res0)let lvd: any = res0.json;this.lvd = lvd;this.lvd.idList = []; = 0;for (let row of this.lvd.cell) += row.length;total = lvd.type + 1 + 1;finished++;progress && progress(finished, total);this.lvd.idList = ArrayUtil.randomElementList(skinChildIdList, lvd.type);let arr = [];for (let id of this.lvd.idList) {arr.push(`icon:skin/skin${GameManager.I.curSkinId}/${id}/spriteFrame`);}arr.push(`icon:skin/kuai${GameManager.I.curSkinId}/spriteFrame`);LoadUtil.loadList(arr, complete, () => {finished++;progress && progress(finished, total);})})}//初始化关卡initLevel(): void {//移除Tilefor (let i: number = this.Map.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {for (let j: number = this.Map.children[i].children.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {this.removeTile(this.Map.children[i].children[j]);}}//配置let groupTotal: number = / 3;let idList: number[] = [];for (let i: number = 0; i < groupTotal; i++) {let id = ArrayUtil.randomElement(this.lvd.idList);for (let j: number = 0; j < 3; j++)idList.push(id);}idList = ArrayUtil.randomSort(idList);let tileList = [];for (let i: number = 0; i < this.lvd.cell.length; i++) {this.lvd.cell[i] = this.lvd.cell[i].sort((a, b) => { return a[1] !== b[1] ? b[1] - a[1] : a[0] - b[0] })for (let cell of this.lvd.cell[i])tileList.push(v3(...cell, i));}//生成let index: number = 0;this.schedule(() => {let id = idList[index];let pos = tileList[index];let node: Node = this.createTile();let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile); = id;// sc.index = index;sc.pos = pos;sc.status = TileStatus.Show; = true;index++;//向上检测是否被覆盖 所有显示的块this.checkUpAll();}, 0.03, - 1);}//创建块createTile(): Node {let node: Node = this.tilePool.get();if (node) return node;node = instantiate(this.TilePrefab);let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile);sc.status = TileStatus.Recover;node['TileId'] = -1;node['IsMask'] = false;return node;}//移除块removeTile(node: Node): void {node.setParent(this.node); = false;let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile);sc.status = TileStatus.Recover;// sc.index = -1;this.tilePool.put(node);}//创建提示粒子createFxTishi(): Node {let node: Node = this.fxTishiPool.get();if (node) return node;node = instantiate(this.FxTishiPrefab);return node;}//移除提示粒子removeFxTishi(node: Node): void {node.setParent(this.node); = false;this.fxTishiPool.put(node);}//加入队列的顺序putSortList: Node[] = [];//加入待消除的队列putTile(node: Node): void {this.putSortList.push(node);//加入队列的顺序Fw.Audio.playEffect("tile_click");let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile);sc.status = TileStatus.Put;let index = 0;let len: number = this.Put.children.length;if (len) {for (let i: number = 0; i < len; i++) {if (this.Put.children[i]['TileId'] === node['TileId']) {index = i + 1;}}if (index === 0) index = len;}let position: Vec3 = node.worldPosition;this.Put.insertChild(node, index);node.worldPosition = position;//向上检测是否被覆盖 所有显示的块this.checkUpAll();//检测消除列表this.scheduleOnce(this.checkPutTile, 0.3);}PutMax: number = 7;//最大待消除数量PutAniDuration: number = 0.3;//每一次动画持续时长(单位:秒)nextPutAniTime: number = 0;putAniList: [string, Node, any][][] = [];//检测消除列表checkPutTile(): void {let len: number = this.Put.children.length;if (len < 3) return;let preTileId: number = this.Put.children[0]['TileId'];let total: number = 1;let index: number = -1;for (let i: number = 1; i < len; i++) {if (preTileId === this.Put.children[i]['TileId']) {total++;if (total >= 3) {index = i;break;}}else {preTileId = this.Put.children[i]['TileId'];total = 1;}}if (index === -1) return this.checkLevelFail();Fw.Audio.playEffect("tile_match");for (let i: number = index; i >= index - 2; i--) {let node: Node = this.Put.children[i];//播放粒子let fx: Node = this.createFxTishi();this.node.addChild(fx);fx.worldPosition = node.worldPosition; = true;fx.getComponent(Animation).play('fxtishi');this.scheduleOnce(() => {this.removeFxTishi(fx);}, 1)//移除块this.removeTile(node);}//检测是否通关this.checkLevelWin();}//检测是否失败checkLevelFail(): void {if (this.Put.children.length < this.PutMax) return;console.log("失败")GameManager.I.gameStep = GameStep.End;GameManager.I.levelRes = false;;}//检测是否胜利checkLevelWin(): void {for (let child of this.Map.children)if (child.children.length) return;console.log("胜利");GameManager.I.gameStep = GameStep.End;GameManager.I.levelRes = true;;}//向上检测是否被覆盖 所有显示的块checkUpAll(): void {for (let row of this.Map.children) {for (let node of row.children) {let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile);sc.checkUp();}}}//刷新道具onBtnRefresh(): void {if (GameManager.I.refreshTool < 1) {GameManager.I.refreshTool += 3;this.refreshUI();//刷新UIFw.msg('数量不足');return;}GameManager.I.refreshTool--;this.refreshUI();//刷新UI//配置let idList: number[] = [];let tileList = [];for (let row of this.Map.children) {for (let node of row.children) {let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile);idList.push(;tileList.push(sc.pos);}}idList = ArrayUtil.randomSort(idList);//移除之前的Tile节点for (let i: number = this.Map.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {for (let j: number = this.Map.children[i].children.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {this.removeTile(this.Map.children[i].children[j]);}}//生成let index: number = 0;this.schedule(() => {let id = idList[index];let pos = tileList[index];let node: Node = this.createTile();let sc: Tile = node.getComponent(Tile); = id;// sc.index = index;sc.pos = pos;sc.status = TileStatus.Show; = true;index++;//向上检测是否被覆盖 所有显示的块this.checkUpAll();}, 0.017, idList.length - 1);}//回退道具onBtnBack(): void {if (GameManager.I.backTool < 1) {GameManager.I.backTool += 3;this.refreshUI();//刷新UIFw.msg('数量不足');return;}for (let i: number = this.putSortList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {let sc: Tile = this.putSortList[i].getComponent(Tile);if (sc.status !== TileStatus.Put) continue;GameManager.I.backTool--;this.refreshUI();//刷新UIsc.reset();return;}Fw.msg("暂无可回退的对象");}//提示道具onBtnTips(): void {if (GameManager.I.tipsTool < 1) {GameManager.I.tipsTool += 3;this.refreshUI();//刷新UIFw.msg('数量不足');return;}GameManager.I.tipsTool--;this.refreshUI();//刷新UI//PS:当前的推荐方法还有很大的优化空间,不支持多层堆叠推荐//显示的块let showMap = {};let showIdList = [];for (let i: number = this.Map.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)for (let node of this.Map.children[i].children) {if (node['IsMask']) continue;let id = node['TileId'];if (!showMap[id]) showMap[id] = [];showMap[id].push(node);if (showIdList.indexOf(id) === -1) showIdList.push(id);}showIdList = showIdList.sort((a, b) => { return showMap[b].length - showMap[a].length })//已推的块let putIdList = [];let putMap = {}for (let node of this.Put.children) {let id = node['TileId'];if (!putMap[id]) putMap[id] = [];putMap[id].push(node);if (putIdList.indexOf(id) === -1) putIdList.push(id);}putIdList = putIdList.sort((a, b) => { return putMap[b].length - putMap[a].length })//剩余的格子数let disPutNum: number = this.PutMax - this.Put.children.length;//情况一:已推的块+显示的块>=3for (let id of putIdList) {if (putMap[id].length + disPutNum < 3) continue;//剩余的格子数无法满足消除的需求if (!showMap[id]) continue;if (putMap[id].length + showMap[id].length < 3) continue;for (let i: number = 0, len: number = 3 - putMap[id].length; i < len; i++)this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.putTile(showMap[id][i]) }, 0.3 * i);return;}//情况二:显示的块>=3if (disPutNum >= 3 && showMap[showIdList[0]].length >= 3) {for (let i: number = 0; i < 3; i++)this.scheduleOnce(() => { this.putTile(showMap[showIdList[0]][i]) }, 0.3 * i);return;}//没有满足3个待消除的情况if (disPutNum <= 1) {GameManager.I.tipsTool++;this.refreshUI();//刷新UIFw.msg("没有可提示的选项");return;}//情况三:推已推中有相同的块for (let id of putIdList) {if (!showMap[id]) continue;this.putTile(showMap[id][0]);return;}//情况四:推显示的第一个this.putTile(showMap[showIdList[0]][0]);}//刷新UIrefreshUI(): void {this.NumBack.string = GameManager.I.backTool + '';this.NumRefresh.string = GameManager.I.refreshTool + '';this.NumTips.string = GameManager.I.tipsTool + '';}

- assets/script/game/Tile.ts

import { _decorator, Component, Node, Sprite, v3, Vec3, game, director, tween, UITransform } from 'cc';
import { LoadUtil } from '../../framework/util/LoadUtil';
import { GameStep, TileStatus, TileUnit } from '../config/BaseConf';
import { GameManager } from '../manager/GameManager';
import { GameScene } from './GameScene';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;@ccclass('Tile')
export class Tile extends Component {v3_0: Vec3 = v3();v3_1: Vec3 = v3();@property(Sprite)Bg: Sprite = null;@property(Sprite)Icon: Sprite = null;@property(Node)Mask: Node = null;start() {}onClick() {if (GameManager.I.gameStep !== GameStep.Game) return;switch (this.status) {case TileStatus.Show: {if ( return;GameScene.I.putTile(this.node);break;}case TileStatus.Put: {break;}}}update(deltaTime: number) {switch (this.status) {case TileStatus.Put: {let siblingIndex: number = this.node.getSiblingIndex();this.v3_0.y = 0;this.v3_0.x = TileUnit * 2 * siblingIndex;Vec3.lerp(this.v3_1, this.node.position, this.v3_0, 0.2);this.node.position = this.v3_1;break;}case TileStatus.Show: {//向上检测是否被覆盖// if (director.getTotalFrames() % !== this.index) return;// this.checkUp();break;}}}//向上检测是否被覆盖checkUp(): void {for (let z: number = this.z + 1; z < GameScene.I.Map.children.length; z++) {for (let node of GameScene.I.Map.children[z].children) {if (Math.abs(node.position.x - this.node.position.x) <= TileUnit && Math.abs(node.position.y - this.node.position.y) <= TileUnit) { = this.node['IsMask'] = true;return;}}} = this.node['IsMask'] = false;}//-----------------------------------状态-----------------------------------status: TileStatus = TileStatus.Recover;//-----------------------------------编号-----------------------------------get id(): number { return this.node['TileId'] }set id(val: number) {this.node['TileId'] = val;this.Bg.spriteFrame = LoadUtil.get(`icon:skin/kuai${GameManager.I.curSkinId}/spriteFrame`);this.Icon.spriteFrame = LoadUtil.get(`icon:skin/skin${GameManager.I.curSkinId}/${}/spriteFrame`);}// index: number = -1;//-----------------------------------位置-----------------------------------_x: number = 0;get x(): number { return this._x }set x(val: number) {this._x = val;this.node.position = v3(this.x * TileUnit, this.y * TileUnit);}_y: number = 0;get y(): number { return this._y }set y(val: number) { this._y = val; this.node.position = v3(this.x * TileUnit, this.y * TileUnit); }_z: number = 0;get z(): number { return this._z }set z(val: number) {this._z = val;this.node.setParent(GameScene.I.Map.children[val]);this.node.position = v3(this.x * TileUnit, this.y * TileUnit);}get pos(): Vec3 { return v3(this.x, this.y, this.z) }set pos(val: Vec3) {this._x = val.x;this._y = val.y;this.z = val.z;}reset(): void {let position: Vec3 = this.node.worldPosition;let parent: Node = GameScene.I.Map.children[this.z];let index: number = 0;for (let i: number = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) {let sc: Tile = parent.children[i].getComponent(Tile);if (this.y < sc.y) continue;if (this.y === sc.y && this.x > sc.x) continue;index = i;break;}parent.insertChild(this.node, index);this.node.worldPosition = position;tween(this.node).to(0.6, { position: v3(this.x * TileUnit, this.y * TileUnit) }, { easing: 'circInOut' }).start();this.status = TileStatus.Show;}


- (非业务)基础框架

- 核心玩法

- 道具(刷新、回退、提示)







- 【检测】满3个执行消除

- 【检测】待消除的列表长度>=7 游戏失败

- 【检测】消除所有的块 游戏通关





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