
利用API读取日文输入转换表(Romaji-Kana conversion table)

1. 引子


2. Romaji-Kana conversion table的位置

后来发现该输入方法在输入法设置中能够找到。在“文字服务和输入语言”对话框中,选择日语输入“Microsoft IME standard”键盘(版本不限),如下图所示。


点击"Advanced..."按钮,出现“Microsoft IME advanced settings”对话框,其“Romaji-Kana conversion”页中的“Romaji-Kana conversion table”即是我们要的,如下图所示。

3. 利用API读取Romaji-Kana conversion table

本文的目的就是读取“Romaji-Kana conversion table”,但是如何在应用程序中读取该窗口的内容,我们自然会想到利用API来操纵该窗口及其中的元素(控件)。



using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; namespace ReadRomajiKanaConversionTable { public partial class frmMain : Form { //define struct of List View Item [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct LVItem { public int mask; public int iItem; public int iSubItem; public int state; public int stateMask; public IntPtr pszText; public int cchTextMax; public int iImage; public IntPtr lParam; public int iIndent; public int iGroupId; public int cColumns; public IntPtr puColumns; } ArrayList liData = new ArrayList(); public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void btnRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //get process of IME advanced settings int hListViewWnd = GetListViewWnd(); if (hListViewWnd == 0) { MessageBox.Show(" please open the advanced settings! ", "information prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { lvTable.Items.Clear(); liData.Clear(); //read the table ReadConversionTableList(hListViewWnd); //show the talbe ShowTableInListView(); } } private void btnWrite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //format the text string str = FormatText(); //write the table to file WriteTableToFile(str); MessageBox.Show(" write to file successfully! ", "information prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //false: no signal at the beginning static AutoResetEvent autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); public int GetListViewWnd() { //get the listview handle int hSettingsWnd = Win32API.FindWindow("#32770", "Microsoft IME advanced settings"); int hConversionWnd = Win32API.FindWindowEx(hSettingsWnd, 0, "#32770", "Romaji-Kana conversion"); int hListViewWnd = Win32API.FindWindowEx(hConversionWnd, 0, "SysListView32", "List1"); return hListViewWnd; } static void GetSettingsHandle() { while (true) { autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); int hSettingsWnd = Win32API.FindWindow("#32770", "Microsoft IME advanced settings"); if (hSettingsWnd>0) break; } } public void ReadConversionTableList(int hListViewWnd) { //get the number of list item int count = Win32API.SendMessage(hListViewWnd, Win32Data.LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0); uint processid = 0; uint threadid = Win32API.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hListViewWnd, ref processid); //open process IntPtr vProcess = Win32API.OpenProcess(Win32Data.PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | Win32Data.PROCESS_VM_READ | Win32Data.PROCESS_VM_WRITE, false, processid); //allocate memory in this process address space IntPtr vPointer = Win32API.VirtualAllocEx(vProcess, IntPtr.Zero, 4096, Win32Data.MEM_RESERVE | Win32Data.MEM_COMMIT, Win32Data.PAGE_READWRITE); lvTable.View = View.Details; string strText = string.Empty; try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { byte[] buffer = new byte[100]; LVItem[] vItem = new LVItem[1]; vItem[0].mask = Win32Data.LVIF_TEXT; vItem[0].iItem = i; vItem[0].iSubItem = 0; vItem[0].cchTextMax = buffer.Length; vItem[0].pszText = (IntPtr)((int)vPointer + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LVItem))); uint vNumberOfBytesRead = 0; //write the struct to the memory of target process Win32API.WriteProcessMemory(vProcess, vPointer, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(vItem, 0), Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LVItem)), ref vNumberOfBytesRead); //let the target process read item text to this struct Win32API.SendMessage(hListViewWnd, Win32Data.LVM_GETITEMTEXT, i, vPointer.ToInt32()); //read this struct Win32API.ReadProcessMemory(vProcess, (IntPtr)((int)vPointer + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LVItem))), Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, 0), buffer.Length, ref vNumberOfBytesRead); string strTemp = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, 0)); //add this item text to array liData.Add(strTemp); } } finally { Win32API.VirtualFreeEx(vProcess, vPointer, 0, Win32Data.MEM_RELEASE); Win32API.CloseHandle(vProcess); } } public void ShowTableInListView() { //insert this item text to a listview int i; for (i = 0; i < liData.Count; i += 5) { if (liData.Count - i < 5) break; ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(); li.SubItems.Clear(); li.SubItems[0].Text = liData[i].ToString(); li.SubItems.Add(liData[i + 1].ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(liData[i + 2].ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(liData[i + 3].ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(liData[i + 4].ToString()); lvTable.Items.Add(li); } ListViewItem li2 = new ListViewItem(); li2.SubItems.Clear(); li2.SubItems[0].Text = liData[i].ToString(); for (int j = i + 1; j < liData.Count; j++) { li2.SubItems.Add(liData[j].ToString()); } lvTable.Items.Add(li2); } public string FormatText() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(5000); //format this texts for (int i = 0; i < liData.Count; i++) { string strText = liData[i].ToString(); if ((i + 1) % 5 == 0) sb.AppendFormat(strText.Trim() + "/r/n"); else { string[] temp = strText.Split('='); if (temp[0].Trim().Length == 1) sb.AppendFormat("{0,-15}", strText); else sb.AppendFormat("{0,-14}", strText); } } return sb.ToString(); } public void WriteTableToFile(string str) { //write to file FileStream fs = new FileStream("Romaji-Kana conversion table.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); byte[] byteArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str); fs.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); } } public class Win32Data { public const int LB_GETTEXT = 0x0189; public const int LB_GETCOUNT = 0x018B; public const int LVM_FIRST = 0x1000; public const int LVM_GETITEMCOUNT = LVM_FIRST + 4; public const int LVM_GETITEMTEXT = LVM_FIRST + 75; //LVM_FIRST + 45 doesn't work public const uint PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x0008; public const uint PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010; public const uint PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 0x0020; public const uint MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000; public const uint MEM_RELEASE = 0x8000; public const uint MEM_RESERVE = 0x2000; public const uint PAGE_READWRITE = 4; public const int LVIF_TEXT = 0x0001; } public class Win32API { #region api function [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern int FindWindowEx(int hwndParent, int hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, StringBuilder lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam); [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern int PostMessage(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, int lParam); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, IntPtr lpBuffer, int nSize, ref uint lpNumberOfBytesRead); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, IntPtr lpBuffer, int nSize, ref uint vNumberOfBytesRead); [DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(int hwnd, ref uint lpdwProcessId); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwProcessId); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr VirtualAllocEx(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint flAllocationType, uint flProtect); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool VirtualFreeEx(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint dwFreeType); #endregion }

4. 输出Romaji-Kana conversion table


ぁ = la ぁ = xa あ = a ぃ = li ぃ = lyi ぃ = xi ぃ = xyi い = i い = yi いぇ = ye ぅ = lu ぅ = xu う = u う = whu う = wu うぁ = wha うぃ = whi うぃ = wi うぇ = we うぇ = whe うぉ = who ぇ = le ぇ = lye ぇ = xe ぇ = xye え = e ぉ = lo ぉ = xo お = o か = ca か = ka が = ga き = ki きぃ = kyi きぇ = kye きゃ = kya きゅ = kyu きょ = kyo ぎ = gi ぎぃ = gyi ぎぇ = gye ぎゃ = gya ぎゅ = gyu ぎょ = gyo く = cu く = ku く = qu くぁ = kwa くぁ = qa くぁ = qwa くぃ = qi くぃ = qwi くぃ = qyi くぅ = qwu くぇ = qe くぇ = qwe くぇ = qye くぉ = qo くぉ = qwo くゃ = qya くゅ = qyu くょ = qyo ぐ = gu ぐぁ = gwa ぐぃ = gwi ぐぅ = gwu ぐぇ = gwe ぐぉ = gwo け = ke げ = ge こ = co こ = ko ご = go さ = sa ざ = za し = ci し = shi し = si しぃ = syi しぇ = she しぇ = sye しゃ = sha しゃ = sya しゅ = shu しゅ = syu しょ = sho しょ = syo じ = ji じ = zi じぃ = jyi じぃ = zyi じぇ = je じぇ = jye じぇ = zye じゃ = ja じゃ = jya じゃ = zya じゅ = ju じゅ = jyu じゅ = zyu じょ = jo じょ = jyo じょ = zyo す = su すぁ = swa すぃ = swi すぅ = swu すぇ = swe すぉ = swo ず = zu せ = ce せ = se ぜ = ze そ = so ぞ = zo た = ta だ = da ち = chi ち = ti ちぃ = cyi ちぃ = tyi ちぇ = che ちぇ = cye ちぇ = tye ちゃ = cha ちゃ = cya ちゃ = tya ちゅ = chu ちゅ = cyu ちゅ = tyu ちょ = cho ちょ = cyo ちょ = tyo ぢ = di ぢぃ = dyi ぢぇ = dye ぢゃ = dya ぢゅ = dyu ぢょ = dyo っ = ltsu っ = ltu っ = xtu つ = tsu つ = tu つぁ = tsa つぃ = tsi つぇ = tse つぉ = tso づ = du て = te てぃ = thi てぇ = the てゃ = tha てゅ = thu てょ = tho で = de でぃ = dhi でぇ = dhe でゃ = dha でゅ = dhu でょ = dho と = to とぁ = twa とぃ = twi とぅ = twu とぇ = twe とぉ = two ど = do どぁ = dwa どぃ = dwi どぅ = dwu どぇ = dwe どぉ = dwo な = na に = ni にぃ = nyi にぇ = nye にゃ = nya にゅ = nyu にょ = nyo ぬ = nu ね = ne の = no は = ha ば = ba ぱ = pa ひ = hi ひぃ = hyi ひぇ = hye ひゃ = hya ひゅ = hyu ひょ = hyo び = bi びぃ = byi びぇ = bye びゃ = bya びゅ = byu びょ = byo ぴ = pi ぴぃ = pyi ぴぇ = pye ぴゃ = pya ぴゅ = pyu ぴょ = pyo ふ = fu ふ = hu ふぁ = fa ふぁ = fwa ふぃ = fi ふぃ = fwi ふぃ = fyi ふぅ = fwu ふぇ = fe ふぇ = fwe ふぇ = fye ふぉ = fo ふぉ = fwo ふゃ = fya ふゅ = fyu ふょ = fyo ぶ = bu ぷ = pu へ = he べ = be ぺ = pe ほ = ho ぼ = bo ぽ = po ま = ma み = mi みぃ = myi みぇ = mye みゃ = mya みゅ = myu みょ = myo む = mu め = me も = mo ゃ = lya ゃ = xya や = ya ゅ = lyu ゅ = xyu ゆ = yu ょ = lyo ょ = xyo よ = yo ら = ra り = ri りぃ = ryi りぇ = rye りゃ = rya りゅ = ryu りょ = ryo る = ru れ = re ろ = ro ゎ = lwa ゎ = xwa わ = wa を = wo ん = nn ん = xn ヴ = vu ヴぁ = va ヴぃ = vi ヴぃ = vyi ヴぇ = ve ヴぇ = vye ヴぉ = vo ヴゃ = vya ヴゅ = vyu ヴょ = vyo ヵ = lka ヵ = xka ヶ = lke ヶ = xke

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