>> After acquiring the volatile data we move on to acquire non-volatile data.


Although it is possible to acquire drives from live system,
the most efficient disk imaging approach is using high speed forensic imagers.


At this point, Logicube's Forensic Falcon achieves 30 gigabytes per minute imaging speed,
while Mediaclone's Superimager reached 29 to 31 gigabytes per minute.

目前,Logicube的法医猎鹰(Forensic Falcon)的成像速度达到了每分钟30g,而Mediaclone的超级成像设备达到了每分钟29至31g。

The prices of these imagers range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.


The imaging process is easy.


You simply connect your source drive to forensic imagers to start the imaging.


The duplicated image in the format of your choice will be stored on a target drive.


Some target drives or destination drives are sealed within the imager unit.


For example, FDAS by Cyanline.


Some forensic imagers, for example Falcon, can simultaneously image multiple source drives
to multiple destination drives, creating multiplications in different formats.


These imagers will have built-in write blocker functionality to ensure
that the original drive data will not be modified.


Commonly the left side of the imager connects write blocker source drives
and the right side connects destination drives, if the destination drives are not sealed within
the image unit.


This imager will also generate in a verified hash values automatically after the imaging.


If you do not have a forensic imager, using the combination of software-based imaging
tool with a write blocker is common to create a
bitstream copy of drives.


We saw both DD and FTK imagers in previous units.


Besides these two, Encase forensic imager and Encase forensic from guidance software,
and forensic toolkit from excess data, are among the leading products in drive image


Encase forensic imager is a free acquisition tool that also provides the functionality
of viewing and browsing potential evidence files.

Encase forensic imager是一个免费的取证工具,它还提供了查看和浏览潜在证据文件的功能。

However, you will need a write blocker to separate the original drives
from the imaging software, to prevent software from modifying data in original drives.


Encase forensic guidance software was the first sophisticated forensic imaging
and analysis tool on the market in 1998.


When using Encase to acquire an image, it creates encase evidence file.


This evidence file includes headers, content of the original drive or media,
and MD5 and SHA1 hash values.


Besides hash values, encase evidence format also adds arrow detection
by storing the CRC checksum for every 64 sectors of data.

除了哈希值之外,encase evidence format还通过存储每个64扇区的CRC校验和来增加箭头检测。

If hashes do not match, CRCs will help find where the change is at the sector level.


All the versions of encase image use .01 extension.

所有版本的装箱图像使用 .01扩展。

This extension is recognized as encase image file format,
also known as expert witness format, short for EWF.


Since in case version 7 the extension becomes .EX01, known as EWF version 2.

因为在版本7中,扩展名变为. ex01,即众所周知的EWF版本2。

Encase can also create images for files and directories,
without including slack and deleted data.


This type of image is called a logical evidence file format, with extension of LX01.


But both EX01 and LX01 format supports for compression and encryption of the data.


Although there are other disk image formats, both raw DD image
and encase image are among the most common disk image formats used in forensic imaging.


FTK imager can convert one type of image to another type of image format.

FTK imager可以将一种类型的图像转换为另一种类型的图像格式。

Encase's other great feature is that is has its own built-in software write blocker,
to provide a forensically sound write blocking software solution for all connected disks.


Hardware Write Blockers use a hardware device that physically separates your evidence disk
from your forensic work station.


What is a software-based write blocker?


A software Write Blocking uses software application stored on your forensic work station
to prevent the work station from writing to attached disks.


For example, Safebloc Win8, from forensic soft ink is a standalone software writing
block that can be stored and used with other forensic
acquisition tools.

例如,Safebloc Win8,来自forensic soft ink,是一个独立的软件编写块,可以存储并与其他法医获取工具一起使用。

Encase has its own software write block called Fastbloc SE
that is built into the Encase software.

Encase有自己的软件写块,称为Fastbloc SE,它内置在Encase软件中。

Here are the steps of using Encase's built-in Fastbloc SE write blocker
to acquire a subject device.

下面是使用Encase内置的Fastbloc SE write blocker获取主题设备的步骤。

First, make sure that the subject device is not connected before we turn
on the write block option.


Launch Encase Forensic, and create a new case.

启动Encase Forensic,并创建一个新案例。

And then select tools, Fastbloc SE, select the plug and play tab with write blocked option.

然后选择tools, Fastbloc SE,选择具有write blocked选项的即插即用选项卡。

Insert a USB or other devices for imaging.


Click close.

With Fastbloc SE turned on, you will have no risk
of modifying the source evidence when you acquire a device image.

打开Fastbloc SE,您在获取设备映像时就不会有修改源证据的风险。

So far we have assumed that forensic examiners always know which drives
or partitions they should acquire.


However, since acquisition is a long, time-consuming process,
examiners would like to go through multiple drives to decide
which one is most likely to contain critical evidence.


This is called previewing the evidence.


Encase and FTK imager lets you preview drives before acquiring them.

Encase和FTK imager可以让您预览驱动器之前获得他们。

This means you only read data, but do not own the data.


Preview allows examiners to quickly determine whether relevant evidence exists
on a computer before going through a long acquisition process.


Remember, you have to use the write blocker for imaging as well
to ensure you do not change a single bit on the drive when viewing the files.

请记住,您还必须使用write blocker进行映像,以确保在查看文件时不会更改驱动器上的任何位。

Finally, we will discuss remote life forensics with the capability of acquiring memory
and drive data from a remote machine in a forensic, sound manner.


Several commercial solutions, like Encase Enterprise, Mandiant MIR,
and F-Response are able to gather live information from a remote machine
through agent preinstalled on the remote systems.

一些商业解决方案,如Encase Enterprise、Mandiant MIR和F-Response,能够通过预先安装在远程系统上的代理从远程机器收集实时信息。

Google Rapid Response, GRR, is a powerful open source incident response framework focusing
on remote live forensic acquisition and analysis.


GRR uses a client server architecture.


Agents are installed on all the clients that frequently communicate with the server
to receive tasks and send task results to the server.


The servers are responsible for sending requests to the clients,
and collecting information from the clients.


GRR includes both Sleuthkit and Rekall.


Its memory acquisition and analysis functions are provided by Rekall and then its disk
in a file system analysis functions are supported by Sleuthkit.


Although using GRR for remote forensic acquisition and analysis is not required
to pass this course, it is a very powerful tool for forensic investigators.


In this unit, we covered Windows volatile and non-volatile data acquisition process
and technologies.

在本单元中,我们介绍了Windows volatile和非volatile数据获取过程和技术。

In the next unit, we will look at Windows File System and Registry.



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