

# Header 1 #
## Header 2 ##
### Header 3 ###             (Hashes on right are optional)
#### Header 4 ####
##### Header 5 ####### Markdown plus h2 with a custom ID ##         {#id-goes-here}
[Link back to H2](#id-goes-here)This is a paragraph, which is text surrounded by whitespace. Paragraphs can be on one
line (or many), and can drone on for hours.  Here is a Markdown link to [Warped](https://warpedvisions.org), and a literal <http://link.com/>.
Now some SimpleLinks, like one to [google] (automagically links to are-you-
feeling-lucky), a [wiki: test] link to a Wikipedia page, and a link to
[foldoc: CPU]s at foldoc.  Now some inline markup like _italics_,  **bold**, and `code()`. Note that underscores in
words are ignored in Markdown Extra.![picture alt](/images/photo.jpeg "Title is optional")     > Blockquotes are like quoted text in email replies
>> And, they can be nested* Bullet lists are easy too
- Another one
+ Another one1. A numbered list
2. Which is numbered
3. With periods and a spaceAnd now some code:// Code is just text indented a bitwhich(is_easy) to_remember();~~~// Markdown extra adds un-indented code blocks tooif (this_is_more_code == true && !indented) {// tild wrapped code blocks, also not indented
}~~~Text with
two trailing spaces
(on the right)
can be used
for things like poems  ### Horizontal rules* * * *
--------------------------<div class="custom-class" markdown="1">
This is a div wrapping some Markdown plus.  Without the DIV attribute, it ignores the
</div>## Markdown plus tables ##| Header | Header | Right  |
| ------ | ------ | -----: |
|  Cell  |  Cell  |   $10  |
|  Cell  |  Cell  |   $20  |* Outer pipes on tables are optional
* Colon used for alignment (right versus left)## Markdown plus definition lists ##Bottled water
: $ 1.25
: $ 1.55 (Large)Milk
: $ 1.75* Multiple definitions and terms are possible
* Definitions can include multiple paragraphs too*[ABBR]: Markdown plus abbreviations (produces an <abbr> tag)

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