xcode 断点不现实栈

Web development is a field of many titles. You can be a front end developer, a user experience designer, a software engineer, or a backend developer. If that’s too broad, you can call yourself a JavaScript guru, Bootstrap developer, or Node rockstar. There’s really no limit to the number of diverse (and sometimes odd) job titles floating around our industry. Why do so many different job titles exist? They exist because there’s very little limit to what you can do when building for the web. Traditionally there’s been a clear line between front and back end development. Yet both of those categories have various sub-communities of their own. A front-end developer can specialize in writing CSS or working with JavaScript based UI frameworks, while a backend developer can specialize in Ruby development or session handling. This leads to a question that’s caused a lot of debate within the web development community. If you want to be successful in your field, what should you specialize in? Should you specialize at all? Should you try to be a full-stack developer who excels in both front and back end environments, or should you try to be really good at one thing?

Web开发是许多标题的领域。 您可以是前端开发人员,用户体验设计师,软件工程师或后端开发人员。 如果范围太广,您可以称自己为JavaScript专家,Bootstrap开发人员或Node rockstar。 围绕我们行业的各种(有时是奇数)职位的数量确实没有限制。 为什么会有这么多不同的职位? 之所以存在它们,是因为在构建网络时可以做的工作几乎没有限制。 传统上,前端开发和后端开发之间存在明确的界限。 但是,这两个类别都有自己的各种子社区。 前端开发人员可以专注于编写CSS或使用基于JavaScript的UI框架,而后端开发人员可以专注于Ruby开发或会话处理。 这导致了一个问题,在Web开发社区中引起了很多争论。 如果您想在自己的领域取得成功,您应该专注于什么? 你应该专攻吗? 您应该尝试成为一个在前端和后端环境方面都表现出色的全栈开发人员,还是应该真正做到一件事?

雇主要求什么 (What Are Employers Asking For)

I think the real question is if one type of developer is more hireable than the other. With that in mind, it’d make sense to take a step back and try to look at what employers are currently looking for.

我认为真正的问题是,一种开发人员是否比另一种更受雇。 考虑到这一点,最好退后一步,尝试看看雇主当前正在寻找什么。

As the capabilities of the web grow, employers are expecting developers to be proficient in more technologies and frameworks. This is because websites are becoming more dynamic and interactive as the line between native applications and browser based web applications continues to blur. At the agency I work at, more clients are asking for websites that have the capabilities of a modern web app, instead of a simple static site.

随着网络功能的发展,用人单位期望开发人员精通更多技术和框架。 这是因为随着本机应用程序和基于浏览器的Web应用程序之间的界线越来越模糊,网站变得更加动态和交互式。 在我工作的代理机构中,越来越多的客户要求的是具有现代Web应用程序功能的网站,而不是简单的静态网站。

For those who are looking for mostly static websites, the need for a web developer is continuing to decrease. In fact, there are several companies whose business model caters to the static site market, enabling customers to create their own websites without writing a single line of code. WordPress.com, Squarespace, and Wix, all promise websites at very low costs, with each platform containing a shallow learning curve and a simple UI. No coding skills required.

对于那些正在寻找大多数静态网站的人来说,对Web开发人员的需求正在不断减少。 实际上,有几家公司的业务模型适合静态网站市场,使客户无需编写任何代码即可创建自己的网站。 WordPress.com , Squarespace和Wix都承诺以非常低的成本提供网站,每个平台都包含浅层的学习曲线和简单的UI。 无需编码技能。

While I don’t believe these sites are putting web developers out of business, I do think they reduce the value of simple HTML, CSS, and Javascript skills, and I think employers are starting to understand this. They’re beginning to look for more well rounded and experienced developers who have an understanding of the entire stack, from styling a dropdown menu to deploying a server.

尽管我认为这些网站不会使Web开发人员破产,但我确实认为它们降低了简单HTML,CSS和Javascript技能的价值,而且我认为雇主已经开始了解这一点。 他们开始寻找更加全面和经验丰富的开发人员,他们对整个堆栈都了解,从样式下拉菜单到部署服务器。

While I don’t believe true full-stack development is very practical, or even possible, I do believe web developers who have a general understanding of the entire stack are more likely to be hired over those who do not. This doesn’t mean that you have to know everything there is to know about web development. Instead, I think there should be a list of systems and technologies that every developer should be open to learning more about, seeking to level up when he or she has the time.

尽管我不认为真正的全栈开发非常实用,甚至不可能,但我确实相信对整个栈有总体了解的Web开发人员更可能被雇用而不是没有开发人员。 这并不意味着您必须了解有关Web开发的所有知识。 相反,我认为应该有一系列系统和技术,每个开发人员都应开放以了解更多信息,并在有空时寻求升级。

名单 (The List)

Javascript Jabber recently released a podcast dedicated to this very topic. They go over a large amount of technologies that a competitive web developer should have an understanding of. I’ve aggregated some of the most common skills below.

Javascript Jabber最近发布了一个专门针对该主题的播客。 它们介绍了竞争性Web开发人员应了解的大量技术。 我汇总了以下一些最常见的技能。

  • HTML, CSS, JavascriptHTML,CSS,Javascript
  • A backend language后端语言
  • Version control版本控制
  • Command line usage命令行用法
  • Node/Ruby Tooling节点/ Ruby工具
  • Preprocessors预处理器
  • Client Side MVC frameworks客户端MVC框架
  • Popular tools and frameworks like Angular, Laravel, Rails, etc.流行的工具和框架,例如Angular,Laravel,Rails等。
  • An understanding of database systems对数据库系统的了解
  • An understanding of server environments对服务器环境的了解
  • Website deployment strategies网站部署策略
  • How to create and use a REST API如何创建和使用REST API
  • Responsive web development响应式网页开发
  • Accessibility辅助功能
  • Code testing


    Here’s another great list put together by Louis Lazaris. Although it’s a few years old, many of the technologies listed are still very much in use today.

    这是Louis Lazaris整理的另一个好清单 。 尽管已经使用了几年时间,但今天列出的许多技术仍在使用中。

不要惊慌 (Dont Panic)

While going through these lists of technologies, you should begin to realize that you have, at the very least, heard of most of them. Additionally, no one expects you to be an expert in every single web development tool or technology. Instead, we should all be open to learning more about web development as a whole, adding to our knowledge of new tools and technologies whenever possible.

在浏览这些技术清单时,您应该开始意识到,至少您已经听说了其中的大多数技术。 此外,没有人期望您成为每种Web开发工具或技术的专家。 取而代之的是,我们所有人都应该开放学习更多有关整个Web开发的知识,并尽可能增加对新工具和技术的了解。

It’s also important to remember that a moderate level of specialization is good. A web developer can be great at complex CSS layouts, while still understanding how to write JavaScript that adds new functionality to an application. Several companies and agencies (mine included) work by having one developer write code for the front end, while another writes code for the server. Such a team-based workflow functions best when every developer has a moderate understanding of what the other is doing.

同样重要的是要记住,中等专业水平是好的。 Web开发人员可以很好地处理复杂CSS布局,同时仍然了解如何编写可为应用程序添加新功能JavaScript。 几家公司和机构(包括我的公司)通过让一个开发人员为前端编写代码,而由另一个开发人员为服务器编写代码来工作。 当每个开发人员对对方的工作有中等了解时,这种基于团队的工作流程将发挥最佳作用。

结论 (Conclusion)

Centering your career around a particular tool or technology can be bad when it prevents you from growing your skillset. As the capabilities of the web grow, it makes more sense for web developers to have an understanding of the entire stack. We still have the freedom to be better in certain areas, but as layout becomes cheaper and interactivity in greater demand, simple font-end skills will be expected and application development skills will be desired. It may be unsettling to hear that employers are seeking full-stack over specialization. Andy Shora sums up that sentiment very well.

当您的职业集中在特定的工具或技术上时,这可能会不利于您发展技能。 随着Web功能的增长,使Web开发人员了解整个堆栈变得更加有意义。 我们仍然有在某些领域做得更好的自由,但是随着版图变得更便宜并且交互性的需求越来越大,人们期望可以使用简单的字体结束技能,并且需要应用程序开发技能。 听到雇主正在寻求全职的专业知识可能令人不安。 安迪·索拉(Andy Shora)很好地总结了这一观点。

Truthfully, no one expects you to code an entire app from front to back, start to finish, all on your own. You shouldn’t work for someone who is asking you to do that. If you can do five to 10 things very well, and are willing to learn and jump into the other 100+ you aren’t as familiar with, you’re a commodity in high demand.

坦白地说,没有人期望您从头到尾编写整个应用程序,从头到尾编写代码,全靠您自己完成。 您不应该为要求您这样做的人工作。 如果您能很好地完成5到10件事,并且愿意学习并跳入您不熟悉的其他100多个领域,那么您就是需求量很大的商品。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/becoming-truly-full-stack-unrealistic-try/

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