基本Link List 用C語言實現


 1 /**
 2  * @author      Chen-Hao Lin
 3  * @email       westgate.skater@gmail.com
 4  * @website   https://www.cnblogs.com/ollie-lin
 5  * @link     https://www.cnblogs.com/ollie-lin/p/9927405.html
 6  * @version     v1.0
 7  * @ide         CodeBlocks 17.12
 8  * @license     GUN GCC
 9  * @brief       link list template
10  * @file        Linklist.h
11  */
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <stdio.h>
16 /**
17  * @defgroup    Link list node
18  * @brief
19  * @{
20  */
22 typedef struct node
23 {
24     int data;
25     struct node * next;
26 }Node;
28 /**
29  * @brief   Create link list.
30  * @param   arr: pointer to integer data array. link list data array to assign link list data.
31  * @param   size: describe data array size
32  * @retval  first link list node.
33  */
34 Node *CreateList(int *arr, int size);
37 /**
38  * @brief   Show all of link list.
39  * @param   *node: print link list form this node.
40  * @retval  None
41  */
42 void PrintList(Node *node);
44 /**
45  * @brief   Release link list space.
46  * @param   *node: Release link list form this node.
47  * @retval  None
48  */
49 void FreeList(Node *node);
51 /**
52  * @brief   Search the specific node.
53  * @param   *node: Search the specific node form this pointer.
54  * @param   data: Search the specific node information.
55  * @retval  find the specific node
56  */
57 Node *SearchNode(Node *node, int data);
59 /**
60  * @brief   Insert node
61  * @param   *node: Insert node after the this param.
62  * @param   item: Search data of specific node to insert node.
63  * @param   data: The data of Insert node.
64  * @retval  None
65  */
66 void InsertNode(Node *node, int item, int data);
68 /**
69  * @brief   Before insert node at first node.
70  * @param   *node: first node
71  * @param   data: The data of Insert node.
72  * @retval  first node
73  */
74 Node *Push_front(Node *node, int data);
76 /**
77  * @brief   Insert node at last
78  * @param   *node: form last node
79  * @param   data: The data of last node.
80  * @retval  None
81  */
82 void Push_back(Node *node, int data);

各項功能實做 Create List

 1 Node * CreateList(int *arr, int size)
 2 {
 3     if(arr == 0 || size == 0)
 4         return NULL;
 6     Node *previous, *first;
 7     for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
 8     {
 9         Node *current = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
10         current->data = arr[i];
12         if(i == 0)
13             first = current;
14         else{
15             previous->next = current;
16         }
17         current->next = NULL;
18         previous = current;
19     }
20     return first;
21 }


 1 void PrintList(Node *node)
 2 {
 3     if(node == 0){
 4         printf("List is empty.\n");
 5         return;
 6     }
 8     Node *current = node;
 9     while(current)
10     {
11         printf("%d  ", current->data);
12         current = current->next;
13     }
14     printf("\n");
15 }

Release List

 1 void FreeList(Node *node)
 2 {
 3     Node *current, *temp;
 4     current = node;
 5     while(current)
 6     {
 7         temp = current;
 8         current = current->next;
 9         free(temp);
10     }
11 }

Search node

 1 Node *SearchNode(Node *node, int data)
 2 {
 3     Node *temp = node;
 4     while(temp)
 5     {
 6         if(temp->data == data)
 7             return temp;
 8         else
 9             temp = temp->next;
10     }
11     return NULL;
12 }

Insert node

 1 void InsertNode(Node *node, int item, int data)
 2 {
 3     Node *current = node;
 4     Node *previous = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 5     Node *newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 6     while(current)
 7     {
 8             if(current->data == item)
 9             {
10                 newNode->data = data;
11                 previous->next = newNode;
12                 newNode->next = current;
13                 break;
14             }
15             else
16             {
17                 previous = current;
18                 current = current->next;
19             }
20     }
21 }

push front/back node

 1 Node* Push_front(Node *node, int data)
 2 {
 3     Node *temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 4     temp->data = data;
 5     temp->next = node;
 6     node->next = node->next;
 7     return temp;
 8 }
10 void Push_back(Node *node, int data)
11 {
12     Node *newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
13     newNode->data = data;
14     while(node->next)
15     {
16         node = node->next;
17     }
18     node->next = newNode;
19     newNode->next = NULL;
20 }


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