
1.All extensions of the platform are included into the build process by default.

For other extensions it's necessary to tell hybris that they should be included.

You can configure required extensions in the localextensions.xml-file in the config folder.

2.Every Type in Hybris extends Item to get important properties PK,reationtime,modifiedtime,itemtype,owner

GenericItem is a child of Item. You can see this by looking at the 'base item types ' section in 'platform/ext/core/resources/core-items.xml'


you can  override configurationi in local.properties

In this situation the following pattern: extension_name.essentialdata-impex-pattern=*.csv includes only test1.csv file.

In contrast to the example above the pattern: extension_name.essentialdata-impex-pattern=**/*.csv includes test1.csv, test2.csv and test3.csv

4.About the hMC Configuration

The hybris Management Console (hMC) configuration consists of the assembled content of all hmc.xml files of all extensions registered with the hybris Commerce Suite. During a platform build, the content of all hmc.xml files is merged into one single hmc.xml file located in the ${hybrishome}/bin/platform/ext/hmc/web/webroot/WEB-INF/classes/de/hybris/platform/hmc directory. This file is updated every time the hMC is built as an extension

The build process combines the hmc.xml files found in each extension into one large hmc.xml in ext-platform-optional/hmc/web/webroot/WEB-INF/classes/de/hybris/platform/hmc/hmc.xml not in platform/ext/hmc/...

5.Populating a data model can be done either manually using the hMC, an appropriate cockpit or automatically using hybris' Import-Export Data Framework called ImpEx

6.item-->Model(in platform)-->jalo

does not create table when ant,but initialize or update

7 type={model|item ,enum,relation|-matchesColl}

9 must execute ant all after modifying extention.xml

10:The build process combines the hmc.xml files found in each extension into one large hmc.xml in platform/ext/hmc/web/webroot/WEB-INF/classes/de/hybris/platform/hmc/hmc.xml

The hMC layout is then determined at run-time by the contents of this master hmc.xml file

Because you specified hmc.structure.db=false in config/local.properties, hybris will load the hmc configuration from this file rather than storing it in the database

11.ant build extentions which are in extentioninfo.xml file

12.The general rule is that if a ${HYBRIS_CONFIG_DIR} /localextensions.xml exists, it overrides the ${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR} /extensions.xml file. You can easily check which file is used by looking at your console output:

13.You can configure extensions by their name rather than by their location path. To do this, configure at least one extension lookup directory through <path.. />

14.you must rebuild after you modify localextenstions.xml

15.A list of Content Slots that are predefined for the template

16.To learn more about which data you should import, you should review the createEssentialData and createProjectData methods of the CoreSystemSetup class.

17.Every new type needs to be localized:


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