看文档的时候一直对landscape mode和 portrait mode这两种mode连蒙带骗的理解,使用在线的英汉词典翻译landscape这个单词得到的结果是风景的,这可怎么理解,难道是风景模式?太离谱了。后来google了一把,终于找到正确的解释了。

landscape mode是指宽度比高度宽的模式,也就是俗称的宽屏模式;

portrait mode是指高度比宽度高的模式,也就是俗称的竖屏模式;



What is the difference between portrait mode and landscape mode?

Answer: Portrait and landscape mode are two types of page orientation. The modes can be used to describe printed pages as well as digital photos.

Simply put, a page or image displayed in portrait mode is taller than it is wide. Conversely, a page or image displayed in landscape mode is wider than it is tall. For example, when you take a photo holding the camera straight, it will be captured in landscape mode. When you turn the camera 90 degrees, then take a photo, it will be saved in portrait mode. Landscape mode is useful for taking pictures of wide objects and, not surprisingly, landscapes. Portrait mode is useful for taking pictures of tall objects and, again no surprise, for capturing personal portraits.

When you type a paper, the default setting is portrait mode, since typed pages are general printed lengthwise. However, most printers allow you to change the page orientation by selecting File → Page Setup and choosing Landscape Mode. This option can be useful for printing digital photos and signs that need to be displayed horizontally.


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