
  • 变量赋值
    • set
      • Example
    • 替换 Substitutions ""
    • Backslashes \
      • Example2
    • 替换 Substitutions {}
      • Example3
    • 替换 Substitutions []
      • Example4



set varName ?value?

  • If value is specified, then the contents of the variable varName are set equal to value.
  • If varName consists only of alphanumeric characters, and no parentheses, it is a scalar variable.
  • If varName has the form varName(index), it is a member of an associative array.


set Y 1.25   ;#变量Y赋值为1.25#打印变量Y 的值
puts $Yset str "this is a string"
puts $str

替换 Substitutions “”

使用{} 和 “” 都可以将其内部的多个参数,字符组合成一个参数。但是{}与"“存在这差异。在下面将会有介绍。

set varName "12 dollars"
puts "The current stock value is $varName"


 The current stock value is 12 dollars

Backslashes \

在文本末尾的 \ 表示忽略换行。


set Z Albany
set Z_LABEL "The capital of New York is: "puts "$Z_LABEL $Z"   ;# Prints the value of Z
puts "$Z_LABEL \$Z"  ;# Prints literal $Z instead of the value of Zputs "\nBen Franklin is on the \$100.00 bill"set a 100.00
puts "Washington is not on the $a bill"    ;# Not what you want
puts "Lincoln is not on the $$a bill"      ;# This is OK
puts "Hamilton is not on the \$a bill"     ;# Not what you want either
puts "Ben Franklin is on the \$$a bill"    ;# But, this is OKputs "This string comes out\
on a single line"

替换 Substitutions {}

前面提到了在替换中{} 与 “” 有着不同的行为。下面这里通过几个实际的例子展示{} 与 “” 在tcl解释器中的不同。
1 、在{}中无法实现变量的替换,也就是说,在{}中$varName 将无法替换为前面使用set varName lala中定义的变量的值lala,在{}中还是显示$varName
3、在文本的末尾的 \ 依旧表示不换行。


set Z Albany
set Z_LABEL "The Capitol of New York is: "puts "\n.............. examples of differences between  \" and \{"
puts "$Z_LABEL $Z"
puts {$Z_LABEL $Z}puts "\n....... examples of differences in nesting \{ and \" "
puts "$Z_LABEL {$Z}"
puts {Who said, "What this country needs is a good $0.05 cigar!"?}puts "\n.............. examples of escape strings"
puts {Note: no substitutions done within braces \n \r \x0a \f \v}
puts {But:
The escaped newline at the end of a\
string is replaced by a space}

Resulting output

.............. examples of differences between  " and {
The Capitol of New York is:  Albany
$Z_LABEL $Z....... examples of differences in nesting { and "
The Capitol of New York is:  {Albany}
Who said, "What this country needs is a good $0.05 cigar!"?.............. examples of escape strings
Note: no substitutions done within braces \n \r \x0a \f \v
The escaped newline at the end of a string is replaced by a space

替换 Substitutions []

puts [readsensor [selectsensor]]

  • The parser scans the entire command, and sees that there is a command substitution to perform: readsensor selectsensor , which is sent to the interpreter for evaluation.
  • The parser once again finds a command to be evaluated and substituted, selectsensor
  • The fictitious selectsensor command is evaluated, and it presumably returns a sensor to read.
  • At this point, readsensor has a sensor to read, and the readsensor command is evaluated.
  • Finally, the value of readsensor is passed on back to the puts command, which prints the output to the screen.

The exceptions to this rule are as follows:

  • A square bracket that is escaped with a \ is considered as a literal square bracket.
  • A square bracket within braces is not modified during the substitution phase.


set x abc
puts "A simple substitution: $x\n"set y [set x "def"]
puts "Remember that set returns the new value of the variable:"
puts "    X: $x Y: $y\n"set z {[set x "String within quotes within braces"]}
puts "Note curly braces: $z\n"set a "[set x {String within braces within quotes}]"
puts "See how the set is executed: $a"
puts "\$x is: $x\n"set b "\[set y {This is a string within braces within quotes}]"
# Note the \ escapes the bracket, and must be doubled to be a
# literal character in double quotes
puts "Note the \\ escapes the bracket:\n \$b is: $b"
puts "\$y is: $y"

Resulting output

A simple substitution: abcRemember that set returns the new value of the variable:X: def Y: defNote curly braces: [set x "String within quotes within braces"]See how the set is executed: String within braces within quotes
$x is: String within braces within quotesNote the \ escapes the bracket:$b is: [set y {This is a string within braces within quotes}]
$y is: def

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