
society progression 社会的发展


Good afternoon,dear interviewer, my name is XXX, a postgraduate student majoring in software engineering in central south university of forestry and technology. The main topic in my postgraduate research is prediction of the spread of forest fire, which is essential and highly-emphasized by the military and local government. Then I published an academic paper in CSDN based on my research.

Besides the scientific research, the rest of my school time is devoted to the study of Javascript technology. During the study I was once involved with a project of the development of an electronic commercial system based on three kinds of SSM frames, where I was mainly in charge of the back-end development, construction of commodity classification module, shopping cart module, etc.

Moreover, I participated in a mathematical modeling contest in the second year, my team and I won the first prize of Hunan province. Also, I have a habit to write blogs for documenting and sharing the knowledge that I have acquired or comprehend every day. It is such a success that I have written about 200 articles in CSDN, and the total number of readings has reached 20 million.

In my daily life, I keep a positive altitude towards my life, and feel full-of energy everyday. Doing some exercise like jogging or playing badminton is my first choice when I was frustrated or tired. I am looking forward to get a chance to work in your company, because the culture and technical atmosphere there fits me well. Looking forward to work together with you.


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