
[Error] reference to xx is ambiguous



int n,m,count;


翻译:对 xx 的引用是模糊的。



int n,m,Count;


成功解决[Error] reference to ‘xx’ is ambiguous相关推荐

  1. error: reference to 'xx' is ambiguous

    [原因和解决方法] 一般是由于定义的xx变量名称与库函数中的函数名xx有重名现象,通常做法是将定义的变量的首字母大写就不会重名了.

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  8. 成功解决 ERROR: An error occurred while performing the step: “Building kernel modules“. See  /var/log/nv

    成功解决 ERROR: An error occurred while performing the step: "Building kernel modules". See /v ...

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