





/** s_lock(lock) - platform-independent portion of waiting for a spinlock.*/
s_lock(volatile slock_t *lock, const char *file, int line)
{/** We loop tightly for awhile, then delay using select() and try* again. Preferably, "awhile" should be a small multiple of the* maximum time we expect a spinlock to be held.  100 iterations seems* about right.  In most multi-CPU scenarios, the spinlock is probably* held by a process on another CPU and will be released before we* finish 100 iterations.  However, on a uniprocessor, the tight loop* is just a waste of cycles, so don't iterate thousands of times.** Once we do decide to block, we use randomly increasing select()* delays. The first delay is 10 msec, then the delay randomly* increases to about one second, after which we reset to 10 msec and* start again.  The idea here is that in the presence of heavy* contention we need to increase the delay, else the spinlock holder* may never get to run and release the lock.  (Consider situation* where spinlock holder has been nice'd down in priority by the* scheduler --- it will not get scheduled until all would-be* acquirers are sleeping, so if we always use a 10-msec sleep, there* is a real possibility of starvation.)  But we can't just clamp the* delay to an upper bound, else it would take a long time to make a* reasonable number of tries.** We time out and declare error after NUM_DELAYS delays (thus, exactly* that many tries).  With the given settings, this will usually take* 3 or so minutes.  It seems better to fix the total number of tries* (and thus the probability of unintended failure) than to fix the* total time spent.** The select() delays are measured in centiseconds (0.01 sec) because 10* msec is a common resolution limit at the OS level.*/
#define SPINS_PER_DELAY     100
#define NUM_DELAYS          1000
#define MIN_DELAY_CSEC      1
#define MAX_DELAY_CSEC      100int          spins = 0;int          delays = 0;int         cur_delay = MIN_DELAY_CSEC;struct timeval delay;while (TAS(lock)){if (++spins > SPINS_PER_DELAY){if (++delays > NUM_DELAYS)s_lock_stuck(lock, file, line);delay.tv_sec = cur_delay / 100;delay.tv_usec = (cur_delay % 100) * 10000;(void) select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &delay);#if defined(S_LOCK_TEST)fprintf(stdout, "*");fflush(stdout);
#endif/* increase delay by a random fraction between 1X and 2X */cur_delay += (int) (cur_delay *(((double) random()) / ((double) MAX_RANDOM_VALUE)) + 0.5);/* wrap back to minimum delay when max is exceeded */if (cur_delay > MAX_DELAY_CSEC)cur_delay = MIN_DELAY_CSEC;spins = 0;}}

代码里的select函数就是IO多路复用里的select,你没有看错,就是IO多路复用里的select(最新的已经改成pg_usleep()了),在这里,select仅仅做了休眠的工作,跟IO多路复用没有任何关系。select在这里仅仅起到把当前进程丢入操作系统内核的wait queue链表里去直到delay这个结构体描述的时间之后,再把这个进程从wait queue取出来挂接到running queue里去。

但是,遍历两个链表(时间复杂度是圈N),以及队列指针修改之后,CPU跟着做的context switch是非常耗费CPU资源的工作,而这样的工作,发生的频率是毫秒(millisecond)级别的。所以,这种函数(select这种会引起context switch)尽量少用。这也是,spinlock相对于传统的排队型锁的优势。

这种spinlock的test and set、spin这种操作的本身是比较容易的。直接写个while循环,不断执行"=="这样的C语言语句就行了。不过,spinlock里有个机制是sleep操作,就是当某进程spin了很长时间之后,发现还是无法获取到资源,这个时候就会让这个进程sleep




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