Hi, I’m Vanessa, from speakenglishwithvanessa.com. Are you a French speaker? Wait! are you not a French speaker? It’s OK, you can still benefit from this video. Today, I want to spare with you four grammer mistakes that are commonly made by French speakers in English. Let’s get started.

No1. No1 is the word Actually. Actually in english means in reality. In French, the word is very similar to Actuellement. means at the moment, right now. So, In French, it’s very possible to say: Actuellement, I’m talking to you. but In english, it is not possible. Let’s see what is the best way to say it in english. Watch here: ——Is that wine? ——Actually, it’s lemonade. We can use the word actually to correct someone, when they say something incorrect. And it’s the polite way to say it.

No2. No2 I’ve heard so often and I know it’s difficult. So, today, I want to tell you the correct way to say this. I’ve heard many French speakers say ‘I live in the US since two years’ this sentences have several problems. But, I want to teach today the correct way to say it. I know in France, it’s difficult to use the word SINCE. Because, Depuis often means since. So, while you use them in the circumstance, but the best way to say “how long have you been living in somewhere” is like this:——How long have you been living in the US? ——I’ve been living in the US for two years. ——How long have you been living in London?——I’ve been living in London for five years.

No3. No3. This is the incorrect way to say this sentence. ——Who’s that guy? ——He’s the guy with who I was talking. And this is the correct way to say it. ——Who’s that guy? ——He’s the guy who I was talking with. In French, she will say XXXXX. So, it could be complicated when translating this in your head to English. But in English, keep it simple. He was the person who I was talking with. In English, if you say with who, with whom, it sounds very formal and unnecessary.

No4. No4 is the word enough. and where to put it in the sentence. For the word enough, we should put it right after the verb. I have heard many times. “——I ate food enough.” ——I drank wine enough. we need to put it after the verb. So, instead we can say:——I ate enough food. ——I drank enough wine. —— I slept enough last night. This is the best way to use the word enough. And I hope after this, you will never say it incorrectly again.

So, please let me know do you often make these mistakes? and was this video helpful to you? I hope to see you again. talk to you later. goodbye.

circumstance 环境,条件,情况

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