python 字符串子串

A substring is the part of a string. Python string provides various methods to create a substring, check if it contains a substring, index of substring etc. In this tutorial, we will look into various operations related to substrings.

子字符串是字符串的一部分。 Python字符串提供了各种方法来创建子字符串,检查其是否包含子字符串,子字符串的索引等。在本教程中,我们将研究与子字符串相关的各种操作。

Python字符串子字符串 (Python String Substring)

Let’s first look at two different ways to create a substring.


创建一个子串 (Create a Substring)

We can create a substring using string slicing. We can use split() function to create a list of substrings based on specified delimiter.

我们可以使用字符串切片来创建子字符串 。 我们可以使用split()函数根据指定的分隔符创建子字符串列表。

s = 'My Name is Pankaj'# create substring using slice
name = s[11:]
print(name)# list of substrings using split
l1 = s.split()



['My', 'Name', 'is', 'Pankaj']

检查是否找到子字符串 (Checking if substring is found)

We can use in operator or find() function to check if substring is present in the string or not.


s = 'My Name is Pankaj'if 'Name' in s:print('Substring found')if s.find('Name') != -1:print('Substring found')

Note that find() function returns the index position of the substring if it’s found, otherwise it returns -1.


子字符串出现次数 (Count of Substring Occurrence)

We can use count() function to find the number of occurrences of a substring in the string.


s = 'My Name is Pankaj'print('Substring count =', s.count('a'))s = 'This Is The Best Theorem'
print('Substring count =', s.count('Th'))



Substring count = 3
Substring count = 3

查找子字符串的所有索引 (Find all indexes of substring)

There is no built-in function to get the list of all the indexes for the substring. However, we can easily define one using find() function.

没有内置函数来获取子字符串的所有索引的列表。 但是,我们可以使用find()函数轻松定义一个。

def find_all_indexes(input_str, substring):l2 = []length = len(input_str)index = 0while index < length:i = input_str.find(substring, index)if i == -1:return l2l2.append(i)index = i + 1return l2s = 'This Is The Best Theorem'
print(find_all_indexes(s, 'Th'))

Output: [0, 8, 17]

输出: [0, 8, 17]

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