We’ve been hard at work on the Progressive Lightmapper since we first showed it at GDC in March. Please watch the video below for a quick introduction to what the Progressive Lightmapper has to offer so far:

自3月份在GDC上首次展示以来,我们一直在努力进行渐进式光照贴图。 请观看下面的视频,以快速了解Progressive Lightmapper迄今为止提供的功能:


什么? (What?)

The Progressive Lightmapper is an unbiased Monte Carlo path tracer – it can bake out lightmaps with global illumination (GI) inside the Unity Editor. For the last 40 years, the point at which realtime raytracing will become possible in a realtime application has been 5 years in the future and it still is. So for now the Progressive Lightmapper will exist as an alternative backend for baked lighting only.

渐进式光照贴图器是无偏差的蒙特卡洛路径跟踪器-它可以在Unity编辑器中烘焙具有全局照明(GI)的光照贴图。 在过去的40年中,在实时应用中成为可能的实时光线跟踪的点已经在未来5年了,现在仍然如此。 因此,目前,渐进式光照贴图器将仅作为烘焙照明的替代后端存在。

What about Enlighten? Enlighten is here to stay. Enlighten provides realtime GI and this cannot currently be achieved with a path tracer.

那Enlighten呢? 启蒙在这里停留。 Enlighten提供了实时GI,并且当前无法使用路径跟踪器来实现。

为什么? (Why?)

The aim of the Progressive Lightmapper is to make the workflow for baking lighting for a scene much better. In the current Unity release changes to the scene require a new bake and the results can only be shown when the bake is done. What Enlighten brought to the table is the ability to change lights in realtime and see the results immediately. However, changes to parameters, materials or geometry still require a rebake during which you get no feedback.

渐进式光照贴图器的目的是使烘焙场景照明的工作流程变得更好。 在当前的Unity版本中,对场景的更改需要重新烘焙,并且仅在烘焙完成后才能显示结果。 Enlighten带到桌面的是能够实时更改灯光并立即查看结果的功能。 但是,更改参数,材料或几何形状仍然需要重新烘烤,在此期间您不会得到任何反馈。

When iterating on – for example – baked shadows or the level of bounced lighting, waiting minutes or even longer between being able to make informed changes can be very frustrating. This effectively limits the quality you can achieve with your baked lighting. With the Progressive Lightmapper you will get almost immediate feedback. A noisy result at first, but rapidly improving directly in the Scene View.

当进行迭代(例如,烘烤阴影或灯光反射水平)时,等待几分钟甚至更长的时间才能进行明智的更改可能会非常令人沮丧。 这有效地限制了您使用烘烤照明可获得的质量。 使用Progressive Lightmapper,您几乎可以立即获得反馈。 最初会产生嘈杂的结果,但直接在“场景视图”中会Swift改善。

It has the added benefit of being able to prioritize the parts shown in the viewport – once they have finished it will continue baking the rest of the scene outside of the viewport.


In addition, the Progressive Lightmapper is in many cases more robust. It bakes out indirect lighting at full lightmap resolution so it is less prone to producing artifacts there. The setup is simple; provide a UV unwrap or let Unity create one and set the baking resolution. All your knowledge of traditional baking tools apply. Also, we can more easily predict when it will be done, so a reliable ETA on when the bake will finish is shown on the progress bar.

此外,渐进式光照贴图器在许多情况下都更强大。 它以全光照贴图分辨率烘烤间接照明,因此不容易在此处产生伪影。 设置很简单; 提供紫外线解包或让Unity创建一个并设置烘烤分辨率。 您对传统烘焙工具的所有知识都适用。 此外,我们可以更轻松地预测何时完成烘焙,因此进度条上会显示有关烘焙何时完成的可靠ETA。

Finally, when you think the result is good enough you can stop the bake and the lightmaps are created for you from the current state. So if you want to increase samples and allow Unity to add quality to the bake during some downtime, you can crank it up, and stop as soon as you’re ready to continue working.

最后,当您认为结果足够好时,可以停止烘焙,并从当前状态为您创建光照贴图。 因此,如果您想增加样品数量并允许Unity在某些停机时间内为烘烤增加质量,则可以将其启动,并在准备好继续工作后立即停止。

不做什么? (What does it not do?)

It is not a replacement for realtime GI. It only works for baking in the Unity Editor, so you cannot bake from within your game. This rules out baking GI for procedural scenes in-game, or the ability to change the lighting setup for time of day and baking on load. We want to nail the baking workflow in the Editor before we take it further.

它不能替代实时GI。 它仅适用于在Unity Editor中进行烘焙,因此您无法在游戏中进行烘焙。 这排除了为游戏中的程序场景烘焙GI的能力,或者排除了在一天中的时间更改照明设置并在负载下进行烘焙的能力。 在继续进行之前,我们想在编辑器中确定烘烤工作流程。

Also, it is not necessarily faster than baking with Enlighten. If you setup your scene well for Enlighten it can be very fast, so we cannot guarantee that all scenes bake faster with the Progressive Lightmapper. However, the time between starting a bake and getting some visual feedback will be significantly faster with the Progressive Lightmapper.

而且,它不一定比使用Enlighten烘焙更快。 如果为Enlighten设置好场景可以非常快,那么我们不能保证使用Progressive Lightmapper可以更快地烘焙所有场景。 但是,使用渐进式光照贴图器,从开始烘焙到获得一些视觉反馈之间的时间将明显更快。

Finally, it does not yet support any specific hardware such as a PowerVR Ray Tracing enabled GPU or a regular GPU. Right now it runs only using the CPU cores for baking. Again, for the initial release we will focus on the workflow.

最后,它还不支持任何特定的硬件,例如启用PowerVR Ray Tracing的 GPU或常规GPU。 目前,它仅使用CPU内核进行运行。 同样,对于初始版本,我们将重点放在工作流程上。

什么时候可以拿到? (When can I have it?)

When it is ready. :) We are currently in a closed alpha phase testing out the feature with selected game developers. Once we are happy with it we will provide an open beta.

准备好了。 :)我们目前处于封闭的Alpha阶段,正在与选定的游戏开发人员一起测试该功能。 一旦满意,我们将提供一个公开测试版。

Until we’re ready to ship an open beta, we’d love to hear your feedback on what we’ve shown thus far. Sound off in the comments below!

在准备发布公开测试版之前,我们很乐意听取您对到目前为止所展示内容的反馈。 请在下面的评论中留言!

致谢 (Acknowledgements)

This is a collaboration between Unity and Imagination Technologies, and we would like to thank the following people:

这是Unity和Imagination Technologies之间的合作,我们要感谢以下人员:

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/09/28/in-development-progressive-lightmapper/


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