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jsp页面调用哪个Linux的shell 脚本步骤

www.myexceptions.net  网友分享于:2015-08-26  浏览:191次

jsp页面调用哪个Linux的shell 脚本方法

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.io.StringWriter;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;

import java.util.×;

import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;

import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.hyperic.dao.DAOFactory;

import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AppdefEntityID;

import org.hyperic.hq.application.HQApp;

import org.hyperic.hq.authz.server.session.AuthzSubject;

import org.hyperic.hq.authz.server.session.AuthzSubjectManagerEJBImpl;

import org.hyperic.hq.authz.server.session.Resource;

import org.hyperic.hq.authz.server.session.ResourceDAO;

import org.hyperic.hq.authz.shared.AuthzSubjectManagerLocal;

import org.hyperic.hq.bizapp.shared.action.EmailActionConfig;

import org.hyperic.hq.escalation.server.session.Escalatable;

import org.hyperic.hq.escalation.server.session.EscalationStateChange;

import org.hyperic.hq.escalation.server.session.PerformsEscalations;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.ActionExecuteException;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.ActionExecutionInfo;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.ActionInterface;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.AlertDefinitionInterface;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.AlertInterface;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.InvalidActionDataException;

import org.hyperic.hq.events.Notify;

import org.hyperic.hq.hqu.rendit.RenditServer;

import org.hyperic.hq.measurement.MeasurementNotFoundException;

import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigResponse;

public class EmailAction extends EmailActionConfig

implements ActionInterface, Notify


public static final String RES_NAME_HOLDER = "RES_NAME_REPL";

public static final String RES_DESC_HOLDER = "RES_DESC_REPL";

protected static String baseUrl = null;

public static boolean smsPro = false;

protected String phone = "";

protected String mes = "";

protected String rsna = "";

protected String alna = "";

protected String date = "";

private Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(EmailAction.class);

private AuthzSubjectManagerLocal subjMan;

public EmailAction() {


protected AuthzSubjectManagerLocal getSubjMan() {

if (subjMan == null) {

subjMan = AuthzSubjectManagerEJBImpl.getOne();


return subjMan;


private String renderTemplate(String filename, Map params) {

File templateDir = new File(HQApp.getInstance().getResourceDir(),


File templateFile = new File(templateDir, filename);

StringWriter output = new StringWriter();

try {

RenditServer.getInstance().renderTemplate(templateFile, params,


if (_log.isDebugEnabled())

_log.debug("Template rendered\n" + output.toString());

} catch(Exception e) {

_log.warn("Unable to render template", e);


return output.toString();


private String createSubject(AlertDefinitionInterface alertdef,

AlertInterface alert, Resource resource,

String status) {

Map params = new HashMap();

params.put("resource", resource);

params.put("alertDef", alertdef);

params.put("alert", alert);

params.put("status", status);

params.put("isSms", new Boolean(isSms()));

return renderTemplate("subject.gsp", params);


private String createText(AlertDefinitionInterface alertdef,

ActionExecutionInfo info, Resource resource,

AlertInterface alert, String templateName,

AuthzSubject user)

throws MeasurementNotFoundException


Map params = new HashMap();

params.put("alertDef", alertdef);

params.put("alert", alert);

params.put("action", info);

params.put("resource", resource);

params.put("user", user);

return renderTemplate(templateName, params);


private AppdefEntityID getResource(AlertDefinitionInterface def) {

return new AppdefEntityID(def.getAppdefType(), def.getAppdefId());


public void smsText(){

String tmp = "";

int i = 0x0a;

String sp = ""+(char)i;

tmp = mes.substring(mes.indexOf("Resource Name:")+14);

rsna = tmp.substring(0,tmp.indexOf(sp)).trim();

//rsna = mes.substring(mes.indexOf("Resource Name:")+14,mes.indexOf("- Alert Name")).trim();

tmp = mes.substring(mes.indexOf("Alert Name:")+11);

alna = tmp.substring(0,tmp.indexOf(sp)).trim();

//alna = mes.substring(mes.indexOf("Alert Name:")+11,mes.indexOf("- Alert Description")).trim();

tmp = mes.substring(mes.indexOf("Alert Date / Time:")+18);

date = tmp.substring(0,tmp.indexOf(sp)).trim();

//date = mes.substring(mes.indexOf("Alert Date / Time:")+18,mes.indexOf("- Triggering")).trim();

//return rsna+""+alna+""+date;


public void alertFile(String t){

FileOutputStream out = null;

PrintStream p = null;

try {

java.util.Date d=new java.util.Date();

java.text.SimpleDateFormat s= new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH;mm;ss");

String dateStr = s.format(d);

String fn = "c:\\sms\\alerts\\sms_Alert_"+dateStr+".log";

File f = new File(fn);

int i =0 ;



fn = "c:\\sms\\alerts\\sms_Alert_"+dateStr+"_"+i+".log";

f = new File(fn);


out = new FileOutputStream(fn);

p = new PrintStream(out);

}catch (Exception e) {






}catch (Exception e) {



public void outPutAlertSms(){

//FileInputStream in;

//PrintStream p;

try {

FileReader fr = new FileReader("c:\\sms\\smsConfig.txt");

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);

String JAVA_path = br.readLine();

JAVA_path = JAVA_path.substring(JAVA_path.indexOf("=")+1);

//in = new FileInputStream("c:\\sms\\smsConfig.txt");

// Connect print stream to the output stream

//p = new PrintStream( out );


/*----old sms code

//set the alert content

String alert = phone+"

alert = alert.replace(" ","");

//p.println ("the following sms  had sent ");

//p.println("the Alert Resource Name:"+rsna);

//p.println("the Alert Name:"+alna);

//p.println("the Alert date:"+date);

//p.println("the Alert:"+mes);


//----new sms code

String alert = "Phone Numbers="+phone+"&"+"Resource Name="+rsna+"&"+"Alert Name="+alna+"&"+"Alert Date / Time="+date;


//get the cmd dir envirment

//生成一个临时文件来确定当前的工作路径,因为tomcat当时在做项目的时候混乱的找不到服务器的路径是什么,用这种方式解决  mark

File f = new File("path.txt");

String path = f.getAbsolutePath();

path = path.substring(0,path.indexOf("path.txt"));

File dir = new File(path);

//set cmd

//String cmd = JAVA_path+"\\java -classpath c:\\sms SmsCenter "+alert;

//new sms code

String cmd = JAVA_path+"\\java -classpath c:\\sms SmsCenter good";

//path += "sms";


//call the sms center, set the alert

//Process   prs   =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd,null,dir);

//new sms code

//Process   prs   =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd,null,dir);



//p.println(cmd);//print the cmd content



} catch (Exception e) {

_log.warn("output sms.log error"+mes, e);



public String execute(AlertInterface alert, ActionExecutionInfo info)

throws ActionExecuteException


try {

Map addrs = lookupEmailAddr();

if (addrs.isEmpty()) {

return "No valid users or emails found to send alert";


EmailFilter filter = new EmailFilter();

AlertDefinitionInterface alertDef =


AppdefEntityID appEnt = getResource(alertDef);

ResourceDAO rDao = new ResourceDAO(DAOFactory.getDAOFactory());

Resource resource = rDao.findByInstanceId(appEnt.getAuthzTypeId(),


String[] body = new String[addrs.size()];

String[] htmlBody = new String[addrs.size()];

EmailRecipient[] to = (EmailRecipient[])

addrs.keySet().toArray(new EmailRecipient[addrs.size()]);

for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {

AuthzSubject user = (AuthzSubject) addrs.get(to[i]);

if (to[i].useHtml()) {

htmlBody[i] = createText(alertDef, info, resource, alert,

"html_email.gsp", user);


body[i] = createText(alertDef, info, resource, alert,

isSms() ? "sms_email.gsp" :

"text_email.gsp", user);

mes += ":"+body[i];


filter.sendAlert(appEnt, to,

createSubject(alertDef, alert, resource, ""),

body, htmlBody, alertDef.getPriority(),



StringBuffer result = getLog(to);

return result.toString();

} catch (Exception e) {

throw new ActionExecuteException(e);



protected StringBuffer getLog(EmailRecipient[] to) {

StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(isSms() ? "SMS" : "Notified");

// XXX: Should get this strings into a resource file

switch (getType()) {


result.append(" users: ");


default :


result.append(": ");



for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {


if (i < to.length - 1) {

result.append(", ");



return result;


protected Map lookupEmailAddr()

throws ActionExecuteException


// First, look up the addresses

int i = 0;

HashSet prevRecipients = new HashSet();

Map validRecipients = new HashMap();

for (Iterator it = getUsers().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {

try {

InternetAddress addr;

boolean useHtml = false;

AuthzSubject who = null;

switch (getType()) {


Integer uid = (Integer) it.next();

who = getSubjMan().getSubjectById(uid);

if (who == null) {

_log.warn("User not found: " + uid);



phone += who.getSMSAddress()+"|";

if (isSms()) {

addr = new InternetAddress(who.getSMSAddress());

} else {

addr = new InternetAddress(who.getEmailAddress());



useHtml = isSms() ? false : who.isHtmlEmail();




addr = new InternetAddress((String) it.next(), true);




// Don't send duplicate notifications

if (prevRecipients.add(addr)) {

validRecipients.put(new EmailRecipient(addr, useHtml), who);


} catch (AddressException e) {

_log.warn("Mail address invalid", e);


} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

_log.warn("Username encoding error", e);


} catch (Exception e) {

_log.warn("Email lookup failed");

_log.debug("Email lookup failed", e);




return validRecipients;


public void setParentActionConfig(AppdefEntityID ent, ConfigResponse cfg)

throws InvalidActionDataException




public void send(Escalatable alert, EscalationStateChange change,

String message, Set notified)

throws ActionExecuteException


PerformsEscalations def = alert.getDefinition();

Map addrs = lookupEmailAddr();

EmailFilter filter = new EmailFilter();

for (Iterator it = addrs.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();

EmailRecipient rec = (EmailRecipient) entry.getKey();

// Don't notify again if already notified

if (notified.contains(rec.getAddress())) {







AlertDefinitionInterface defInfo = def.getDefinitionInfo();

String[] messages = new String[addrs.size()];

Arrays.fill(messages, message);

EmailRecipient[] to = (EmailRecipient[])

addrs.keySet().toArray(new EmailRecipient[addrs.size()]);

AppdefEntityID appEnt = getResource(defInfo);

ResourceDAO rDao = new ResourceDAO(DAOFactory.getDAOFactory());

Resource resource = rDao.findByInstanceId(appEnt.getAuthzTypeId(),


filter.sendAlert(getResource(defInfo), to,

createSubject(defInfo, alert.getAlertInfo(), resource,


messages, messages, defInfo.getPriority(), false);





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