

  • 官网地址:

  • jepgsrc9c.zip源码包下载地址:
  • 如上的下载地址失效可以使用Qt君的github仓库下载:



  • install.txt中摘取的VC++6配置编译方法:
Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Developer Studio:To use:
1. Open the command prompt, change to the main directory and execute thecommand lineNMAKE /f makefile.vs  setup-vc6This will move jconfig.vc to jconfig.h and makefiles to project files.(Note that the renaming is critical!)
2. Open the workspace file jpeg.dsw, build the library project.(If you are using Developer Studio more recent than 6.0, you'llprobably get a message saying that the project files are being updated.)
3. Open the workspace file apps.dsw, build the application projects.
4. To perform the self-test, execute the command lineNMAKE /f makefile.vs  test-build
5. Move the application .exe files from `app`\Release to anappropriate location on your path.
  • install.txt中摘取的VS2017配置编译方法:
Microsoft Windows, Visual Studio 2017 (v15):To use:
1. Open the Developer Command Prompt, change to the main directory andexecute the command lineNMAKE /f makefile.vs  setup-v15This will move jconfig.vc to jconfig.h and makefiles to project files.(Note that the renaming is critical!)
2. Open the solution file jpeg.sln, build the library project.a) If you are using Visual Studio more recent than2017 (v15), you'll probably get a message sayingthat the project files are being updated.b) If necessary, open the project properties andadapt the Windows Target Platform Version inthe Configuration Properties, General section;we support the latest version at the time of release.
3. Open the solution file apps.sln, build the application projects.
4. To perform the self-test, execute the command lineNMAKE /f makefile.vs  test-build
5. Move the application .exe files from `app`\Release to anappropriate location on your path.



3.1 编译步骤

1. 打开VS2017开发者终端,主要是使用VS2017的开发环境。

2. 进入libjpeg库目录,使用NMAKE命令生成VS2017的项目文件(用于编译libjpeg库)。



NMAKE /f makefile.vs setup-v15


3. 打开libjpeg库目录的jpeg.sln项目文件。


jpeg.vcxproj.filters : warning  : 无法读取筛选器文件“jpeg.vcxproj.filters”。请卸载项目“jpeg.vcxproj”以便对其进行编辑。
jpeg.vcxproj.filters(1,1): 未能加载项目文件。根级别上的数据无效。 第 1 行,位置 1。


  • 使用记事本打开jpeg.vcxproj删除第1行的第1个位置的乱码字符
  • 另存为UTF-8格式并覆盖jpeg.vcxproj文件。
  • 相似的问题可以使用同样的方法解决。

4. 编译


  • Windows SDK版本不匹配的问题。

  解决方法:修改Windows SDK版本:

  • 提示必须定义入口点的问题:


3.2 最后编译成功


  • 仅供学习使用。
  • 32位与64位的release版本静态库。
  • 地址:


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