
  • This example program shows the effect of the bar code
  • parameter ‘majority_voting’.
  • 一维码读取器分析并且解码多个扫描行。默认的,当一找到一行可以成功解码的扫描行时,就停止解码。
  • The bar code reader analyses multiple scanlines and tries
  • to decode them. By default, this process is terminated as soon
  • as one scanline can be decoded successfully. In some cases,
  • the result derived from this scanline may be wrong due to
  • local printing errors.
  • 如果这个参数设定为’True’,不管正确与否,所有的扫描都会被分析与解码。最终结果由扫描到的最多数决定
  • If the parameter ‘majority_voting’ is set to ‘true’, all
  • scanlines are analysed. The final reading result is then
  • determined by a majority voting of all successful decoding
  • results.
  • 准备可视化设置和对象
  • Prepare visualization settings and objects
    dev_update_off ()
    dev_close_window ()
    read_image (Image, ‘barcode/ean13/ean13_label’)
    get_image_size (Image, WidthI, HeightI)
    dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, 600, 500, WindowHandle)
    dev_display (Image)
    dev_set_draw (‘margin’)
    set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, ‘mono’, ‘true’, ‘false’)
    get_window_extents (WindowHandle, Row, Column, Width, Height)
    WindowZoomFactor := real(WidthI) / Width
    dev_open_window (0, Width + 5, 400, 300, ‘white’, WindowHandleText)
    set_display_font (WindowHandleText, 14, ‘mono’, ‘true’, ‘false’)
  • 创建一维码读取器
  • Create bar code reader model
    create_bar_code_model ([], [], BarCodeHandle)
  • 第一部分:设置参数majority voting为FALSE
  • PART I, read bar code without majority voting
    MajorityVotingSetting := ‘false’
    *设置majority voting参数
    set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘majority_voting’, MajorityVotingSetting)
    set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘persistence’, 1)
    set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘meas_thresh’, 0.1)
    set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘meas_thresh_abs’, 30)
  • 解码和准备结果
  • Perform decoding and prepare results
    dev_set_window (WindowHandle)
    decode_bar_code_rectangle2 (Image, BarCodeHandle, ‘EAN-13’, 280, 223, 3.14125 / 2.0, 200, 50, DecodedDataStrings)
    get_bar_code_object (SymbolRegion, BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘symbol_regions’)
    get_bar_code_result (BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘decoded_types’, DecodedTypes)
    get_bar_code_result (BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘decoded_strings’, DecodedData)
    get_bar_code_object (ValidScanlines, BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘scanlines_valid’)
    get_majority_voting_example_symbols (SymbolRegion, ValidScanlines, DecodedData, BarCodeHandle, DecodedTypes, DecodedData)
    select_obj (ValidScanlines, FirstScanline, 5)
  • 显示结果和条码
  • Display results and labels
    disp_message (WindowHandle, [‘Looking for bar codes’,’‘majority_voting’ = ‘’ + MajorityVotingSetting + ‘’’], ‘window’, 12, 12, ‘black’, ‘true’)
    ColorsText := [‘forest green’,‘red’]
    dev_set_line_width (2)
    smallest_rectangle1 (SymbolRegion, Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2)
    dev_set_color (‘red’)
    dev_display (SymbolRegion)
    dev_display (FirstScanline)
  • 显示结果
    Message := ['Codetype: ','Data: '] + [DecodedTypes,DecodedData]
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, ‘image’, Row1 - 40 * WindowZoomFactor, Column2 - 100, ColorsText[1], ‘true’)
  • 显示一些描述信息
  • Display description
    Message := ‘By default ‘majority_voting’ is set to ‘false’.’
    Message[1] := ’ ’
    Message[2] := ‘If the parameter ‘majority_voting’ is set to ‘false’, the reading result is set to the decoding result of the first scanline that could be decoded.’
    Message[3] := ’ ’
    Message[4] := ‘Here, an ‘EAN-13’ code is detected wrongly inside of another ‘EAN-13’ because of a printing error.’
    MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ’ ‘,[’(.{0,35})\s’,‘replace_all’],’$1\n’)
    disp_message (WindowHandleText, MessageWrapped, ‘window’, 12, 12, ‘black’, ‘false’)
    *右下角显示’Press F5 TO CONTINUE’
    disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, ‘black’, ‘true’)
    stop ()
  • 第二部分,*
  • PART II, enable majority voting
  • 第一部分:设置参数majority voting为FALSE
    MajorityVotingSetting := ‘true’
    set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘majority_voting’, MajorityVotingSetting)
    • 解码和准备结果
  • Perform decoding and prepare results
    decode_bar_code_rectangle2 (Image, BarCodeHandle, ‘EAN-13’, 280, 223, 3.14125 / 2.0, 200, 50, DecodedDataStrings)
    get_bar_code_object (SymbolRegion, BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘symbol_regions’)
    get_bar_code_result (BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘decoded_types’, DecodedTypes)
    get_bar_code_result (BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘decoded_strings’, DecodedData)
    get_bar_code_object (ValidScanlines, BarCodeHandle, ‘all’, ‘scanlines_valid’)
    select_obj (ValidScanlines, MajorityScanlines, [[1:4],6,7])
  • 显示结果和信息
  • Display results and labels
    dev_display (Image)
    disp_message (WindowHandle, [‘Looking for bar codes’,’‘majority_voting’ = ‘’ + MajorityVotingSetting + ‘’’], ‘window’, 12, 12, ‘black’, ‘true’)
    dev_set_draw (‘margin’)
    dev_set_color (‘green’)
    dev_set_line_width (2)
    smallest_rectangle1 (SymbolRegion, Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2)
    dev_display (SymbolRegion)
    dev_display (MajorityScanlines)
    Message := ['Codetype: ','Data: '] + [DecodedTypes,DecodedData]
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, ‘image’, Row1 - 40 * WindowZoomFactor, Column2 - 100, ‘forest green’, ‘true’)
  • Display description
    dev_set_window (WindowHandleText)
    Message := ‘If majority voting is enabled, the bar code reader uses a majority voting scheme to determine the reading results. It returns the result that has been decoded from the majority of all scanlines.’
    Message[1] := ’ ’
    Message[2] := ‘Here, the correct ‘EAN-13’ code is found.’
    MessageWrapped := regexp_replace(Message + ’ ‘,[’(.{0,35})\s’,‘replace_all’],’$1\n’)
    dev_clear_window ()
    disp_message (WindowHandleText, MessageWrapped, ‘window’, 12, 12, ‘black’, ‘false’)
    stop ()
  • 释放内存
  • Clean up memory
    clear_bar_code_model (BarCodeHandle)


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