
If you’ve been on Facebook recently, you’ve probably noticed that statuses are starting to look a lot more… colorful. While you’ve been able to add photos, emotions and activities for a while, now you can go even further. What once would have been a regular text update might now look something like this.

如果您最近去过Facebook,您可能已经注意到状态开始变得更加……丰富多彩。 虽然您可以添加照片,情感和活动已有一段时间,但现在您可以走得更远。 曾经是常规文本更新的内容现在可能看起来像这样。

Or even like this.


So let’s look at how to make your posts as big and bold.


I’m using the Facebook website for this, but the process is much the same on mobile devices. It’s also worth noting that Facebook rolls out features at a different pace to different parts of the world. If you can’t follow along, it might be because this particular feature isn’t available where you are yet.

我正在为此使用Facebook网站,但是在移动设备上的过程大致相同。 还值得注意的是,Facebook以不同的速度向世界各地推出了功能。 如果您不能继续使用,则可能是因为此功能尚不可用。

Open Facebook and click anywhere on the Create a Post dialog box at the top of your News Feed.


You’ll see a row of colored circles appear below where it says “Write Something Here”.


These are what let you pick a colored background for your post. Select the color you want…

这些就是让您为帖子选择彩色背景的原因。 选择您想要的颜色...

…and then write your message.


To use a colored background, your message has to be fairly short. If it’s longer than a few sentences, it will just go back to a normal update.

要使用彩色背景,您的信息必须简短。 如果超过几个句子,它将返回到正常更新。

If you want to use an icon instead of a background color, click Sticker below the status dialog box. There’s no word limit.

如果要使用图标而不是背景色,请单击状态对话框下方的“贴纸”。 没有字数限制。

Select the mood you want, or just use the search bar, to find an appropriate sticker. I’ve gone with Happy.

选择您想要的心情,或仅使用搜索栏找到合适的标签。 我和快乐一起去了。

Pick the Sticker you want and it will appear above the text in your post.


If you’re not satisfied with the Stickers available, you can add more. Go back to the stickers menu.

如果您对可用的贴纸不满意,可以添加更多。 返回到贴纸菜单。

Click the + icon in the top right to get to the Sticker Store.


Here you can find countless more Stickers to use. The vast majority of them are available for Free.

在这里,您可以找到更多的贴纸使用。 其中绝大多数都是免费的。

When you’re finished with your update, whether you’ve gone with a colorful background or a Sticker, just click Post to share it on your Timeline.


Facebook has always look more utilitarian than most other social networks. Things like colored backgrounds and Stickers are a nice way to add a bit of personality to your posts, and make them stand out more in other people’s news feeds.

与其他大多数社交网络相比,Facebook看起来总是更加实用。 诸如彩色背景和贴纸之类的东西是在帖子中添加个性的一种好方法,并使其在其他人的新闻源中更加突出。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309214/how-to-create-facebook-statuses-with-colorful-backgrounds-or-large-stickers/



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