
adb shell am instrument [options] <COMPONENT>



-e <key> <value> // -e选项需要放在-w选项之前

举例:-e class com.android.phone.FIncomingCallTests#testRejectCall


作用:以原始形式输出测试结果。该选项通常是在性能测试时与-e perf true一起使用。


-w <test_package_name>/<runner_class> //<test_package_name>和<runner_class>在测试工程的AndroidManifest.xml中查找

作用:保持adb shell打开直至测试完成
举例:-w com.android.phone.tests/com.android.phone.runners.FunctionalTestRunner

<key> <value>参考表

Key Value Description
package <Java_package_name> The fully-qualified Java package name for one of the packages in the test application. Any test case class that uses this package name is executed. Notice that this is not anAndroid package name; a test package has a single Android package name but may have several Java packages within it.
class <class_name> The fully-qualified Java class name for one of the test case classes. Only this test case class is executed.
<class_name>#method name A fully-qualified test case class name, and one of its methods. Only this method is executed. Note the hash mark (#) between the class name and the method name.
func true Runs all test classes that extend InstrumentationTestCase.
unit true Runs all test classes that do not extend either InstrumentationTestCase orPerformanceTestCase.
size [small | medium |large] Runs a test method annotated by size. The annotations are @SmallTest,@MediumTest, and @LargeTest.
perf true Runs all test classes that implement PerformanceTestCase. When you use this option, also specify the -r flag for am instrument, so that the output is kept in raw format and not re-formatted as test results.
debug true Runs tests in debug mode.
log true Loads and logs all specified tests, but does not run them. The test information appears in STDOUT. Use this to verify combinations of other filters and test specifications.
emma true Runs an EMMA code coverage analysis and writes the output to/data//coverage.ec on the device. To override the file location, use thecoverageFile key that is described in the following entry.

Note: This option requires an EMMA-instrumented build of the test application, which you can generate with the coverage target.

coverageFile <filename>

Overrides the default location of the EMMA coverage file on the device. Specify this value as a path and filename in UNIX format. The default filename is described in the entry for the emma key

adb shell am start [options] <INTENT>


举例:adb shell am start -a com.lt.test.action.SECOND

举例:adb shell am start -n com.lt.test/.MyActivity

说明:[options]与<INTENT>参见 http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html#am

adb shell am startservice [options] <INTENT>


举例:adb shell am startservice -a com.lt.test.action.ONESERVICE
举例:adb shell am startservice -n com.lt.test/.MyService

adb shell am force-stop <PACKAGE>

举例:adb shell am force-stop com.lt.test

adb shell am broadcast [options] <INTENT>

举例:adb shell am broadcast -a "action_finish" (发送一个广播去关闭一个activity)
举例:adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR(恢复出厂设置的方法,会清除内存所有内容)

举例:adb shell am broadcast -n com.lt.test/.MyBroadcast

adb shell pm list packages [options] <INTENT>


举例:adb shell pm list packages com.lt

说明:[options]与<INTENT>参见 http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html#pm




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