

clear all
close allhdr = read_envihdr('d.hdr');
Image = multibandread('d.dat', hdr.size, [hdr.format '=>double'], hdr.header_offset, hdr.interleave, hdr.machine);Image= reshape(Image,hdr.samples*hdr.lines,hdr.bands);


function info = read_envihdr(hdrfile)
% READ_ENVIHDR read and return ENVI image file header information.
%   INFO = READ_ENVIHDR('HDR_FILE') reads the ASCII ENVI-generated image
%   header file and returns all the information in a structure of
%   parameters.
% Output:
%  * Info - struct with fields provided in the ENVI file. ENVI header
%             format requires the following fields:
%    * samples - number of samples in the image (columns)
%    * lines - number of lines in the image (rows)
%    * bands - number of bands in the image. If all 3 dimensions are
%      provided than info.size will be created holding
%      [info.lines info.samples info.bands]
%    * data_type - data type of the image stored as an integer in 1-15
%      range. If provided than info.format will be created holding string
%      with Matlab's type name.
%    * interleave -  file band interleave type; either bip, bsq, or bil are
%      possible
%    * byte_order - byte order (0 is little endian [least significant
%       byte first], 1 is big endian [most significant byte first]).
%      If provided than info.machine will be created holding either
%      'ieee-le' or 'ieee-be' string.
%   Example 1:
%   >> info = read_envihdr('my_envi_image.hdr')
%   info =
%          description: [1x101 char]
%              samples: 658
%                lines: 749
%                bands: 3
%                 size: [749 658 3]
%        header_offset: 0
%            file_type: 'ENVI Standard'
%            data_type: 4
%              format : 'single'
%           interleave: 'bsq'
%          sensor_type: 'Unknown'
%           byte_order: 0
%             map_info: [1x1 struct]
%      projection_info: [1x102 char]
%     wavelength_units: 'Unknown'
%           pixel_size: [1x1 struct]
%           band_names: [1x154 char]
% Example 2:
% >> info = read_envihdr('my_envi_image.hsi');
% >> Z = multibandread(gFile, info.size, [info.format '=>double'], ...
% >>           info.header_offset, info.interleave, info.machine);
% Author: Jarek Tuszynski (jaroslaw.w.tuszynski@saic.com)
% License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
% See Also
% * MATLAB function multibandread
% * http://geol.hu/data/online_help/ENVI_Header_Format.html%% If file does not have 'hdr' extension than check if there is an matching
% header file
[FilePath, FileRoot, FileExt] = fileparts(hdrfile);
if ~strcmp(FileExt, '.hdr')fname = hdrfile;hdrfile = [fname '.hdr']; % add '.hdr' to the file nameif ~exist(hdrfile,'file')hdrfile = [FilePath '\' FileRoot '.hdr']; % replace extensionif ~exist(hdrfile,'file')hdrfile = fname;endend
end%% Load whole header file into a string
fid = fopen(hdrfile);
if fid<0, error('%s does not exist. \n', hdrfile); end
str = fread(fid,'uint8=>char')';
fclose(fid);%% split string into lines
flag = 0;
str(str==10) = 13;
str=strrep(str,char([13 13]), char(13));
for i = 1:length(str)switch str(i)case '{'flag=flag+1;case 13if (flag), str(i)=10; end case '}'flag=flag-1;end
lines = textscan(str,'%s','Delimiter',char(13));
lines = lines{1};%% parse each line into a field of a struc
info = [];
for iLine=1:length(lines)[info param] = ParseLine(lines{iLine}, info);if ~isempty(param) && ischar(info.(param)) && nnz(info.(param)=='{')% if "{" found than parse one more levelline = info.(param);if nnz(info.(param)=='=')==0 % string has no "=" -> check if it is numeric arrayline(line<32) = [];line(line == '{') = '[';line(line == '}') = ']';num = str2num(line); %#ok<ST2NM>if isnumeric(num) && ~isempty(num)info.(param) = num;elseif nnz(info.(param)==',')>0 % string has "," -> split into string cell arrayline(line == '[' | line == ']') = [];lines2 = textscan(line,'%s','Delimiter',',');info.(param) = lines2{1};endelse                         % string has "="line(line == '{' | line == '}') = [];lines2 = textscan(line,'%s','Delimiter',char(10));lines2 = lines2{1};info2 = [];for jLine=1:length(lines2)info2 = ParseLine(lines2{jLine}, info2);endinfo.(param) = info2;endend
end%% create info.size
if isfield(info, 'lines') && isfield(info, 'samples') && isfield(info, 'bands')info.size = [info.lines info.samples info.bands];
end%% fix 'byte_order' field
if isfield(info,'byte_order')switch info.byte_ordercase 0info.machine = 'ieee-le';case 1info.machine = 'ieee-be';otherwiseinfo.machine = 'n';end
end%% fix 'data_type' field
if isfield(info,'data_type')info.iscomplex=false; %if it is complexswitch info.data_typecase 1info.format = 'uint8';case 2info.format= 'int16';case 3info.format= 'int32';case 4info.format= 'single';case 5info.format= 'double';case 6info.iscomplex=true;info.format= 'single';case 9info.iscomplex=true;info.format= 'double';case 12info.format= 'uint16';case 13info.format= 'uint32';case 14info.format= 'int64';case 15info.format= 'uint64';otherwiseerror(['File type number: ',num2str(dtype),' not supported']);end
endfunction [struc param] = ParseLine(line, struc)param='';eqsn = find(line=='=',1,'first'); % find = signif ~isempty(eqsn)param = strtrim(line(1:eqsn-1));param(strfind(param,' ')) = '_';param = genvarname(param);         % split line into paramvalue = strtrim(line(eqsn+1:end)); % and valueif strcmp(param,upper(param))      % is all letters are upper case than ... param = lower(param);            % convert to lower case stringend% save values as fields of a structtrystruc.(param) = eval(value);    % try converting to numbers, etc.catch ME %#ok<NASGU>struc.(param) = value;endelsestruc.CONTENT = line;end


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