
gradle build 会生成默认的debug版本 和 release 版本

gradle assemblerelease不生成debug版本,只生成release版本

gradle assembledebug  不生成release版本,只生成debug版本


查看所有的task ,命令 :gradle tasks

osdeMacBook-Pro:app os$ gradle tasks



All tasks runnable from project :app


Android tasks


androidDependencies- Displays the Android dependencies of the project

signingReport- Displays the signing info for each variant

Build tasks


assemble- Assembles all variants of all applications and secondary packages.

assembleDebug- Assembles all Debug builds

assembleHiapk- Assembles all Hiapk builds

assembleHiapkDebug- Assembles the Debug build for flavor Hiapk

assembleHiapkDebugTest- Assembles the Test build for the HiapkDebug build

assembleHiapkRelease- Assembles the Release build for flavor Hiapk

assemblePlaystore- Assembles all Playstore builds

assemblePlaystoreDebug- Assembles the Debug build for flavor Playstore

assemblePlaystoreDebugTest- Assembles the Test build for the PlaystoreDebug build

assemblePlaystoreRelease- Assembles the Release build for flavor Playstore

assembleRelease- Assembles all Release builds

assembleTest- Assembles all the Test applications

build- Assembles and tests this project.

buildDependents- Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it.

buildNeeded- Assembles and tests this project and all projects it depends on.

clean- Deletes the build directory.

Help tasks


components- Displays the components produced by project ':app'.

dependencies- Displays all dependencies declared in project ':app'.

dependencyInsight- Displays the insight into a specific dependency in project ':app'.

help- Displays a help message

projects- Displays the sub-projects of project ':app'.

properties- Displays the properties of project ':app'.

tasks- Displays the tasks runnable from project ':app'.

Install tasks


installHiapkDebug- Installs the Debug build for flavor Hiapk

installHiapkDebugTest- Installs the Test build for the HiapkDebug build

installHiapkRelease- Installs the Release build for flavor Hiapk

installPlaystoreDebug- Installs the Debug build for flavor Playstore

installPlaystoreDebugTest- Installs the Test build for the PlaystoreDebug build

installPlaystoreRelease- Installs the Release build for flavor Playstore

uninstallAll- Uninstall all applications.

uninstallHiapkDebug- Uninstalls the Debug build for flavor Hiapk

uninstallHiapkDebugTest- Uninstalls the Test build for the HiapkDebug build

uninstallHiapkRelease- Uninstalls the Release build for flavor Hiapk

uninstallPlaystoreDebug- Uninstalls the Debug build for flavor Playstore

uninstallPlaystoreDebugTest- Uninstalls the Test build for the PlaystoreDebug build

uninstallPlaystoreRelease- Uninstalls the Release build for flavor Playstore

Verification tasks


check- Runs all checks.

connectedAndroidTest- Installs and runs instrumentation tests for all flavors on connected devices.

connectedAndroidTestHiapkDebug- Installs and runs the tests for Build 'hiapkDebug' on connected devices.

connectedAndroidTestPlaystoreDebug- Installs and runs the tests for Build 'playstoreDebug' on connected devices.

connectedCheck- Runs all device checks on currently connected devices.

deviceAndroidTest- Installs and runs instrumentation tests using all Device Providers.

deviceCheck- Runs all device checks using Device Providers and Test Servers.

lint- Runs lint on all variants.

lintHiapkDebug- Runs lint on the HiapkDebug build

lintHiapkRelease- Runs lint on the HiapkRelease build

lintPlaystoreDebug- Runs lint on the PlaystoreDebug build

lintPlaystoreRelease- Runs lint on the PlaystoreRelease build

Other tasks










Pattern: clean: Cleans the output files of a task.

Pattern: build: Assembles the artifacts of a configuration.

Pattern: upload: Assembles and uploads the artifacts belonging to a configuration.

To see all tasks and more detail, run with --all.


Total time: 8.967 secs

然后,在build tasks 中选取需要单独bulid的命令


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