

import copy
import operatorempty = object()def new_method_proxy(func):def inner(self, *args):if self._wrapped is empty:self._setup()return func(self._wrapped, *args)return innerclass LazyObject(object):"""A wrapper for another class that can be used to delay instantiation of thewrapped class.By subclassing, you have the opportunity to intercept and alter theinstantiation. If you don't need to do that, use SimpleLazyObject."""# Avoid infinite recursion when tracing __init__ (#19456)._wrapped = Nonedef __init__(self):# Note: if a subclass overrides __init__(), it will likely need to# override __copy__() and __deepcopy__() as well.self._wrapped = empty__getattr__ = new_method_proxy(getattr)def __setattr__(self, name, value):if name == "_wrapped":# Assign to __dict__ to avoid infinite __setattr__ loops.self.__dict__["_wrapped"] = valueelse:if self._wrapped is empty:self._setup()setattr(self._wrapped, name, value)def __delattr__(self, name):if name == "_wrapped":raise TypeError("can't delete _wrapped.")if self._wrapped is empty:self._setup()delattr(self._wrapped, name)def _setup(self):"""Must be implemented by subclasses to initialize the wrapped object."""raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of LazyObject must provide a _setup() method')# Because we have messed with __class__ below, we confuse pickle as to what# class we are pickling. We're going to have to initialize the wrapped# object to successfully pickle it, so we might as well just pickle the# wrapped object since they're supposed to act the same way.## Unfortunately, if we try to simply act like the wrapped object, the ruse# will break down when pickle gets our id(). Thus we end up with pickle# thinking, in effect, that we are a distinct object from the wrapped# object, but with the same __dict__. This can cause problems (see #25389).## So instead, we define our own __reduce__ method and custom unpickler. We# pickle the wrapped object as the unpickler's argument, so that pickle# will pickle it normally, and then the unpickler simply returns its# argument.def __reduce__(self):if self._wrapped is empty:self._setup()return (unpickle_lazyobject, (self._wrapped,))# We have to explicitly override __getstate__ so that older versions of# pickle don't try to pickle the __dict__ (which in the case of a# SimpleLazyObject may contain a lambda). The value will end up being# ignored by our __reduce__ and custom unpickler.def __getstate__(self):return {}def __copy__(self):if self._wrapped is empty:# If uninitialized, copy the wrapper. Use type(self), not# self.__class__, because the latter is proxied.return type(self)()else:# If initialized, return a copy of the wrapped object.return copy.copy(self._wrapped)def __deepcopy__(self, memo):if self._wrapped is empty:# We have to use type(self), not self.__class__, because the# latter is proxied.result = type(self)()memo[id(self)] = resultreturn resultreturn copy.deepcopy(self._wrapped, memo)# if six.PY3:#     __bytes__ = new_method_proxy(bytes)#     __str__ = new_method_proxy(str)#     __bool__ = new_method_proxy(bool)# else:__str__ = new_method_proxy(str)__unicode__ = new_method_proxy(unicode)  # NOQA: unicode undefined on PY3__nonzero__ = new_method_proxy(bool)# Introspection support__dir__ = new_method_proxy(dir)# Need to pretend to be the wrapped class, for the sake of objects that# care about this (especially in equality tests)__class__ = property(new_method_proxy(operator.attrgetter("__class__")))__eq__ = new_method_proxy(operator.eq)__ne__ = new_method_proxy( = new_method_proxy(hash)# List/Tuple/Dictionary methods support__getitem__ = new_method_proxy(operator.getitem)__setitem__ = new_method_proxy(operator.setitem)__delitem__ = new_method_proxy(operator.delitem)__iter__ = new_method_proxy(iter)__len__ = new_method_proxy(len)__contains__ = new_method_proxy(operator.contains)def unpickle_lazyobject(wrapped):"""Used to unpickle lazy objects. Just return its argument, which will be thewrapped object."""return wrappedclass LazyA(LazyObject):def _setup(self):self._wrapped = A()class A(object):def __init__(self) = 'Tom'self.age = = 'meal'a = LazyA()


当第一次调用a.name的时候调用 LazyObject.__getattr__ --> LazyObject.new_method_proxy() --> self._setup() --> A.__init__() --> getattr(self._wrapped, *args)


主要通过 __getatrr__, __setatrr__, __delatrr__ 三个元方法实现延迟加载。其他元方法各位可不必纠结。

Lazy function

这个函数接受函数和任意数量的结果类(被期望作为初始函数的结果),会返回一个包装器(就叫惰性函数吧),之后我们调用这个函数。第一次调用会返回proxy class,没有调用初始化函数只是返回一个包装类。只有在调用了该代理实例的任何方法(函数的结果)之后,才会调用初始话函数。
from functools import total_ordering, wraps
from django.utils import sixclass Promise(object):"""This is just a base class for the proxy class created inthe closure of the lazy function. It can be used to recognizepromises in code."""passdef _lazy_proxy_unpickle(func, args, kwargs, *resultclasses):return lazy(func, *resultclasses)(*args, **kwargs)def lazy(func, *resultclasses):"""Turns any callable into a lazy evaluated callable. You need to give resultclasses or types -- at least one is needed so that the automatic forcing ofthe lazy evaluation code is triggered. Results are not memoized; thefunction is evaluated on every access."""@total_orderingclass __proxy__(Promise):"""Encapsulate a function call and act as a proxy for methods that arecalled on the result of that function. The function is not evaluateduntil one of the methods on the result is called."""__prepared = Falsedef __init__(self, args, kw):#3)代理实例存储原始调用的args和kwargsself.__args = argsself.__kw = kwif not self.__prepared:#4)如果是第一个调用惰性函数,准备代理类self.__prepare_class__()self.__prepared = Truedef __reduce__(self):return (_lazy_proxy_unpickle,(func, self.__args, self.__kw) + resultclasses)@classmethoddef __prepare_class__(cls):#5)遍历期望的结果类for resultclass in resultclasses:#6)相反的方向遍历每个结果类的每个超类for type_ in resultclass.mro():#7)循环遍历每个类的属性for method_name in type_.__dict__.keys():# All __promise__ return the same wrapper method, they# look up the correct implementation when called.if hasattr(cls, method_name):continue#8)为结果类的方法返回新的包装器方法,闭包中保存函数名meth = cls.__promise__(method_name)#9)代理类没有该属性,将包装器增加该属性setattr(cls, method_name, meth)cls._delegate_bytes = bytes in resultclassescls._delegate_text = six.text_type in resultclassesassert not (cls._delegate_bytes and cls._delegate_text), ("Cannot call lazy() with both bytes and text return types.")if cls._delegate_text:if six.PY3:cls.__str__ = cls.__text_castelse:cls.__unicode__ = cls.__text_castcls.__str__ = cls.__bytes_cast_encodedelif cls._delegate_bytes:if six.PY3:cls.__bytes__ = cls.__bytes_castelse:cls.__str__ = cls.__bytes_cast@classmethoddef __promise__(cls, method_name):# Builds a wrapper around some magic methoddef __wrapper__(self, *args, **kw):# Automatically triggers the evaluation of a lazy value and# applies the given magic method of the result type.#10)最后会调用原始函数得到结果res = func(*self.__args, **self.__kw)return getattr(res, method_name)(*args, **kw)return __wrapper__def __text_cast(self):return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw)def __bytes_cast(self):return bytes(func(*self.__args, **self.__kw))def __bytes_cast_encoded(self):return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw).encode('utf-8')def __cast(self):if self._delegate_bytes:return self.__bytes_cast()elif self._delegate_text:return self.__text_cast()else:return func(*self.__args, **self.__kw)def __str__(self):# object defines __str__(), so __prepare_class__() won't overload# a __str__() method from the proxied class.# 10)最后会调用原始函数得到结果return str(self.__cast())def __ne__(self, other):if isinstance(other, Promise):other = other.__cast()return self.__cast() != otherdef __eq__(self, other):if isinstance(other, Promise):other = other.__cast()return self.__cast() == otherdef __lt__(self, other):if isinstance(other, Promise):other = other.__cast()return self.__cast() < otherdef __hash__(self):return hash(self.__cast())def __mod__(self, rhs):if self._delegate_bytes and six.PY2:return bytes(self) % rhselif self._delegate_text:return six.text_type(self) % rhsreturn self.__cast() % rhsdef __deepcopy__(self, memo):# Instances of this class are effectively immutable. It's just a# collection of functions. So we don't need to do anything# complicated for copying.memo[id(self)] = selfreturn self@wraps(func)def __wrapper__(*args, **kw):# Creates the proxy object, instead of the actual value.#2)调用惰性函数时,我们得到的是代理实例而不是实际值return __proxy__(args, kw)return __wrapper__def testFunc(text):return text.title()#1)得到了包装器函数
lazy_func = lazy(testFunc, str)
res = lazy_func('bbbbbbbbbbbbbb')
print res
print res.upper()

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