
What do you do when a fan on your computer is loud enough to be disruptive to your work-flow, or is ruining the fun when doing other things? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post looks at the best way to catch the ‘guilty culprit’.

当计算机上的风扇大到足以干扰您的工作流程,或者在做其他事情时破坏了乐趣时,您该怎么办? 今天的“超级用户”问答页面探讨了抓住“罪魁祸首”的最佳方法。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of el_finco (Flickr).

照片由el_finco(Flickr)提供 。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader ‘Annonomus Person’ wants to know how to find out which computer fan is being so loud:

超级用户阅读器“ Annonomus Person”想知道如何找出哪个计算机风扇声音很大:

On my new computer, the fan(s) is/are plain LOUD! Using SpeedFan, I find that my temps are all under 32 degrees C with normal usage (IDK how accurate that is, but the CPU itself says 27 degrees C).

在我的新计算机上,风扇很响! 使用SpeedFan,我发现在正常使用情况下,我的温度都在32摄氏度以下(IDK的精确度是多少,但CPU本身为27摄氏度)。

The fan doesn’t sound unbalanced, and it isn’t making sounds in a rhythm (not the usual rrrrrrrRRRRRR… rrrrrrrRRRRRR… rrrrrrrRRRRRR… rrrrrrrRRRRRR), it just runs constantly. I am thinking about oiling the fans, but I can’t decide if it is the PSU fan, a case fan, or the CPU fan. If it’s the CPU fan, I will most likely just replace it with a quiet fan. How can I tell which fan is making the noise (if not multiple ones)?

风扇不会发出不平衡的声音,也不会发出有节奏的声音(不是通常的rrrrrrrRRRRRR…rrrrrrrRRRRRR…rrrrrrrRRRRRR…rrrrrrrRRRRRR),它会一直运行。 我正在考虑给风扇加油,但是我无法确定是PSU风扇,机箱风扇还是CPU风扇。 如果是CPU风扇,我很可能会换成安静的风扇。 我怎么知道是哪个风扇发出声音(如果不是多个)?

One thing that I think may be the problem is my CPU fan isn’t PWM, so would swapping that out help? There is no “linear voltage” or etc. thing in BIOS, so I think it may be running at full speed. Also, there could be too much airflow because it is also making a whistling noise that you can hear when close to it, and sounds like when I accidentally put part of the side cover over my floor vent to get it out of the way.

我认为可能是因为我的CPU风扇不是PWM,所以换掉会有帮助吗? BIOS中没有“线性电压”之类的东西,因此我认为它可能正在全速运行。 另外,可能会有太多的气流,因为它还会发出啸叫声,靠近时您会听到,并且听起来就像是我不小心将侧盖的一部分放到地板通风Kong上以免干扰时一样。

What is the best method for finding out which fan is being loud?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Hefewe1zen, Darrel Hoffman, and Ross Aiken have the answer for us. First up, Hefewe1zen:

超级用户贡献者Hefewe1zen,Darrel Hoffman和Ross Aiken为我们找到了答案。 首先,Hefewe1zen:

Use a small piece of plastic (like a pen cap) to stop the fan from spinning. That is the easiest way to isolate the cause. It’s okay to stop it for a few seconds while on. Most fan noise is due to failure of the bearings. Sometimes, lifting the sticker on the hub and oiling it with 3 in 1 lube will help with the noise.

使用一小块塑料(例如笔帽)阻止风扇旋转。 这是找出原因的最简单方法。 可以在开机时将其停止几秒钟。 大多数风扇噪音是由于轴承故障引起的。 有时,抬起轮毂上的标签并用3合1的润滑油上油将有助于消除噪音。

Followed by the answer from Darrel Hoffman:

随后是Darrel Hoffman的回答:

We used to do this on one of our older computers and it worked fine, but a word of warning – while a plastic pen cap is probably okay, DO NOT use anything conductive like a paper clip, especially on the power supply fan. A colleague of mine knows this from experience after getting a very nasty shock and tripping all the circuit breakers. He’s lucky he wasn’t killed – there’s supposedly enough charge in a computer power supply to be lethal.

我们曾经在一台较旧的计算机上执行此操作,并且运行良好,但要提一个警告-虽然塑料笔帽可能还可以,但请勿使用任何回形针之类的导电材料,尤其是在电源风扇上。 我的一位同事在遭受非常讨厌的冲击并使所有断路器跳闸后,从经验中知道了这一点。 他很幸运,他没有被杀-据说计算机电源中有足够的电荷可以致命。

And finally, the answer from Ross Aiken:


I’ll just put this here as an alternative solution:


Unplug each fan, one-by-one from the motherboard (or from the PSU, depending on the fan), and when you stop hearing the noise, plug them back in one-by-one until you hear it again (to verify that the one you thought was making the noise actually was). I’d do the CPU fan last; everything else will be fine with ambient cooling for an extended period of time. The CPU fan is the one most likely to have issues.

从主板上(或从PSU,视风扇而定)一对一地拔出每个风扇的插头,当您停止听到噪音时,将它们一一插回,直到再次听到(确认您以为实际上发出声音的那个是)。 我要最后做CPU风扇; 其他一切都可以在很长一段时间内通过环境冷却来解决。 CPU风扇是最可能出现问题的风扇。

Granted, if you have a GPU with fans on it, you’ll probably need to use @Hefewe1zen’s method for those.

当然,如果您的GPU带有风扇,则可能需要使用@ Hefewe1zen的方法。

I just don’t like telling people to put hard objects and/or fingers near fast-moving objects. Too high of a chance of someone hurting themselves (especially if they’re un-coordinated).

我只是不喜欢告诉别人将坚硬的物体和/或手指放在快速移动的物体附近。 有人伤害自己的机会太大(尤其是如果他们不协调)。

A fan-by-fan approach, with a good measure of caution to avoid a nasty shock or injury, is definitely a good way to learn which fan is being loud.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程 。




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