


int a = 10;
string s = "abc";
float b = 10.0;
vector<int> c;
vector<vector<int> > d;
map<int, string> m;
m[1] = "aaa";
map<int, string>::iterator it = m.begin();//C++11
auto a1 = 10;  //a1为int
auto s1 = "abc";  //s1为string
auto b1 = b;
auto c1 = c;
auto d1 = d;
auto e1 = 'a';
int* x = &a1;
auto d1 = x;
auto m1 = m.begin();
auto x=1,y=2; //ok
auto i=1.j=3.14; //compile errordouble a2 = 3.144;
const auto a3 = a2;  //const double
auto a4 = a2;  //double
volatile int c2 = 3;
auto c3 = c2; //int



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>using namespace std;int add(int a)
{return ++a;
}void fun(int a)
{cout << "call function: [int]\n" << endl;
}void fun(int *a)
{cout << "call function: [int*]\n" << endl;
}int main()
{//C++11int aa = 10;decltype(aa) bb = 11;string ss = "hello intel";decltype(ss) ss1 = "hello";const vector<int> vec(1);decltype(vec[0]) cc = 1;decltype(0) dd = vec[0];  //dd是int类型decltype(add(1)) ee;  //intint a[5];decltype(a) ff; //int[5]//decltype(fun) gg;  无法通过编译,是个重载函数return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>using namespace std;void fun(int a)
{cout << "call function: [int]\n" << endl;
}void fun(int *a)
{cout << "call function: [int*]\n" << endl;
}int main()
{//C++11fun(NULL);   //call function: [int]fun(nullptr);  //call function: [int*]int* p = NULL;fun(p);  //call function: [int*]return 0;

4.区间迭代range for


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>using namespace std;int main()
{//C++98vector<int> vec(8, 1);cout << "C++98 range for:" << endl;for (vector<int>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it++){cout << *it << endl;}//C++11cout << "C++11 range for:" << endl;for (auto d : vec){cout << d << endl;}return 0;

值得指出的是,是否能够使用基于范围的for循环,必须依赖一些条件。首先,就是for循环迭代的范围是可确定的。对于类来说,如果该类有begin和end函数,那么for_each之间就是for循环迭代的范围。对于数组而言,就是数组的第一个和最后一个元素间的范围。其次,基于范围的for循环还要求迭代的对象实现+ + 和==等操作符。对于STL中的容器,如string、array、map等使用起来是不会有问题的。下面是C++11操作vector和数组的实践:

#include <vector>using namespace std;int main()
{vector<int> vec(8, 1);//C++11cout << "C++11 value range for:" << endl;/*d非引用,修改d不会影响vector里的值*/for (auto d : vec)   //d中存储的是vec中的值{d = 2;}for (auto d : vec)   {cout << d << endl;}cout << "C++11 reference range for:" << endl;/*当迭代变量d为引用时,vector里的值可以被修改*/for (auto &d : vec)  {d = 2;}for (auto d : vec)   {cout << d << endl;}//数组for_eachchar arr[] = {'a','b','c','d'};for (auto &d : arr){d -= 32;}for (auto d : arr){cout << d << endl;}//遍历二维数组,注意迭代变量row必须为引用。如果你想用 range for 的方法,来遍历更高维的数组 (dim > 2),//那么你只需要:除了最内层循环之外,其他所有外层循环都加入 '&' 即可。int array2[5][5] = {0};for (auto &row : array2)for (auto col : row)cout << col << endl;return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>using namespace std;template<class T1, class T2>
decltype(t1 + t2) sum(T1 t1, T2 t2)
{return t1 + t2;
}int main()
{auto total = sum(1, 2);cout << total << endl;return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>using namespace std;template<class T1, class T2>
auto sum(T1 t1, T2 t2) ->decltype(t1+t2)
{return t1 + t2;
}int main()
{auto total = sum(1, 2);cout << total << endl;return 0;


struct B
{virtual void f1(int) const;virtual void f2();void f3();
};struct D1 : public B
{void f1(int) const override;  //okvoid f2(int) override;   //error,B中没有形如f2(int)的函数void f3() override;  //error,f3不是虚函数void f4() override;  //error,B中无f4函数
};struct D2 : public B
{void f1(int) const final;  //不许后续的其他类覆盖
};struct D3 :public D2
{void f2();void f1(int) const; //error,final函数不可覆盖


class NoDerived final
{};class Bad :NoDerived   //NoDerived不可做基类
{};class Base
{};class Last final :Base
{};class Bad2 :Last   //Last不可做基类


对于 C++ 的类,如果程序员没有为其定义特殊成员函数,那么在需要用到某个特殊成员函数的时候,编译器会隐式的自动生成一个默认的特殊成员函数,比如拷贝构造函数,或者拷贝赋值操作符。


class B
{B() = default; //显示声明使用默认构造函数B(const B&) = delete; //禁止使用类对象之间的拷贝~B() = default;  //显示声明使用默认析构函数B& operator=(const B&) = delete;  //禁止使用类对象之间的赋值B(int a);



[capture](parameters) mutable ->return-type{statement}

  1. [=,&a,&b]表示以引用传递的方式捕捉变量a和b,以值传递方式捕捉其它所有变量;
  2. [&,a,this]表示以值传递的方式捕捉变量a和类的this指针,引用传递方式捕捉其它所有变量。
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main()
{auto f = []() {cout << "hello world!" << endl; };f();  //hello world!int a = 123;auto f1 = [a] { cout << a << endl; };f1();  //123auto f2 = [&a] {cout << a << endl; };a = 789;f2();  //789//隐式捕获:让编译器根据函数体中的代码来推断需要捕获哪些变量auto f3 = [=] {cout << a << endl; };f3();  //789auto f4 = [&] {cout << a << endl; };a = 990;f4();  //990auto f5 = [](int a, int b)->int {return a + b; };printf("%d\n", f5(1, 2));  //3return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>using namespace std;void print(char arr[], int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){printf("%d ", arr[i]);}printf("\n");
}bool cmp(char a, char b)
{if (a > b)return true;elsereturn false;
}int main()
{//c++98char arr1[] = { 2,5,2,1,5,89,36,22,89 };int len = sizeof(arr1) / sizeof(char);sort(arr1, arr1 + len, cmp);print(arr1, len);//c++11char arr2[] = { 2,5,2,1,5,89,36,22,89 };int len2 = sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(char);sort(arr2, arr2 + len2, [](char a, char b)->bool {return a > b; });print(arr2, len2);return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
int main()
{std::string str = "Hello";std::vector<std::string> v;//调用常规的拷贝构造函数,新建字符数组,拷贝数据v.push_back(str);std::cout << "After copy, str is \"" << str << "\"\n"; //After move, str is "Hello"//调用移动构造函数,掏空str,掏空后,最好不要使用strv.push_back(std::move(str));std::cout << "After move, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";   //After move, str is ""std::cout << "The contents of the vector are \"" << v[0]<< "\", \"" << v[1] << "\"\n";   //The contents of the vector are "Hello", "Hello"



  1. 使用 std::array保存在栈内存中,相比堆内存中的 std::vector,我们就能够灵活的访问这里面的元素,从而获得更高的性能;同时正式由于其堆内存存储的特性,有些时候我们还需要自己负责释放这些资源。

  2. 使用std::array能够让代码变得更加现代,且封装了一些操作函数,同时还能够友好的使用标准库中的容器算法等等,比如 std::sort。

std::array 会在编译时创建一个固定大小的数组,std::array 不能够被隐式的转换成指针,使用 std::array 很简单,只需指定其类型和大小即可:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>void foo(int* p)
{}int main()
{std::array<int, 4> arr = {4,3,1,2};foo(&arr[0]);  //OKfoo(arr.data());  //OK//foo(arr);  //wrongstd::sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());  //排序return 0;


std::forward_list 使用单向链表进行实现,提供了 O(1) 复杂度的元素插入,不支持快速随机访问(这也是链表的特点),也是标准库容器中唯一一个不提供 size() 方法的容器。当不需要双向迭代时,具有比 std::list 更高的空间利用率。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <forward_list>int main()
{std::forward_list<int> list1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };//从前面向foo1容器中添加数据,注意不支持push_backlist1.pop_front();  //删除链表第一个元素list1.remove(3);   //删除链表值为3的节点list1.push_front(2);list1.push_front(1);list1.push_front(14);list1.push_front(17);list1.sort();for (auto &n : list1){if (n == 17)n = 19;}for (const auto &n : list1){std::cout << n << std::endl;  //1 2 2 4 14 19}return 0;


无序容器中的元素是不进行排序的,内部通过 Hash 表实现,插入和搜索元素的平均复杂度为 O(constant),在不关心容器内部元素顺序时,能够获得显著的性能提升。

C++11 引入了两组无序容器:std::unordered_map/std::unordered_multimap 和 std::unordered_set/std::unordered_multiset。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>void foo(int* p)
{}int main()
{//unordered_map usagestd::unordered_map<std::string, int> um = { {"2",2},{"1",1},{"3",3} };//遍历for (const auto &n : um){std::cout << "key:" << n.first << "  value:" << n.second << std::endl;}std::cout << "value:" << um["1"] << std::endl;//unordered_set usagestd::unordered_set<int> us = { 2,3,4,1};//遍历for (const auto &n : us){std::cout << "value:" << n << std::endl;}std::cout << "value:" << us.count(9) << std::endl; //判断一个数是否在集合内,1存在0不存在std::cout << "value:" << *us.find(1) << std::endl;  //查找一个特定的数是否在集合内,找到就返回该数的迭代器位置return 0;


1. std::shared_ptr


#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>int main()
{//auto ptr = std::make_shared<int>(10);std::shared_ptr<int> ptr(new int(10));std::shared_ptr<int> ptrC(ptr);auto ptr2 = ptr;{auto ptr3 = ptr2;std::cout << "pointer1.use_count() = " << ptr.use_count() << std::endl;  //4std::cout << "pointer2.use_count() = " << ptr2.use_count() << std::endl;  //4}std::cout << "pointer1.use_count() = " << ptr.use_count() << std::endl;  //3std::cout << "pointer2.use_count() = " << ptr2.use_count() << std::endl;  //3int *p = ptr.get(); //获取原始指针std::cout << "pointer1.use_count() = " << ptr.use_count() << std::endl;  //3std::cout << "pointer2.use_count() = " << ptr2.use_count() << std::endl;  //3return 0;

2. std::unique_ptr

std::unique_ptr 是一种独占的智能指针,它禁止其他智能指针与其共享同一个对象,从而保证代码的安全:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>int main()
{std::unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(10));//auto ptr2 = ptr; //非法//虽说unique_ptr是不可复制的,但我们可以使用std::move将其独占权转移到其他的unique_ptrauto ptr2(std::move(ptr));std::cout << *ptr2 << std::endl;return 0;

3. std::weak_ptr


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;class father;
class son;class father {
public:father() {cout << "father !" << endl;}~father() {cout << "~~~~~father !" << endl;}void setSon(shared_ptr<son> s) {son = s;}
private://shared_ptr<son> son;weak_ptr<son> son; // 用weak_ptr来替换
};class son {
public:son() {cout << "son !" << endl;}~son() {cout << "~~~~~~son !" << endl;}void setFather(shared_ptr<father> f) {father = f;}
private:shared_ptr<father> father;
};void test() {shared_ptr<father> f(new father());shared_ptr<son> s(new son());f->setSon(s);s->setFather(f);
}int main()
{test();return 0;

为了避免shared_ptr的环形引用问题,需要引入一个弱引用weak_ptr, weak_ptr是为了配合shared_ptr而引入的一种智能指针,弱引用不会引起引用计数增加,它更像是shared_ptr的一个助手而不是智能指针,因为它不具有普通指针的行为,没有重载operator*和->,它的最大作用在于协助shared_ptr工作,像旁观者那样观测资源的使用情况。


father !
son !
~~~~~~son !
~~~~~father !




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