
比如 大于(>),小于(<),等于(==),大于等于(>=),小于等于(<=),
要注意 单个 = 表示赋值 不是数学意义上的等于
写1 其实也表示为真 对应的0 为假

Scanner 的判断

这里直接写main方法里面的主要代码,main在上一张 起步中有介绍

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;  //要用先创建System.out.print("input the first number:");
int x = reader.nextInt();      //判断读入的整数
System.out.print("input the second number:");
int y = reader.nextInt();      //同上int max = x>y?x:y;          //三元表达式  一会儿介绍System.out.println("max = "+max);     //输出最大值


Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.print("input the first number:");  //输入三个整数int x = reader.nextInt();      //这里输入的一定为整数的形式,否则报错System.out.print("input the second number:");int y = reader.nextInt();System.out.print("input the third number:");int z = reader.nextInt();int maxx; // 中间变量int max = (maxx = x > y ? x : y) > z ? x : z;System.out.println("MAX = " + max);


Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.print("input the first number:");int x = reader.nextInt();String string = (x%2==0)?"偶数":"奇数";  //三元首先判断?前的表达式是否为真//如果为真,取?后面第一值 否则取第二个值System.out.println(string);

If 判断

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.println("Input your age:");int age = reader.nextInt();if(age>18)   {   //if里面的值必须为真或假 若为真。执行后面括号里的内容//若为假  则不执行里面的内容System.out.println("OK");}System.out.println("WELcome");
System.out.println("123");//如果没有带括号那么 即使执行也执行后面的第一句 其他不执行


     Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.print("input: ")  ;int i = reader.nextInt();//若为真 执行if后面括号里的,否则执行else里面的语句if(i == 121 ) {System.out.println("123");}else {System.out.println("qwe");}

if --else if --else

Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.println("2361+46553: s");int x = reader.nextInt();if (x == 000) {              //相当于多层依次判断 满足了就执行System.out.println("get  000");}else if (x == 001) {      //但可以确定的是,只会执行其中的一种情况System.out.println("get  001");}else if(x ==002){System.out.println("get  002");}else if (x == 003) {System.out.println("get  003");}else {System.out.println("none  in  there");}



     Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.println("Input the number:");int day = reader.nextInt();     switch (day) {    //将输入的内容和case中对比 执行对应语句case 1:System.out.println("monday\n");break;     //这里的break表示执行完了就跳出switch 不对比后面case 2:System.out.println("tuesday\n");break;      //若不写break 当判断通过后,会继续对比走后面的case 3:System.err.println("wedsday\n");break;case 4:System.out.println("thesday\n");break;case 5:System.out.println("friday\n");break;case 6:System.out.println("startday\n");break;case 7:System.out.println("sunday\n");break;default:    //当没有匹配时默认执行default里的内容System.out.println("input error\n");break;}


Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
int year;                               //初始化
int mon;System.out.print("Input the year number:");           //年月输入
year = reader.nextInt();
System.out.print("Input the month number:");
mon = reader.nextInt();switch (mon) {                              //Switch挑选case 2:                                       //二月分辨if (year%4 == 0) {System.out.println("In this year,This month has 29 days");}else {System.out.println("In this year,This month has 28 days");}break;case 4:                                 //三十天的月份case 6:case 9:case 11:System.out.println("In this year,this month has 30 days");break;case 1:                                 //三十一天的月份case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12:System.out.println("In this year, this month has 31 days");break;default:                    //错误输入System.out.println("Error");break;}

最后看一下 if 和 switch 对判断范围的实例

 int score;                             //初始化Scanner reader = new Scanner(;  //定义初始化System.out.println("Input your score:");score = reader.nextInt();                      //输入确定变量if (score>=90) {                                //jiang'ji'pan'dSystem.out.println("优秀");}else if (score >=80) {System.out.println("良好");}else if(score >= 60){System.out.println("及格");}else{System.out.println("不及格");}//对比Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.println("Input your score:");int score = reader.nextInt();switch(score/10) {case 10:case 9:System.out.println("YX");break;case 8:System.out.println("LH");break;case 7:case 6:System.out.println("JG");break;case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:System.out.println("BHG");break;default:System.out.println("Illegal input");break;}

个人所得税 和 工资的例子

//   涨工资Scanner reader = new Scanner(;    //变量初始化与定义int year;double basic;System.out.print("输入基础工资:");       //键盘录入basic = reader.nextDouble();System.out.print("输入工作年份:");year = reader.nextInt();//if else  判断过程if (year >= 10 && year < 15) {System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 5000元,涨后工资" + (basic + 5000) + "元");} else if (year >= 5 && year < 10) {System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 2500元,涨后工资" + (basic + 2500) + "元");} else if (year >= 3 && year < 5) {System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 2500元,涨后工资" + (basic + 1000) + "元");} else if (year >= 1 && year < 3) {System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 2500元,涨后工资" + (basic + 500) + "元");} else if (year >= 0 && year < 1) {System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 2500元,涨后工资" + (basic + 200) + "元");}else {System.out.println("输入有误,请重新来过。");}//switch (year) {      //switch环境case 10:case 11:case 12:case 13:case 14:case 15:System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 5000元,涨后工资" + (basic + 5000) + "元");break;case 9:case 8:case 7:case 6:case 5:System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 2500元,涨后工资" + (basic + 2500) + "元");break;case 4:case 3:System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 1000元,涨后工资" + (basic + 1000) + "元");break;case 2:case 1:System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 500元,涨后工资" + (basic + 500) + "元");break;case 0:System.out.println("您目前工作了" + year + "年,基本工资为 " + basic + "元, 应涨工资 200元,涨后工资" + (basic + 200) + "元");break;default:System.out.println("输入有误,请重新来过。");break;}
//个人所得税  数据可以自己修改
double basic;double YN;Scanner reader = new Scanner(;System.out.println("你的基本工资为:");basic = reader.nextDouble();if (basic <= 7662) {YN = basic - basic * 0.2 - 5000;} else {YN = basic - 7762 * 0.2 - 5000;}if (YN <= 0) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + 0);} else if (YN <= 1500) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.03 - 0));} else if (YN <= 4500 && YN > 1500) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.1 - 105));} else if (YN <= 9000 && YN > 4500) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.2 - 555));} else if (YN <= 35000 && YN > 9000) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.25 - 1005));} else if (YN <= 55000 && YN > 35000) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.3 - 2700));} else if (YN <= 80000 && YN > 55000) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.35 - 5505));} else if (YN > 80000) {System.out.println("应交个人所得税:" + (YN * 0.45 - 13505));}

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