
// 呵呵, 1024 发一波 基础知识 的库存

缘于一些 小的需求

因为一些原因 可能到这里就不会再往后面设计了

主要分为了两个版本, html + js 的版本 和 vue 的版本

核心的意义是 面向对象的程序设计

不过是 基于了这种常见的小游戏 展现出来了


关于 面向对象的程序设计  内容很多很杂

这里 也不想 一一文字描述, 需要自己去领悟了

具体的 代码实现的设计, 这里 也不多说了, 文字描述有限

整个流程大概如下, 其中第一点至关重要

1. 设计各个对象 Game, Snake, SnakeNode, Arena, WallNode, FoodNode 的各个属性, 以及方法, 方法可以留空, 定义好方法名字就行
2. 实现 Arena 以及 墙体节点, 并绘制 Arena 的整个墙体
3. 实现 食物节点 并绘制食物, 需要按照频率闪烁
4. 实现按键操作 贪吃蛇 的方向, 按空格键暂停游戏
5. 实现 贪吃蛇 触碰到食物之后, 吃掉食物, 贪吃蛇 的长度+1
6. 实现 FoodNode 的随机初始化, 以及吃掉食物之后随机初始化 [需要避开墙体 和 贪吃蛇 占用的节点]7. 实现贪吃蛇 撞到墙 或者 自己 暂停游戏, 整条蛇闪烁, 标志着游戏结束
8. 拆分整个 H5DrawImage.html 按照对象拆分到各自的 js
9. 增加元素 Grass, Water, SteelGrass 的特征为可以穿过, 无任何影响Water 的特征为到 Water 之后不在向前走, 只能左右调整方向Steel 的特征和墙一样, 碰到之后游戏结束
10. 增加分数的显示, 更新
11. 写一个简单的自动导航贪吃蛇的 "外挂"
12. 将一些配置提取出来, 比如 墙体的长宽, 所有元素节点的宽高, 贪吃蛇的移动频率, 外部导入 "地图" 等等

另外还有一些想法, 因为种种原因 算了, 不想继续再做了

增加道具, 比如 坦克大战的船, 获得船之后, 再规定的时间内可以穿过水

增加 坦克大战的星星, 获得两个之后, 可以撞开 Steel

html + js 版本

主要包含了一个 html 来驱动, 各个对象 js 来处理核心业务


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>H5DrawImage.html</title>
<body><canvas id="canvas" width="1500" height="1000"></canvas><div id="scoreDiv" style="position: absolute; left: 1000px; top:50px" >分数 : 12</div></body><script src="./js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/constants.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/utils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/food.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/arena.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/snake.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./js/game.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script>// $('html').css('font-size', $(window).width() / 10)// --------------------------- game initiator ---------------------------let game = new Game()game.init(canvasCtx)game.draw(canvasCtx)game.run(canvasCtx)// key event registerdocument.onkeydown = function (event) {game.onKeyPressed(event, canvasCtx)}// // auto directiongame.auto(canvasCtx, moveIntervalInMs/2);// update score panelsetInterval(function() {let score = game.score()document.getElementById("scoreDiv").innerText = `分数 : ${score}`}, moveIntervalInMs)</script></html>


// --------------------------- global vars ---------------------------
let canvas = $('#canvas')[0]
// 画布 api
let canvasCtx = canvas.getContext('2d')
// 各个单元格的边长, 墙体节点/贪吃蛇节点/食物节点
let defaultCellLength = 30
// 默认的墙体宽由多少个 墙体节点 组成
let defaultWallWidth = 40
// 默认的墙体高由多少个 墙体节点 组成
let defaultWallHeight = 20
// 贪吃蛇 的自动移动频率, 毫秒计算
let moveIntervalInMs = 100
// 游戏结束的 闪烁频率
let gameOverIntervalInMs = 100
// 食物 闪烁频率
let foodIntervalInMs = 100
// 贪吃蛇节点类型, 头部/身体/尾部
let Type = {head: 'head',body: 'body',tail: 'tail',
}// 贪吃蛇节点方向, 上下左右
let Direction = {up: 'up',left: 'left',down: 'down',right: 'right',
}// 各个按键代码, W/A/S/D 上/下/左/右 空格
let KeyEvent = {W: 87,A: 65,S: 83,D: 68,UP: 38,LEFT: 37,DOWN: 40,RIGHT: 39,SPACE: 32,
}// 方向 -> 按键
let Direction2KeyEvent = {'up': KeyEvent.UP,'left': KeyEvent.LEFT,'down': KeyEvent.DOWN,'right': KeyEvent.RIGHT,


// --------------------------- assist methods ---------------------------/*** nodeMove*/
function nodeMove(pos, direction) {if (direction === Direction.up) {return {x: pos.x, y: pos.y - 1}} else if (direction === Direction.left) {return {x: pos.x - 1, y: pos.y}} else if (direction === Direction.down) {return {x: pos.x, y: pos.y + 1}} else if (direction === Direction.right) {return {x: pos.x + 1, y: pos.y}}
}function nodeEquals(pos1, pos2) {if (pos1.x === pos2.x && pos1.y === pos2.y) {return true}return false
}function nodeStepDelta(pos1, pos2) {return Math.abs(pos1.x - pos2.x) + Math.abs(pos1.y - pos2.y)
}function nodeStepDeltaByDirection(pos1, pos2, direction) {if (direction === Direction.left || direction === Direction.right) {return Math.abs(pos1.x - pos2.x)}if (direction === Direction.up || direction === Direction.down) {return Math.abs(pos1.y - pos2.y)}
}/*** reverseOfDirection*/
function reverseOfDirection(direction) {if (direction === Direction.up) {return Direction.down} else if (direction === Direction.left) {return Direction.right} else if (direction === Direction.down) {return Direction.up} else if (direction === Direction.right) {return Direction.left}
}function leftOfDirection(direction) {if (direction === Direction.up) {return Direction.left} else if (direction === Direction.left) {return Direction.down} else if (direction === Direction.down) {return Direction.right} else if (direction === Direction.right) {return Direction.up}
}/*** draw image 2 canvas*/
function drawImage(canvasCtx, imgUrl, x, y, width, height) {let img = new Image();img.src = imgUrl;img.onload = function () {canvasCtx.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height);// canvasCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 20, 20, x, y, width, height);}
}/*** simulate press key*/
function pressKey(key) {let e = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'keyCode': key, 'which': key});document.dispatchEvent(e);


// --------------------------- food ---------------------------function FoodNode(x, y) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis.draw = function (canvasCtx) {drawImage(canvasCtx, "./food.png", x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {canvasCtx.clearRect(x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.toString = `[${this.x}, ${this.y}]`


// --------------------------- arena ---------------------------function Arena() {this.wallNodes = []this.steelNodes = []this.grassNodes = []this.waterNodes = []this.init = function () {for (let i = 0; i <= defaultWallWidth; i++) {this.wallNodes.push(new WallNode(i, 0))this.wallNodes.push(new WallNode(i, defaultWallHeight))}for (let i = 0; i <= defaultWallHeight; i++) {this.wallNodes.push(new WallNode(0, i))this.wallNodes.push(new WallNode(defaultWallWidth, i))}for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {let nextPos = this.nextRandomNode()this.steelNodes.push(new SteelNode(nextPos.x, nextPos.y))nextPos = this.nextRandomNode()this.grassNodes.push(new GrassNode(nextPos.x, nextPos.y))nextPos = this.nextRandomNode()this.waterNodes.push(new WaterNode(nextPos.x, nextPos.y))}}this.touchedTimes = function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter}this.blockedNodeTouchedTimes = function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter}this.allNodeTouchedTimes = function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.grassNodes) {let node = this.grassNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter}this.draw = function (canvasCtx) {for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]node.draw(canvasCtx)}for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]node.draw(canvasCtx)}for (let idx in this.grassNodes) {let node = this.grassNodes[idx]node.draw(canvasCtx)}for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]node.draw(canvasCtx)}}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}for (let idx in this.grassNodes) {let node = this.grassNodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}}this.nextRandomNode = function () {let nextPos = nullwhile (true) {let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * defaultWallWidth + 1)let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * defaultWallHeight + 1)nextPos = {x: x, y: y}if (this.allNodeTouchedTimes(nextPos) === 0) {break}}return nextPos}}function WallNode(x, y) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis.draw = function (canvasCtx) {drawImage(canvasCtx, "./wall.png", x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {canvasCtx.clearRect(x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.toString = `[${this.x}, ${this.y}]`
}function SteelNode(x, y) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis.draw = function (canvasCtx) {drawImage(canvasCtx, "./steel.png", x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {canvasCtx.clearRect(x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.toString = `[${this.x}, ${this.y}]`
}function WaterNode(x, y) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis.draw = function (canvasCtx) {drawImage(canvasCtx, "./water.png", x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {canvasCtx.clearRect(x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.toString = `[${this.x}, ${this.y}]`
}function GrassNode(x, y) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis.draw = function (canvasCtx) {drawImage(canvasCtx, "./grass.png", x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {canvasCtx.clearRect(x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.toString = `[${this.x}, ${this.y}]`


// --------------------------- snake ---------------------------function Snake(initLen, initX, initY, initDirection) {this.initLen = initLenthis.initX = initXthis.initY = initYthis.initDirection = initDirectionthis.direction = initDirectionthis.nodes = []this.toClearNodes = []this.init = function () {let revDirection = reverseOfDirection(this.direction)let nodes = []let pos = {x: this.initX, y: this.initY}for (let i = 0; i < this.initLen; i++) {nodes.push(new SnakeNode(pos.x, pos.y, Type.body, this.direction))pos = nodeMove(pos, revDirection)}nodes[0].setType(Type.head)nodes[nodes.length - 1].setType(Type.tail)this.nodes = nodes}this.setDirection = function (newDirection) {// if direction is current direction or reverse of current direction, ignore operationif ((newDirection === this.direction) || (newDirection === reverseOfDirection(this.direction))) {return}this.direction = newDirection}this.move = function (canvasCtx) {let nodes = []let pos = {x: this.nodes[0].x, y: this.nodes[0].y}pos = nodeMove(pos, this.direction)nodes.push(new SnakeNode(pos.x, pos.y, Type.body, this.direction))for (let i = 0; i < this.nodes.length - 1; i++) {let oldNode = this.nodes[i]nodes.push(new SnakeNode(oldNode.x, oldNode.y, Type.body, oldNode.direction))}nodes[0].setType(Type.head)nodes[nodes.length - 1].setType(Type.tail)// if last node direction is single, update direction to nodes[nodes.length - 2].directionif (nodes[nodes.length - 1].direction !== nodes[nodes.length - 2].direction) {nodes[nodes.length - 1].direction = nodes[nodes.length - 2].direction}let lastNode = this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1]this.toClearNodes.push(lastNode)this.nodes = nodes}this.getHead = function () {return this.nodes[0]}this.getNextHead = function () {let snakeHead = this.getHead()return nodeMove(snakeHead, this.direction)}this.addTailNode = function () {let lastNode = this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1]let revDirection = reverseOfDirection(lastNode.direction)let newTailNodePos = nodeMove(lastNode, revDirection)let newTailNode = new SnakeNode(newTailNodePos.x, newTailNodePos.y, Type.tail, lastNode.direction)this.nodes.push(newTailNode)}this.touchedTimes = function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.nodes) {let node = this.nodes[idx]if (nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter}this.copy = function () {let copied = new Snake(initLen, initX, initY, this.direction)copied.nodes = []this.nodes.forEach(ele => copied.nodes.push(ele))return copied}this.draw = function (canvasCtx) {for (let idx in this.toClearNodes) {let node = this.toClearNodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}this.toClearNodes = []for (let idx in this.nodes) {let node = this.nodes[idx]node.draw(canvasCtx)}}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {for (let idx in this.toClearNodes) {let node = this.toClearNodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}this.toClearNodes = []for (let idx in this.nodes) {let node = this.nodes[idx]node.clear(canvasCtx)}}}function SnakeNode(x, y, type, direction) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis.type = typethis.direction = directionthis.setType = function (newType) {this.type = newType}this.setDirection = function (newDirection) {this.direction = newDirection}this.draw = function (canvasCtx) {drawImage(canvasCtx, `./${this.type}_${this.direction}.png`, x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {canvasCtx.clearRect(x * defaultCellLength, y * defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength, defaultCellLength)}this.toString = `[${this.x}, ${this.y}]`


// --------------------------- game ---------------------------function Game() {this.arena = new Arena()this.snake = new Snake(5, 30, 5, Direction.left)this.moveInterval = nullthis.gameOver = falsethis.gameOverInterval = nullthis.foodNode = nullthis.foodNodeInterval = nullthis.foodNodeCounter = 0this.init = function (canvasCtx) {this.arena.init()this.snake.init()this.foodNode = this.nextFoodNode()}this.run = function (canvasCtx) {if (this.gameOver) {alert('game over')return}if (this.moveInterval) {return}let _this = thisthis.moveInterval = setInterval(function () {_this.move0(canvasCtx)}, moveIntervalInMs)this.foodNodeInterval = setInterval(function () {_this.foodMove0(canvasCtx)}, foodIntervalInMs)}this.move0 = function (canvasCtx) {if (this.gameOver) {return}// this.draw(canvasCtx)let snakeNextHead = this.snake.getNextHead()if (this.arena.blockedNodeTouchedTimes(snakeNextHead) > 0) {return}this.snake.move(canvasCtx)this.snake.draw(canvasCtx)if ((this.arena.touchedTimes(snakeNextHead) > 0)|| (this.snake.touchedTimes(snakeNextHead) > 1)) {this.gameOver = truethis.stop(canvasCtx)} else if (nodeEquals(snakeNextHead, this.foodNode)) {this.snake.addTailNode()this.foodNode = this.nextFoodNode()}}this.foodMove0 = function (canvasCtx) {this.foodNodeCounter++if (this.foodNodeCounter % 2 === 0) {this.foodNode.draw(canvasCtx)} else {this.foodNode.clear(canvasCtx)}}this.pause = function (canvasCtx) {if (this.gameOver) {alert('game over')return}if (!this.moveInterval) {this.run(canvasCtx)return}clearInterval(this.moveInterval)this.moveInterval = nullclearInterval(this.foodNodeInterval)this.foodNodeInterval = null}this.stop = function (canvasCtx) {clearInterval(this.moveInterval)this.moveInterval = nullclearInterval(this.foodNodeInterval)this.foodNodeInterval = nulllet _this = thislet gameOverCounter = 0this.gameOverInterval = setInterval(function () {gameOverCounter++if (gameOverCounter % 2 === 0) {_this.snake.draw(canvasCtx)_this.foodNode.draw(canvasCtx)} else {_this.snake.clear(canvasCtx)_this.foodNode.clear(canvasCtx)}}, gameOverIntervalInMs)}this.score = function () {return (this.snake.nodes.length - this.snake.initLen) * 5}this.draw = function (canvasCtx) {this.arena.draw(canvasCtx)this.snake.draw(canvasCtx)}this.clear = function (canvasCtx) {this.arena.clear(canvasCtx)this.snake.clear(canvasCtx)}this.onKeyPressed = function (event, canvasCtx) {let e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]if (!e) {return}if (e && e.keyCode === KeyEvent.LEFT || e.keyCode === KeyEvent.A) {this.snake.setDirection(Direction.left)} else if (e.keyCode === KeyEvent.UP || e.keyCode === KeyEvent.W) {this.snake.setDirection(Direction.up)} else if (e.keyCode === KeyEvent.RIGHT || e.keyCode === KeyEvent.D) {this.snake.setDirection(Direction.right)} else if (e.keyCode === KeyEvent.DOWN || e.keyCode === KeyEvent.S) {this.snake.setDirection(Direction.down)} else if (e.keyCode === KeyEvent.SPACE) {this.pause(canvasCtx)}}this.nextFoodNode = function () {let nextFoodPos = nullwhile (true) {let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * defaultWallWidth + 1)let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * defaultWallHeight + 1)nextFoodPos = {x: x, y: y}if ((this.snake.touchedTimes(nextFoodPos) === 0)&& (this.arena.touchedTimes(nextFoodPos) === 0)) {break}}return new FoodNode(nextFoodPos.x, nextFoodPos.y)}this.auto = function (canvasCtx, autoIntervalInMs) {let _this = thissetInterval(function () {let snakeHead = _this.snake.getHead()let newDirection = _this.deductDirection()if (newDirection === snakeHead.direction) {return}if (newDirection === reverseOfDirection(snakeHead.direction)) {newDirection = leftOfDirection(snakeHead.direction)let stepDelta = nodeStepDeltaByDirection(snakeHead, _this.foodNode, newDirection)if (!_this.simulateNStepGameOver(stepDelta, newDirection)) {pressKey(Direction2KeyEvent[newDirection])return}}let stepDelta = nodeStepDeltaByDirection(snakeHead, _this.foodNode, newDirection)if (!_this.simulateNStepGameOver(stepDelta, newDirection)) {pressKey(Direction2KeyEvent[newDirection])return}newDirection = snakeHead.directionstepDelta = 2if (_this.simulateNStepGameOver(stepDelta, newDirection)) {let dir1 = leftOfDirection(snakeHead.direction)let dir2 = reverseOfDirection(dir1)newDirection = (!_this.simulateNStepGameOver(stepDelta, dir1)) ? dir1 : dir2pressKey(Direction2KeyEvent[newDirection])}}, autoIntervalInMs)}this.simulateNStepGameOver = function (stepDelta, newDirection) {let snakeCopy = this.snake.copy()snakeCopy.setDirection(newDirection)for (let i = 0; i < stepDelta; i++) {snakeCopy.move(canvasCtx)let snakeHead = snakeCopy.getHead()if ((this.arena.touchedTimes(snakeHead) > 0)|| (snakeCopy.touchedTimes(snakeHead) > 1)) {return true}}return false}this.deductDirection = function () {let snakeHead = this.snake.getHead()if (snakeHead.x < this.foodNode.x) {return Direction.right}if (snakeHead.x > this.foodNode.x) {return Direction.left}if (snakeHead.y < this.foodNode.y) {return Direction.down}if (snakeHead.y > this.foodNode.y) {return Direction.up}}}


vue 版本


<template><div><snake ref="snake" :init-x="30" :init-y="5" :init-len="6" init-direction="left"></snake><arena ref="arena"></arena><food ref="food"></food></div></template><script>// import snake from '/src/components/snake/Snake';import snake from "./Snake";import arena from "./Arena";import food from "./Food";import constants from './js/constants'import utils from './js/utils'export default {name: 'Game',components: {snake,arena,food,},data() {return {refArena: null,refSnake: null,refFood: null,moveInterval: null,gameOver: false,gameOverInterval: null,foodNodeInterval: null,foodNodeCounter: 0}},mounted() {this.init()this.draw()this.run()let _this = thisdocument.onkeydown = function (event) {_this.onKeyPressed(event, )}},methods: {init: function () {this.refArena = this.$refs.arenathis.refSnake = this.$refs.snakethis.refFood = this.$refs.foodthis.refArena.init()this.refSnake.init()this.refFood.refresh(this.nextFoodNode())},run: function () {if (this.gameOver) {alert('game over')return}if (this.moveInterval) {return}let _this = thisthis.moveInterval = setInterval(function () {_this.move0()}, constants.moveIntervalInMs)this.foodNodeInterval = setInterval(function () {_this.foodMove0()}, constants.foodIntervalInMs)},move0: function () {if (this.gameOver) {return}// this.draw()let snakeNextHead = this.refSnake.getNextHead()if (this.refArena.blockedNodeTouchedTimes(snakeNextHead) > 0) {return}this.refSnake.move()this.refSnake.draw()if ((this.refArena.touchedTimes(snakeNextHead) > 0)|| (this.refSnake.touchedTimes(snakeNextHead) > 1)) {this.gameOver = truethis.stop()} else if (utils.nodeEquals(snakeNextHead, this.refFood.getNode())) {this.refSnake.addTailNode()this.refFood.refresh(this.nextFoodNode())}},foodMove0: function () {this.foodNodeCounter++if (this.foodNodeCounter % 2 === 0) {this.refFood.draw()} else {this.refFood.clear()}},pause: function () {if (this.gameOver) {alert('game over')return}if (!this.moveInterval) {this.run()return}clearInterval(this.moveInterval)this.moveInterval = nullclearInterval(this.foodNodeInterval)this.foodNodeInterval = null},stop: function () {clearInterval(this.moveInterval)this.moveInterval = nullclearInterval(this.foodNodeInterval)this.foodNodeInterval = nulllet _this = thislet gameOverCounter = 0this.gameOverInterval = setInterval(function () {gameOverCounter++if (gameOverCounter % 2 === 0) {_this.refSnake.draw()_this.refFood.draw()} else {_this.refSnake.clear()_this.refFood.clear()}}, constants.gameOverIntervalInMs)},draw: function () {this.refArena.draw()this.refSnake.draw()},clear: function () {this.refArena.clear()this.refSnake.clear()},onKeyPressed: function (event, ) {let e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]if (!e) {return}if (e && e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.LEFT || e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.A) {this.refSnake.setDirection(constants.Direction.left)} else if (e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.UP || e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.W) {this.refSnake.setDirection(constants.Direction.up)} else if (e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.RIGHT || e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.D) {this.refSnake.setDirection(constants.Direction.right)} else if (e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.DOWN || e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.S) {this.refSnake.setDirection(constants.Direction.down)} else if (e.keyCode === constants.KeyEvent.SPACE) {this.pause()}},nextFoodNode: function () {let nextFoodPos = nullwhile (true) {let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.defaultWallWidth + 1)let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.defaultWallHeight + 1)nextFoodPos = {x: x, y: y}if ((this.refSnake.touchedTimes(nextFoodPos) === 0)&& (this.refArena.touchedTimes(nextFoodPos) === 0)) {break}}return {x: nextFoodPos.x, y: nextFoodPos.y}},}}</script><style scoped>


<template><div><div v-if="doDraw"><div v-for="node in finalNodes" :style="node.style"></div></div></div></template><script>import constants from './js/constants'import utils from './js/utils'export default {name: 'snake',computed: {finalNodes: function () {let result = []for (let idx in this.nodes) {let node = this.nodes[idx]let finalNode = {}finalNode.style = utils.wrapStyleInfo(node.x, node.y, node.type + "_" + node.direction + ".png")result.push(finalNode)}return result}},props: {initLen: {type: Number,required: false,default: '5'},initX: {type: Number,required: false,default: '30'},initY: {type: Number,required: false,default: '5'},initDirection: {type: String,required: false,default: constants.Direction.left}},data() {return {doDraw: true,direction: 'left',nodes: [{type: constants.Type.head,direction: constants.Direction.left,x: 30,y: 5,}, {type: constants.Type.body,direction: constants.Direction.left,x: 31,y: 5,}, {type: constants.Type.tail,direction: constants.Direction.left,x: 32,y: 5,}]}},mounted() {},methods: {init: function () {let revDirection = utils.reverseOfDirection(this.direction)let nodes = []let pos = {x: this.initX, y: this.initY}for (let i = 0; i < this.initLen; i++) {nodes.push({x: pos.x, y: pos.y, type: constants.Type.body, direction: this.direction})pos = utils.nodeMove(pos, revDirection)}nodes[0].type = constants.Type.headnodes[nodes.length - 1].type = constants.Type.tailthis.nodes = nodes},setDirection: function (newDirection) {// if direction is current direction or reverse of current direction, ignore operationif ((newDirection === this.direction) || (newDirection === utils.reverseOfDirection(this.direction))) {return}this.direction = newDirection},move: function () {let nodes = []let pos = {x: this.nodes[0].x, y: this.nodes[0].y}pos = utils.nodeMove(pos, this.direction)nodes.push({x: pos.x, y: pos.y, type: constants.Type.body, direction: this.direction})for (let i = 0; i < this.nodes.length - 1; i++) {let oldNode = this.nodes[i]nodes.push({x: oldNode.x, y: oldNode.y, type: constants.Type.body, direction: oldNode.direction})}nodes[0].type = constants.Type.headnodes[nodes.length - 1].type = constants.Type.tail// if last node direction is single, update direction to nodes[nodes.length - 2].directionif (nodes[nodes.length - 1].direction !== nodes[nodes.length - 2].direction) {nodes[nodes.length - 1].direction = nodes[nodes.length - 2].direction}this.nodes = nodes},getHead: function () {return this.nodes[0]},getNextHead: function () {let snakeHead = this.getHead()return utils.nodeMove(snakeHead, this.direction)},addTailNode: function () {let lastNode = this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1]let revDirection = utils.reverseOfDirection(lastNode.direction)let newTailNodePos = utils.nodeMove(lastNode, revDirection)let newTailNode = {x: newTailNodePos.x, y: newTailNodePos.y, type: constants.Type.tail, direction: lastNode.direction}this.nodes.push(newTailNode)},touchedTimes: function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.nodes) {let node = this.nodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter},draw: function () {this.doDraw = true},clear: function () {this.doDraw = false}}}</script><style scoped>


<template><div><div v-if="doDraw"><div v-for="node in finalWallNodes" :style="node.style"></div><div v-for="node in finalSteelNodes" :style="node.style"></div><div v-for="node in finalGrassNodes" :style="node.style"></div><div v-for="node in finalWaterNodes" :style="node.style"></div></div></div></template><script>import utils from './js/utils'import constants from "./js/constants";export default {name: 'arena',computed: {finalWallNodes: function () {let result = []for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]let finalNode = {}finalNode.style = utils.wrapStyleInfo(node.x, node.y, "wall.png")result.push(finalNode)}return result},finalSteelNodes: function () {let result = []for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]let finalNode = {}finalNode.style = utils.wrapStyleInfo(node.x, node.y, "steel.png")result.push(finalNode)}return result},finalGrassNodes: function () {let result = []for (let idx in this.grassNodes) {let node = this.grassNodes[idx]let finalNode = {}finalNode.style = utils.wrapStyleInfo(node.x, node.y, "grass.png")result.push(finalNode)}return result},finalWaterNodes: function () {let result = []for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]let finalNode = {}finalNode.style = utils.wrapStyleInfo(node.x, node.y, "water.png")result.push(finalNode)}return result}},data() {return {doDraw: true,wallNodes: [],steelNodes: [],grassNodes: [],waterNodes: []}},mounted() {},methods: {init: function () {for (let i = 0; i <= constants.defaultWallWidth; i++) {this.wallNodes.push({x: i, y: 0})this.wallNodes.push({x: i, y: constants.defaultWallHeight})}for (let i = 0; i <= constants.defaultWallHeight; i++) {this.wallNodes.push({x: 0, y: i})this.wallNodes.push({x: constants.defaultWallWidth, y: i})}// for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {//   let nextPos = this.nextRandomNode()//   this.steelNodes.push({x: nextPos.x, y: nextPos.y})//   nextPos = this.nextRandomNode()//   this.grassNodes.push({x: nextPos.x, y: nextPos.y})//   nextPos = this.nextRandomNode()//   this.waterNodes.push({x: nextPos.x, y: nextPos.y})// }},touchedTimes: function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter},blockedNodeTouchedTimes: function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter},allNodeTouchedTimes: function (pos) {let counter = 0for (let idx in this.wallNodes) {let node = this.wallNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.steelNodes) {let node = this.steelNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.grassNodes) {let node = this.grassNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}for (let idx in this.waterNodes) {let node = this.waterNodes[idx]if (utils.nodeEquals(pos, node)) {counter++}}return counter},draw: function () {this.doDraw = true},clear: function () {this.doDraw = false},nextRandomNode: function () {let nextPos = nullwhile (true) {let x = Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.defaultWallWidth + 1)let y = Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.defaultWallHeight + 1)nextPos = {x: x, y: y}if (this.allNodeTouchedTimes(nextPos) === 0) {break}}return nextPos}}}</script><style scoped>


<template><div><div v-if="doDraw"><div v-for="node in finalNodes" :style="node.style"></div></div></div></template><script>import utils from './js/utils'export default {name: 'food',computed: {finalNodes: function () {let result = []for (let idx in this.nodes) {let node = this.nodes[idx]let finalNode = {}finalNode.style = utils.wrapStyleInfo(node.x, node.y, "food.png")result.push(finalNode)}return result}},data() {return {doDraw: true,nodes: [{x: 0,y: 0,}]}},mounted() {},methods: {draw: function () {this.doDraw = true},clear: function () {this.doDraw = false},refresh: function(pos) {this.nodes[0].x = pos.xthis.nodes[0].y = pos.y},getNode : function() {return this.nodes[0]}}}</script><style scoped>


// --------------------------- global vars ---------------------------
// let canvas = $('#canvas')[0]画布 api
// let canvasCtx = canvas.getContext('2d')
// 各个单元格的边长, 墙体节点/贪吃蛇节点/食物节点
let defaultCellLength = 20
// 默认的墙体宽由多少个 墙体节点 组成
let defaultWallWidth = 40
// 默认的墙体高由多少个 墙体节点 组成
let defaultWallHeight = 20
// 贪吃蛇 的自动移动频率, 毫秒计算
let moveIntervalInMs = 100
// 游戏结束的 闪烁频率
let gameOverIntervalInMs = 100
// 食物 闪烁频率
let foodIntervalInMs = 100
// 贪吃蛇节点类型, 头部/身体/尾部
let Type = {head: 'head',body: 'body',tail: 'tail',
}// 贪吃蛇节点方向, 上下左右
let Direction = {up: 'up',left: 'left',down: 'down',right: 'right',
}// 各个按键代码, W/A/S/D 上/下/左/右 空格
let KeyEvent = {W: 87,A: 65,S: 83,D: 68,UP: 38,LEFT: 37,DOWN: 40,RIGHT: 39,SPACE: 32,
}// 方向 -> 按键
let Direction2KeyEvent = {'up': KeyEvent.UP,'left': KeyEvent.LEFT,'down': KeyEvent.DOWN,'right': KeyEvent.RIGHT,
}export default {defaultCellLength,defaultWallWidth,defaultWallHeight,moveIntervalInMs,gameOverIntervalInMs,foodIntervalInMs,Type,Direction,KeyEvent,Direction2KeyEvent,


// --------------------------- assist methods ---------------------------import constants from './constants'/*** nodeMove*/
function nodeMove(pos, direction) {if (direction === constants.Direction.up) {return {x: pos.x, y: pos.y - 1}} else if (direction === constants.Direction.left) {return {x: pos.x - 1, y: pos.y}} else if (direction === constants.Direction.down) {return {x: pos.x, y: pos.y + 1}} else if (direction === constants.Direction.right) {return {x: pos.x + 1, y: pos.y}}
}function nodeEquals(pos1, pos2) {if (pos1.x === pos2.x && pos1.y === pos2.y) {return true}return false
}function nodeStepDelta(pos1, pos2) {return Math.abs(pos1.x - pos2.x) + Math.abs(pos1.y - pos2.y)
}function nodeStepDeltaByDirection(pos1, pos2, direction) {if (direction === constants.Direction.left || direction === constants.Direction.right) {return Math.abs(pos1.x - pos2.x)}if (direction === constants.Direction.up || direction === constants.Direction.down) {return Math.abs(pos1.y - pos2.y)}
}/*** reverseOfDirection*/
function reverseOfDirection(direction) {if (direction === constants.Direction.up) {return constants.Direction.down} else if (direction === constants.Direction.left) {return constants.Direction.right} else if (direction === constants.Direction.down) {return constants.Direction.up} else if (direction === constants.Direction.right) {return constants.Direction.left}
}function leftOfDirection(direction) {if (direction === constants.Direction.up) {return constants.Direction.left} else if (direction === constants.Direction.left) {return constants.Direction.down} else if (direction === constants.Direction.down) {return constants.Direction.right} else if (direction === constants.Direction.right) {return constants.Direction.up}
}function wrapStyleInfo(x, y, imageName) {let styleInfo = {position: "absolute",left: (x * constants.defaultCellLength) + "px",top: (y * constants.defaultCellLength) + "px",width: "20px",height: "20px",backgroundImage: "url(" + require("@/assets/snake/" + imageName) + ")",}return styleInfo
}/*** draw image 2 canvas*/
function drawImage(canvasCtx, imgUrl, x, y, width, height) {let img = new Image();img.src = imgUrl;img.onload = function () {canvasCtx.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height);// canvasCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 20, 20, x, y, width, height);}
}/*** simulate press key*/
function pressKey(key) {let e = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'keyCode': key, 'which': key});document.dispatchEvent(e);
}export default {nodeMove,nodeEquals,nodeStepDelta,nodeStepDeltaByDirection,reverseOfDirection,leftOfDirection,wrapStyleInfo,drawImage,pressKey




html + js 实现的贪吃蛇 实现了自动导航

vue 实现的贪吃蛇 实现了自动导航

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