extreme rays

As developer marketing manager at AMD, my mission is to enable developers to create ground-breaking experiences. That’s why I am so passionate about GPUOpen — AMD’s open-source initiative to supply game and professional graphics developers with powerful tools to design better GPU-powered applications. In the blog below, I’ll dive into AMD’s Radeon Rays integration with Unity and how you can learn more on GPUOpen.

作为AMD开发人员营销经理,我的使命是使开发人员能够创造突破性的体验。 这就是为什么我对GPUOpen充满热情的原因-GPU的开放源代码计划为游戏和专业图形开发人员提供了功能强大的工具,以设计更好的GPU驱动的应用程序。 在下面的博客中,我将介绍AMD与Unity的Radeon Rays集成以及如何在GPUOpen上了解更多信息。

Revolutionizing render times and workflows for realistic light effects has been one of the dominant themes at GDC 2018. The announcement of AMD’s Radeon Rays integration in Unity’s GPU Progressive Lightmapper is particularly exciting to game developers looking to boost the visual fidelity of their games assisted by an interactive baking workflow.

革命性的渲染时间和工作流程,以实现逼真的灯光效果,一直是GDC 2018的主要主题之一。AMD将Radeon Rays集成到Unity的GPU Progressive Lightmapper中,对于希望借助自己的游戏来增强游戏视觉保真度的游戏开发人员而言,尤其令人兴奋。交互式烘焙工作流程。

Powering the GPU Progressive Lightmapper is a full integration with AMD’s Radeon Rays – a fully open source high performance GPU-accelerated ray tracing engine for low level engine developers and supporting OpenCL, Vulkan and C++ backends. Radeon Rays can be used as an important building block of a renderer supporting global illumination rendering, sound rendering (through True Audio Next) and AI.

为GPU提供支持的功能Progressive Lightmapper与AMD Radeon Rays完全集成,后者是面向低级引擎开发人员的全开源高性能GPU加速的光线跟踪引擎,并支持OpenCL,Vulkan和C ++后端。 Radeon Rays可用作渲染器的重要构建块,支持全局照明渲染,声音渲染(通过True Audio Next )和AI。

Radeon Rays can be used for lightmap baking and light probe calculation using ray tracing and is being integrated by a number of developers to improve the lighting effects in their games. For a deeper dive into how Radeon Rays are used in a gaming rendering workflow, check out this presentation from GDC 2017.

Radeon Rays可用于使用光线追踪进行光照贴图烘焙和光探测器计算,并且已被许多开发人员集成以改善游戏中的照明效果。 若要深入了解如何在游戏渲染工作流程中使用Radeon Rays,请查看GDC 2017的演示文稿 。


Previous lightmapping solutions would take hours to compute even moderate sized scenes. Expansive outdoor environments could take days.

以前的光照贴图解决方案需要花费数小时才能计算出中等大小的场景。 广阔的室外环境可能需要几天的时间。

渲染时间:CPU与GPU (Rendering Times: CPU vs GPU)

Unity’s previous light mapping solutions were entirely CPU-based and could require several hours to compute for a moderate sized scene. Expansive outdoor environments could take days to lightmap. Using Radeon Rays GPU acceleration sped up the process of tuning lights and baking up to 10x the speed of CPU based baking, giving instant feedback to the artist. The new Lightmapper also adds an interactive baking mode which allows lighting artists to navigate the scene to see the baking process in real time. It also allows them to change lighting and material and immediately see how it affects their bakes.

Unity以前的光照贴图解决方案完全基于CPU,可能需要几个小时才能计算出中等大小的场景。 广阔的室外环境可能需要几天的时间才能绘制出光照图。 使用Radeon Rays GPU加速,可以加快调光和烘焙过程的速度,其速度是基于CPU的烘焙速度的10倍,从而可以为艺术家提供即时反馈。 新的Lightmapper还添加了一个交互式烘焙模式,该功能使照明艺术家可以导航场景以实时查看烘焙过程。 它还允许他们更改照明和材料,并立即查看它如何影响他们的烘烤。

An example of a lightmapped scene with complex shadow interactions.


Another example of a lightmapped scene with multiple light sources and shadows.


更多的光线,更少的渲染时间 (More Rays, Less rendering time)

Just how much does GPU hardware accelerate the Lightmapping process compared to previous CPU based methods? In benchmark tests comparing lightmapping hardware performance across models commonly used for benchmark (the simple cornell box, moderate sponza) and a production model (the complex blacksmith) the difference was substantial. GPU-based lightmapping generated close to 200  Million Rays/Sec, around 10X more than the level of CPU- based approaches.

与以前的基于CPU的方法相比,GPU硬件在多大程度上加速了Lightmapping进程? 在基准测试中,比较了通常用于基准测试的模型(简单的康奈尔盒子,适中的sponza)和生产模型(复杂的铁匠)之间的光映射硬件性能,两者之间的差异是很大的。 基于GPU的光照贴图产生了近2亿射线/秒,比基于CPU的方法高出约10倍。

With the new GPU-based progressive lightmapper, Unity users can achieve up to 10x faster bakes on a Radeon Vega in their system. The tool will also enable a faster workflow for artists to design while they bake. This means that when designers make any changes to lighting, materials, and textures, they can immediately see how that affects their baked global illumination quality. Because of the simple elegant API of Radeon Rays, developers can focus on the actual algorithm of the lightmapper instead of spending time on the integration. This means more efficient use of system resources, faster workflows and an overall better experience for Unity users as they create better quality assets.

借助基于GPU的新型渐进式光照贴图器,Unity用户可以在其系统中的Radeon Vega上实现多达10倍的快速烘焙。 该工具还将为艺术家烘烤时的设计提供更快的工作流程。 这意味着,当设计师对照明,材料和纹理进行任何更改时,他们可以立即看到这如何影响其烘焙的整体照明质量。 由于Radeon Rays具有简单优雅的API,因此开发人员可以专注于光照贴图程序的实际算法,而不必花时间进行集成。 这意味着Unity用户可以更有效地利用系统资源,更快的工作流程并获得更好的总体体验,因为他们创建了质量更高的资产。

The Real-time Ray Tracing with GPU Progressive Lightmapper is expected to be released later this year. To learn more about Radeon Rays visit GPUOpen.com and subscribe to AMD Developer News to stay up to date.

预计将于今年晚些时候发布带有GPU Progressive Lightmapper的实时光线追踪。 要了解有关Radeon Rays的更多信息,请访问GPUOpen.com并订阅AMD开发人员新闻以保持最新。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/29/amd-radeon-rays-integrated-into-unitys-gpu-progressive-lightmapper/

extreme rays

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