title = "复活英雄"
description = "复活英雄"
comment = "响应'开始/取消/完成复活'单位事件."
returns = unit

title = "贩卖者"
description = "贩卖者"
comment = "响应'出售单位','出售物品'或'抵押物品'单位事件."
use_in_event = 0
returns = unit

title = "被贩卖单位"
description = "被贩卖单位"
comment = "响应'出售单位'单位事件."
use_in_event = 0
returns = unit

title = "召唤单位"
description = "召唤单位"
comment = "响应'召唤单位'单位事件,指代被召唤单位."
returns = unit

title = "召唤者"
description = "召唤者"
comment = "响应'召唤单位'单位事件."
returns = unit

title = "命令发布目标"
description = "命令发布目标"
comment = "响应'发布指定物体目标命令'单位事件并以单位为目标时."
returns = unit

title = "技能施放目标"
description = "技能施放目标"
comment = "响应'施放技能'单位事件并以单位为目标时. 注意: 技能施放结束将无法捕获施放目标."
returns = unit

title = "事件目标单位"
description = "事件目标单位"
comment = "响应'注意到/获取攻击目标'单位事件,指代目标单位."
returns = unit

title = "训练单位"
description = "训练单位"
comment = "响应'完成训练单位'单位事件,指代被训练单位."
returns = unit

title = "运输单位"
description = "运输单位"
comment = "响应'被装载'单位事件.指代作为载体的单位."
script_name = GetTransportUnit
returns = unit

title = "触发单位"
description = "触发单位"
comment = ""
returns = unit

title = "训练单位类型"
description = "训练单位类型"
comment = "响应'开始/取消/完成训练单位'单位事件, 指代所训练的单位类型."
returns = unitcode

title = "发布的命令ID"
description = "发布的命令ID"
comment = "响应'发布命令'单位事件."
script_name = GetIssuedOrderId
returns = ordercode

title = "死亡的可破坏物"
description = "死亡的可破坏物"
comment = "响应'可破坏物死亡'事件."
returns = destructable

title = "命令发布目标(可破坏物)"
description = "命令发布目标"
comment = "响应'发布指定物体目标命令'单位事件并以可破坏物为目标时."
returns = destructable

title = "技能施放目标(可破坏物)"
description = "技能施放目标"
comment = "响应'施放技能'单位事件并以可破坏物为目标时. 注意: 技能施放结束将无法捕获施放目标."
use_in_event = 0
returns = destructable

title = "被操作物品"
description = "被操作物品"
comment = "响应'使用/得到/丢弃物品'单位事件."
returns = item

title = "被售出物品"
description = "被售出物品"
comment = "响应'出售物品'或'抵押物品'单位事件."
use_in_event = 0
returns = item

title = "命令发布目标"
description = "命令发布目标"
comment = "响应'发布指定物体目标命令'单位事件并以物品为目标时."
returns = item

title = "技能施放目标"
description = "技能施放目标"
comment = "响应施放技能单位事件并以物品为目标时. 注意: 技能施放结束将无法捕获施放目标."
use_in_event = 0
returns = item

title = "被研究科技"
description = "被研究科技"
comment = "响应'开始/取消/完成科技研究'单位事件."
returns = techcode

title = "施放技能"
description = "施放技能"
comment = "响应施放技能单位事件, 指代被施放的技能."
use_in_event = 0
returns = abilcode

title = "学习技能 [R]"
description = "学习技能"
comment = "响应'学习技能'单位事件, 指代被学习的技能."
returns = abilcode

title = "学习技能"
description = "学习技能"
comment = "响应'学习技能'单位事件, 指代被学习的技能. 新函数在'技能'类别中."
script_name = GetLearnedSkill
returns = heroskillcode

title = "原所有者"
description = "原所有者"
comment = "响应'改变所有者'单位事件,指代单位原来的所有者."
use_in_event = 0
returns = player

title = "触发玩家"
description = "触发玩家"
comment = ""
returns = player

title = "点击的对话框"
description = "点击的对话框"
comment = "响应'对话框 - 点击对话框/按钮'事件."
script_name = GetClickedDialog
returns = dialog

title = "点击的对话框按钮"
description = "点击的对话框按钮"
comment = "响应'对话框 - 点击对话框/按钮'事件."
script_name = GetClickedButton
returns = button

title = "到期的计时器"
description = "到期的计时器"
comment = "响应'时间 - 计时器到期'事件."
returns = timer

title = "事件响应 - 触发可追踪物 [R]"
description = "事件响应 - 触发可追踪物"
comment = ""
returns = trackable

title = "随机整数"
description = "随机整数,最小值: ${Minimum} 最大值: ${Maximum}"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 2
type1 = integer
default1 = "1"
type2 = integer
default2 = "10"

title = "取较小值"
description = "取(${整数1}, ${整数2})中较小值"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 2
type1 = integer
type2 = integer

title = "取较大值"
description = "取(${整数1}, ${整数2})中较大值"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 2
type1 = integer
type2 = integer

title = "绝对值"
description = "${整数} 的绝对值"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = integer

title = "符号标志"
description = "${整数} 的符号标志"
comment = "负数为-1. 非负数为1."
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = integer

title = "获取字符串的哈希值"
description = "(${String})的哈希值"
comment = "获取一个对应该字符串的密钥,不同的字符串的密钥基本不可能相同,也很难找到两个不同的字符串他们有着相同的密钥。可以用于制作密码等功能。"
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = string

title = "模"
description = "${被除数} mod ${除数}"
comment = "取模计算,例: 13 mod 5 = 3."
category = TC_MATH
returns = integer
keynum = 2
type1 = integer
type2 = integer

title = "随机实数"
description = "随机实数,最小值: ${Minimum} 最大值: ${Maximum}"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = real
default1 = "0"
type2 = real
default2 = "1"

title = "随机角度"
description = "随机角度"
comment = "0-360的随机角度."
category = TC_MATH
returns = degree

title = "随机百分数"
description = "随机百分数"
comment = "0-100的随机实数."
category = TC_MATH
returns = real

title = "两点间距"
description = "${点} 和 ${点} 之间的距离"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = location
type2 = location

title = "两点间方向"
description = "${点} 到 ${点} 的角度"
comment = "取值-180 - 180."
category = TC_MATH
returns = degree
keynum = 2
type1 = location
type2 = location

title = "取较小值"
description = "取(${实数1}, ${实数2})中较小值"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = real
type2 = real

title = "取较大值"
description = "取(${实数1}, ${实数2})中较大值"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = real
type2 = real

title = "绝对值"
description = "${实数} 的绝对值"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = real

title = "符号标志"
description = "${实数} 的符号标志"
comment = "负数为-1. 非负数为1."
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = real

title = "模"
description = "${被除数} mod ${除数}"
comment = "取模计算,例: 9.0 mod 2.5 = 1.5."
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = real
type2 = real

title = "幂运算"
description = "${实数} 的 ${实数} 次幂"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = real
type2 = real

title = "平方根"
description = "${实数} 的平方根"
comment = ""
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = real
min1 = 0

title = "正弦(角度)"
description = "Sin(${Angle})"
comment = "采用角度制计算."
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = degree
default1 = "GetUnitFacing"

title = "余弦(角度)"
description = "Cos(${Angle})"
comment = "采用角度制计算."
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = degree
default1 = "GetUnitFacing"

title = "正切(角度)"
description = "Tan(${Angle})"
comment = "采用角度制计算."
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = degree
default1 = "GetUnitFacing"

title = "反正弦(角度)"
description = "Asin(${数值})"
comment = "采用角度制计算. 返回角度取值-90 — 90."
category = TC_MATH
returns = degree
keynum = 1
type1 = real
min1 = -1
max1 = 1

title = "反余弦(角度)"
description = "Acos(${数值})"
comment = "采用角度制计算. 返回角度取值0 — 180."
category = TC_MATH
returns = degree
keynum = 1
type1 = real
min1 = -1
max1 = 1

title = "反正切(角度)"
description = "Atan(${数值})"
comment = "采用角度制计算. 返回角度取值-90 — 90."
category = TC_MATH
returns = degree
keynum = 1
type1 = real

title = "反正切(角度)(Y:X)"
description = "Atan(${Y} : ${X})"
comment = "采用角度制计算. 返回角度取值-90 — 90."
category = TC_MATH
returns = degree
keynum = 2
type1 = real
type2 = real

title = "正弦(弧度) [R]"
description = "Sin(${Angle})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = radian
default1 = "bj_PI"

title = "余弦(弧度) [R]"
description = "Cos(${Angle})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = radian
default1 = "bj_PI"

title = "正切(弧度) [R]"
description = "Tan(${Angle})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = radian
default1 = "bj_PI"

title = "反正弦(弧度) [R]"
description = "Asin(${数值})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. 返回弧度取值-π/2 — π/2. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = radian
keynum = 1
type1 = real
default1 = "0"
min1 = -1
max1 = 1

title = "反余弦(弧度) [R]"
description = "Acos(${数值})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. 返回弧度取值0 — π. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = radian
keynum = 1
type1 = real
default1 = "0"
min1 = -1
max1 = 1

title = "反正切(弧度) [R]"
description = "Atan(${数值})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. 返回弧度取值-π/2 — π/2. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = radian
keynum = 1
type1 = real
default1 = "0"

title = "反正切(Y:X)(弧度) [R]"
description = "Atan(${Y} : ${X})"
comment = "采用弧度制计算. 返回弧度取值-π/2 — π/2. "
category = TC_MATH
returns = radian
keynum = 2
type1 = real
type2 = real

title = "对数函数(10为底)<c kuhn制作>"
description = "Lg(${x})"
comment = "10^n=x,那么lg(x)=n,如lg(100)=2;鸣谢zyl910"
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = real
min1 = 0.01

title = "对数函数(e为底)<c kuhn制作>"
description = "Ln(${x})"
comment = "e^n=x,那么ln(x)=n,e即自然对数,约等于2.718281828;鸣谢zyl910"
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = real
min1 = 0.01

title = "对数函数(任意底)<c kuhn制作>"
description = "Log(${a})(${b})"
comment = "a^n=b,那么log(a)(b)=n,如log(2)(4)=2;鸣谢zyl910"
category = TC_MATH
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = real
min1 = 0.01
type2 = real
min2 = 0.01

title = "最后发言长度"
description = "最后发言长度"
comment = "最后一次使用'电影 - 播送单位消息'动作的单位发言时间."
category = TC_CINEMATIC
returns = real

title = "逝去时间"
description = "${计时器} 的逝去时间"
comment = ""
category = TC_TIMER
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = timer

title = "剩余时间"
description = "${计时器} 的剩余时间"
comment = ""
category = TC_TIMER
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = timer

title = "设置时间"
description = "${计时器} 设置的时间"
comment = ""
category = TC_TIMER
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = timer

title = "新建计时器窗口 [R]"
description = "为 ${计时器} 新建计时窗口"
comment = "为一个计时器创建一个新建计时器窗口."
category = TC_TIMER
returns = timerdialog
keynum = 1
type1 = timer

title = "镜头属性(指定镜头) [R]"
description = "${镜头} 的 ${Camera Field}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = camerasetup
type2 = camerafield
default2 = "CameraFieldTargetDistance"

title = "镜头属性(指定镜头)"
description = "${Camera Field} 对 ${镜头}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real
keynum = 2
type1 = camerafield
default1 = "CameraFieldTargetDistance"
type2 = camerasetup

title = "镜头属性(当前镜头)"
description = "当前镜头的 ${Camera Field}"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = camerafield
default1 = "CameraFieldTargetDistance"

title = "当前镜头目标X坐标"
description = "当前镜头目标X坐标"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real

title = "当前镜头目标Y坐标"
description = "当前镜头目标Y坐标"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real

title = "当前镜头目标Z坐标"
description = "当前镜头目标Z坐标"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real

title = "当前镜头源X坐标"
description = "当前镜头源X坐标"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real

title = "当前镜头源Y坐标"
description = "当前镜头源Y坐标"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real

title = "当前镜头源Z坐标"
description = "当前镜头源Z坐标"
comment = "注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = real

title = "镜头目标点"
description = "${镜头} 的目标点"
comment = "会创建点."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = location
keynum = 1
type1 = camerasetup

title = "当前镜头目标点"
description = "当前镜头目标点"
comment = "会创建点. 注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = location

title = "当前镜头源位置"
description = "当前镜头源位置"
comment = "会创建点. 注意:该函数对各玩家返回值不同,请确定你知道自己在做什么,否则很容易引起掉线."
category = TC_CAMERA
returns = location

title = "红颜色值"
description = "${Lightning} 的红颜色值"
comment = "取值范围0-1. 可使用'闪电效果 - 改变颜色'动作来改变颜色值."
script_name = GetLightningColorR
category = TC_LIGHTNING
use_in_event = 0
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = lightning
default1 = "GetLastCreatedLightningBJ"

title = "绿颜色值"
description = "${Lightning} 的绿颜色值"
comment = "取值范围0-1. 可使用'闪电效果 - 改变颜色'动作来改变颜色值."
script_name = GetLightningColorG
category = TC_LIGHTNING
use_in_event = 0
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = lightning
default1 = "GetLastCreatedLightningBJ"

title = "蓝颜色值"
description = "${Lightning} 的蓝颜色值"
comment = "取值范围0-1. 可使用'闪电效果 - 改变颜色'动作来改变颜色值."
script_name = GetLightningColorB
category = TC_LIGHTNING
use_in_event = 0
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = lightning
default1 = "GetLastCreatedLightningBJ"

title = "Alpha通道值"
description = "${Lightning} 的Alpha通道值"
comment = "取值范围0-1. Alpha通道值为0是完全透明的. 可使用'闪电效果 - 改变颜色'动作来改变Alpha通道值."
script_name = GetLightningColorA
category = TC_LIGHTNING
use_in_event = 0
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = lightning
default1 = "GetLastCreatedLightningBJ"

title = "新建闪电效果 [R]"
description = "新建闪电效果: ${闪电效果} (${Boolean}检查可见性) 起始点:(${X},${Y}) 终结点:(${X},${Y})"
comment = "会创建闪电效果. 允许检查可见性则在起始点和终结点都不可见时将不创建闪电效果."
category = TC_LIGHTNING
returns = lightning
keynum = 6
type1 = lightningtype
default1 = "LightningTypeCLPB"
type2 = allowdontoption
default2 = "AllowDontDont"
type3 = real
default3 = "0"
type4 = real
default4 = "0"
type5 = real
default5 = "0"
type6 = real
default6 = "0"

title = "新建闪电效果(指定Z轴) [R]"
description = "新建闪电效果: ${闪电效果} (${Boolean}检查可见性) 起始点:(${X},${Y},${Z}) 终结点:(${X},${Y},${Z})"
comment = "会创建闪电效果. 允许检查可见性则在起始点和终结点都不可见时将不创建闪电效果."
category = TC_LIGHTNING
returns = lightning
keynum = 8
type1 = lightningtype
default1 = "LightningTypeCLPB"
type2 = allowdontoption
default2 = "AllowDontDont"
type3 = real
default3 = "0"
type4 = real
default4 = "0"
type5 = real
default5 = "0"
type6 = real
default6 = "0"
type7 = real
default7 = "0"
type8 = real
default8 = "0"

title = "音效长度"
description = "${音效} 的长度"
comment = "单位为秒."
category = TC_SOUND
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = sound
default1 = "GetLastPlayedSound"

title = "音乐长度"
description = "${音乐} 的长度"
comment = "单位为秒."
category = TC_SOUND
returns = real
keynum = 1
type1 = musicfile
default1 = "GetLastPlayedMusic"

title = "最后创建的单位"
description = "最后创建的单位"
comment = "最后一个使用'单位 - 创建'动作创建的单位."
category = TC_LAST
returns = unit

title = "最后读取的单位"
description = "最后读取的单位"
comment = "最后一个使用'游戏缓存 - 读取单位'动作创建的单位."
category = TC_LAST
returns = unit

title = "最后替换的单位"
description = "最后替换的单位"
comment = "最后一个使用'单位 - 替换'替换的单位."
category = TC_LAST
returns = unit

title = "最后创建的不死族金矿"
description = "最后创建的不死族金矿"
comment = "最后一个使用'中立建筑 - 创建不死族金矿'创建的不死族金矿."
category = TC_LAST
returns = unit

title = "最后创建的单位池 [YDWE]"
description = "最后创建的单位池"
comment = "该单位池必须是由YDWE提供的<创建单位池>动作生成,不然无法获取。"
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = unitpool

title = "最后创建的可破坏物"
description = "最后创建的可破坏物"
comment = "最后一个使用 '可破坏物 - 创建'动作创建的可破坏物."
category = TC_LAST
returns = destructable

title = "最后创建的物品"
description = "最后创建的物品"
comment = "最后一个使用'物品 - 创建'或'英雄 - 创建物品给英雄'动作创建的物品."
category = TC_LAST
returns = item

title = "最后丢弃的物品"
description = "最后丢弃的物品"
comment = "最后一个使用'英雄 - 丢弃物品'动作丢弃的物品."
category = TC_LAST
returns = item

title = "最后在物品栏中移动的物品 [YDWE]"
description = "最后在物品栏中移动的物品"
comment = "最后一个单位在物品栏中移动的物品"
category = TC_LAST
returns = item

title = "最后被合成的物品 [YDWE]"
description = "最后被合成的物品"
comment = "最后由物品合成系统合成的物品"
category = TC_LAST
returns = item

title = "最后创建的单位组"
description = "最后创建的单位组"
comment = "最后一批通过'单位 - 创建'动作创建的单位."
category = TC_LAST
returns = group

title = "最后创建的可见度修正器"
description = "最后创建的可见度修正器"
comment = "最后一个由'可见度 - 创建可见度修正器'动作创建的可见度修正器."
category = TC_LAST
returns = fogmodifier

title = "最后创建的特效"
description = "最后创建的特效"
comment = "最后一个使用'特殊效果 - 创建特效'动作创建的效果."
category = TC_LAST
returns = effect

title = "最后创建的闪电效果"
description = "最后创建的闪电效果"
comment = "最后一个使用'闪电效果 - 创建'动作创建的闪电效果."
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = lightning

title = "最后创建的图像"
description = "最后创建的图像"
comment = "最后一个使用'图像 - 创建'动作创建的图像."
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = image

title = "最后创建的地面纹理变化"
description = "最后创建的地面纹理变化"
comment = "最后一个使用'地面纹理 - 创建'动作创建的纹理变化."
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = ubersplat

title = "最后创建的天气效果"
description = "最后创建的天气效果"
comment = "最后一个使用'环境 - 创建天气效果'动作创建的天气效果."
category = TC_LAST
returns = weathereffect

title = "最后创建的地形变化"
description = "最后创建的地形变化"
comment = "最后一个由'环境 - 创建地形变化'动作创建的地形变化."
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = terraindeformation

title = "最后播放的音效"
description = "最后播放的音效"
comment = "最后一个由'声音 - 播放音效'或'电影 - 播放单位消息'动作播放的音效."
category = TC_LAST
returns = sound

title = "最后播放的音乐"
description = "最后播放的音乐"
comment = "最后一个由'声音 - 播放音乐'动作播放的音乐."
category = TC_LAST
returns = musicfile

title = "最后创建的任务"
description = "最后创建的任务"
comment = "最后一个由'任务 - 创建任务'动作创建的任务."
category = TC_LAST
returns = quest

title = "最后创建的任务项目"
description = "最后创建的任务项目"
comment = "最后一个由'任务 - 创建任务项目'动作创建的任务项目."
category = TC_LAST
returns = questitem

title = "最后创建的失败条件"
description = "最后创建的失败条件"
comment = "最后一个由'任务 - 创建失败条件'动作创建的失败条件."
category = TC_LAST
returns = defeatcondition

title = "最后创建的对话框按钮"
description = "最后创建的对话框按钮"
comment = "最后一个由'对话框 - 创建对话框按钮'动作创建的对话框按钮."
category = TC_LAST
returns = button

title = "最后创建的排行榜"
description = "最后创建的排行榜"
comment = "最后一个由'排行榜 - 创建排行榜'动作创建的排行榜."
category = TC_LAST
returns = leaderboard

title = "最后创建的多面板"
description = "最后创建的多面板"
comment = "最后一个由'多面板 - 创建多面板'动作创建的多面板."
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = multiboard

title = "最后启用的计时器"
description = "最后启用的计时器"
comment = "最后一个由'计时器 - 启用计时器'动作启用的计时器."
category = TC_LAST
returns = timer

title = "最后创建的计时器窗口"
description = "最后创建的计时器窗口"
comment = "最后一个由'计时器 - 创建计时器窗口'动作创建的计时器窗口."
category = TC_LAST
returns = timerdialog

title = "最后创建的游戏缓存"
description = "最后创建的游戏缓存"
comment = "最后一个由'游戏缓存 - 创建缓存'动作创建的缓存."
category = TC_LAST
returns = gamecache

title = "最后创建的哈希表"
description = "最后创建的哈希表"
comment = "能得到通过 '哈希表 - 新建哈希表' 最后一次创建的哈希表"
category = TC_LAST
returns = hashtable

title = "<1.24> 从哈希表提取哈希表 [C]"
description = "在 ${Hashtable} 的主索引 ${Value} 子索引 ${Value} 内提取哈希表"
comment = "如果不存在则返回空"
category = TC_LAST
returns = hashtable
keynum = 3
type1 = hashtable
default1 = "GetLastCreatedHashtableBJ"
type2 = integer
type3 = integer

title = "最后创建的漂浮文字"
description = "最后创建的漂浮文字"
comment = "最后一个由'漂浮文字 - 创建漂浮文字'动作创建的漂浮文字."
category = TC_LAST
use_in_event = 0
returns = texttag

title = "演员单位"
description = "电影系统里编号为(${整数})的演员"
comment = "获取Script System电影系统中的演员单位。"
category = TC_SCRIPTSET
returns = unit
keynum = 1
type1 = integer
default1 = "1"
min1 = 1

title = "选择放置单位 [R]"
description = "从 ${单位池} 中为 ${玩家} 任意选择一个单位并放置到点( ${X} , ${Y} ) 面向 ${度}"
comment = "从单位池中随机选取一个单位类型."
category = TC_UNITPOOL
returns = unit
keynum = 5
type1 = unitpool
type2 = player
default2 = "Player00"
type3 = real
default3 = "0"
type4 = real
default4 = "0"
type5 = degree
default5 = "0"

title = "最后从单位池里取出的单位"
description = "最后从单位池里取出的单位"
comment = "该单位必须是由YDWE提供的<选择放置单位>动作生成,不然无法获取。"
category = TC_UNITPOOL
returns = unit

title = "选择放置物品 [R]"
description = "从 ${物品池} 中任意选择一个物品并放置到( ${X} , ${Y} )点"
comment = ""
category = TC_ITEMPOOL
returns = item
keynum = 3
type1 = itempool
type2 = real
default2 = "0"
type3 = real
default3 = "0"

title = "新建对话框 [R]"
description = "新建对话框"
comment = "创建新的对话框."
category = TC_DIALOG
returns = dialog

title = "获取 单位 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${单位} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个单位转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"

title = "获取 玩家 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${玩家} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个玩家转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = player
default1 = "GetTriggerPlayer"

title = "获取 物品 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${物品} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个物品转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = item
default1 = "GetManipulatedItem"

title = "获取 计时器 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${计时器} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个计时器转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = timer
default1 = "GetLastCreatedTimerBJ"

title = "获取 触发器 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${触发器} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个触发器转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = trigger
default1 = "GetTriggeringTrigger"

title = "获取 单位组 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${单位组} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个单位组转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = group
default1 = "GetLastCreatedGroup"

title = "获取 点 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${点} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个点转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = location

title = "获取 单位类型 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${单位类型} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个单位类型转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = unitcode
default1 = "hfoo"

title = "获取 技能类型 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${技能类型} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个技能类型转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = abilcode
default1 = "Aloc"

title = "获取 物品类型 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${物品类型} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个物品类型转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = itemcode
default1 = "spsh"

title = "获取 多面板 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${多面板} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个多面板转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = multiboard
default1 = "GetLastCreatedMultiboard"

title = "获取 多面板项目 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${多面板项目} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个多面板项目转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = multiboarditem

title = "获取 漂浮文字 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${漂浮文字} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个漂浮文字转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = texttag
default1 = "GetLastCreatedTextTag"

title = "获取 闪电 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${闪电} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个闪电成转整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = lightning
default1 = "bj_lastCreatedLightning"

title = "获取 区域 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${区域} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个区域转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = region
default1 = "GetTriggeringRegion"

title = "获取 地区 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${地区} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个地区转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = rect
default1 = "GetPlayableMapRect"

title = "获取 排行榜 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${排行榜} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个排行榜转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = leaderboard
default1 = "DestroyLeaderboard"

title = "获取 特效 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${特效} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个特效转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = effect
default1 = "GetLastCreatedEffectBJ"

title = "获取 可破坏物 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${可破坏物} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个可破坏物转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = destructable
default1 = "GetLastCreatedDestructable"

title = "获取 触发器条件 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${触发器条件} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个触发器条件转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = triggercondition

title = "获取 触发器动作 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${触发器动作} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个触发器动作转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = triggeraction

title = "获取 事件 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${事件} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个事件转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = event

title = "获取 势力 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${势力} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个势力转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = force

title = "获取 布尔表达式 的整数地址"
description = "获取 ${布尔表达式} 的整数地址"
comment = "可以把一个布尔表达式转成整数,方便存入缓存或Hash表。"
category = TC_YDID
returns = integer
keynum = 1
type1 = boolexpr

title = "读取布尔值"
description = "从游戏缓存读取布尔值,名称: ${文字} 类别: ${Category} 缓存: ${Game Cache}"
comment = "原版UI,英文的语序的关系,为了使UI读起来更流畅,添加了一层封装,但这对中文来说就是画蛇添足了"
category = TC_YDHIDE
returns = boolean
keynum = 3
type1 = string
type2 = string
default2 = "\"Category\""
type3 = gamecache
default3 = "GetLastCreatedGameCacheBJ"

title = "缓存读取整数"
description = "从游戏缓存读取整数,名称: ${文字} 类别: ${Category} 缓存: ${Game Cache}"
comment = "原版UI,英文的语序的关系,为了使UI读起来更流畅,添加了一层封装,但这对中文来说就是画蛇添足了"
category = TC_YDHIDE
returns = integer
keynum = 3
type1 = string
type2 = string
default2 = "\"Category\""
type3 = gamecache
default3 = "GetLastCreatedGameCacheBJ"

title = "缓存读取实数"
description = "从游戏缓存读取实数,名称: ${文字} 类别: ${Category} 缓存: ${Game Cache}"
comment = "原版UI,英文的语序的关系,为了使UI读起来更流畅,添加了一层封装,但这对中文来说就是画蛇添足了"
category = TC_YDHIDE
returns = real
keynum = 3
type1 = string
type2 = string
default2 = "\"Category\""
type3 = gamecache
default3 = "GetLastCreatedGameCacheBJ"

title = "读取字符串"
description = "从游戏缓存读取字符串,名称: ${文字} 类别: ${Category} 缓存: ${Game Cache}"
comment = "原版UI,英文的语序的关系,为了使UI读起来更流畅,添加了一层封装,但这对中文来说就是画蛇添足了"
category = TC_YDHIDE
use_in_event = 0
returns = string
keynum = 3
type1 = string
type2 = string
default2 = "\"Category\""
type3 = gamecache
default3 = "GetLastCreatedGameCacheBJ"

title = "命令ID"
description = "${ID}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
keynum = 1
type1 = integer

title = "技能的命令ID [New!]"
description = "${技能} 的 ${类型}"
comment = "技能ID一定要用常量"
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
keynum = 2
type1 = abilcode
default1 = 'AHbz'
type2 = OrderType
default2 = OrderTypeOrder

title = "单位目标命令"
description = "${命令}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
keynum = 1
type1 = ordercodeutarg

title = "点目标命令"
description = "${命令}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
keynum = 1
type1 = ordercodeptarg

title = "可破坏物目标命令"
description = "${命令}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
keynum = 1
type1 = ordercodedtarg

title = "物品目标命令"
description = "${命令}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
keynum = 1
type1 = ordercodeitarg

title = "无目标命令"
description = "${命令}"
comment = ""
category = TC_CONVERSION
returns = ordercode
type1 = ordercodenotarg
title = "设置技能属性 [JAPI]"
description = "设置 ${单位} 的 ${技能} 的 ${状态} 为 ${Value}"
comment = ""
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 4
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"
type2 = abilcode
type3 = AbilityState
type4 = real

title = "设置技能数据 (整数) [JAPI]"
description = "设置 ${单位} 的 ${技能} 第 ${等级} 级的 ${数据} 为 ${Value}"
comment = ""
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 5
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"
type2 = abilcode
type3 = integer
default3 = "1"
min3 = 1
type4 = AbilityDataInteger
default4 = "ABILITY_DATA_COST"
type5 = integer

title = "设置技能数据 (实数) [JAPI]"
description = "设置 ${单位} 的 ${技能} 第 ${等级} 级的 ${数据} 为 ${Value}"
comment = "数据A~数据I也就是物体编辑器里按Ctrl+D后看到的DataA~DataI"
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 5
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"
type2 = abilcode
type3 = integer
default3 = "1"
min3 = 1
type4 = AbilityDataReal
default4 = "ABILITY_DATA_COOL"
type5 = real

title = "设置技能数据 (字符串) [JAPI]"
description = "设置 ${单位} 的 ${技能} 第 ${等级} 级的 ${数据} 为 ${Value}"
comment = ""
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 5
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"
type2 = abilcode
type3 = integer
default3 = "1"
min3 = 1
type4 = AbilityDataString
default4 = "ABILITY_DATA_TIP"
type5 = string

title = "单位变身 [JAPI]"
description = "${单位} ${技能}为 ${目标单位}"
comment = "技能请填恶魔猎手的变身<AEme>或其复制品"
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 3
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"
type2 = abilcode
default2 = "AEme"
type3 = unitcode
default3 = "hfoo"

title = "单位添加晕眩 [JAPI]"
description = "${单位} 添加晕眩"
comment = ""
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 1
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"

title = "单位移除晕眩 [JAPI]"
description = "${单位} 移除晕眩"
comment = "别用来移风暴之锤之类的晕眩。因为它只会移除晕眩并不会移除晕眩的buff。"
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 1
type1 = unit
default1 = "GetTriggerUnit"

title = "设置伤害值 [JAPI]"
description = "设置单位所受伤害为 ${伤害值}"
comment = "修改伤害事件里的伤害值,不能在等待之后使用。"
category = TC_UNIT
keynum = 1
type1 = real
default1 = "0."

title = "设置联盟胜利 [JAPI]"
description = "设置队伍(${整数})获胜"
comment = "队伍1的ID为0,队伍2的ID为1。"
category = TC_YDHIDE
keynum = 1
type1 = integer
default1 = "0"
min1 = 0
max1 = 15

title = "11RPG存档-设置平台积分项名称 [JAPI]"
description = "11RPG存档,平台界面上第${整数}个名称为〖${战斗力}〗"
comment = "这里可以设置需要显示在平台界面上的积分项名字,最多可显示8个积分项,每个积分项名字不超过3个汉字。"
category = TC_YDSL
keynum = 2
type1 = integer
default1 = "0"
min1 = 0
max1 = 7
type2 = string

title = "11RPG存档-设置玩家存档数据 [JAPI]"
description = "11RPG存档,${玩家}的〖${战斗力}〗=${整数}"
comment = "设置玩家11RPG存档里某个目录下的数据,如设置玩家一的战斗力为5。"
category = TC_YDSL
keynum = 3
type1 = player
default1 = "Player00"
type2 = string
type3 = integer
default3 = "5"

title = "11RPG存档-保存玩家存档数据 [JAPI]"
description = "11RPG存档,保存${玩家}所有数据"
comment = "11RPG存档数据必须保存后才能生效。"
category = TC_YDSL
keynum = 1
type1 = player
default1 = "Player00"

title = "11RPG存档-清空玩家存档数据 [JAPI]"
description = "11RPG存档,清空${玩家}所有数据"
comment = "由于每个玩家最多只能存储100条左右的数据,假如超过上限,建议使用此功能清空全部数据,然后重新保存有用的数据。"
category = TC_YDSL
keynum = 1
type1 = player
default1 = "Player00"


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