
Casimiro PT/Shutterstock卡西米罗PT /快门

Steam synchronizes many save files to its servers. They’re automatically downloaded via Steam when you install a game, but that’s not the only way you can get them. You can download them directly from Valve’s website in your browser, too.

Steam将许多保存文件同步到其服务器。 安装游戏时,它们会通过Steam自动下载,但这并不是获得它们的唯一方法。 您也可以在浏览器中直接从Valve的网站下载它们。

在Steam中启用Steam Cloud Sync (Enable Steam Cloud Sync in Steam)

If Steam isn’t automatically downloading your old save games after you install a game, ensure Steam Cloud is enabled for that game within Steam.

如果在安装游戏后Steam没有自动下载旧的保存游戏,请确保在Steam中为该游戏启用了Steam Cloud。

To do so, locate the game in your Steam library, right-click it, and then select “Properties.” Click the “Updates” tab and ensure the “Enable Steam Cloud synchronization” option is checked for the game. If this option isn’t checked, Steam won’t automatically download your cloud saves—or upload any new ones.

为此,请在您的Steam库中找到游戏,右键单击它,然后选择“属性”。 单击“更新”选项卡,并确保为游戏选中了“启用Steam Cloud同步”选项。 如果未选中此选项,Steam将不会自动下载您的云存储或上传任何新的云存储。

If you don’t see a Steam Cloud option for a game here, that game doesn’t support Steam Cloud. Not all games on Steam do—it’s up to each game developer.

如果您在此处看不到游戏的Steam Cloud选项,则该游戏不支持Steam Cloud。 并非Steam上的所有游戏都可以做,这取决于每个游戏开发者。

在您的Web浏览器中下载文件 (Download the Files in Your Web Browser)

Valve lets you download your Steam cloud save files via a web browser, too. You can download just your save files without re-downloading the entire game.

Valve也可让您通过网络浏览器下载Steam云保存文件。 您可以只下载保存的文件,而无需重新下载整个游戏。

To find your save files, visit Valve’s View Steam Cloud page in your web browser and sign in with your Steam account.

要查找您的保存文件,请在Web浏览器中访问Valve的“ 查看Steam云”页面 ,并使用您的Steam帐户登录。

You’ll see a list of games using your Steam Cloud storage. Locate the game in the list (hit Ctrl+F to use the browser’s search)—and click “Show Files” to see all the files for a game.

您会看到使用Steam云存储的游戏列表。 在列表中找到游戏(按Ctrl + F使用浏览器搜索),然后单击“显示文件”以查看游戏的所有文件。

Each game has a page showing all the files it’s storing in Steam Cloud, as well as the date they were modified. To download a file, click “Download.” Download all the save files for your game, and you’ll have a copy of its save games.

每个游戏都有一个页面,显示其存储在Steam Cloud中的所有文件以及它们的修改日期。 要下载文件,请单击“下载”。 下载游戏的所有保存文件,您将获得其保存游戏的副本。

This is especially useful for multi-platform games that don’t automatically synchronize save files between platforms.


For example, Borderlands 2 is available for both PC and Mac. It synchronizes its save files with Steam Cloud, but both the PC and Mac versions sync save files separately. You can download the Mac (or PC) versions from Steam’s website, and then manually import them into the correct folder to move your Borderlands 2 save games between platforms.

例如,《 无主之地2》可用于PC和Mac。 它将保存文件与Steam Cloud同步,但PC和Mac版本都分别同步保存文件 。 您可以从Steam的网站下载Mac(或PC)版本,然后手动将它们导入正确的文件夹中,以在平台之间移动Borderlands 2保存游戏。

Without using the website, this would require downloading Borderlands 2 on one platform, extracting your save games, and then downloading the game on a second platform!

如果不使用该网站,则需要在一个平台上下载Borderlands 2 ,提取保存的游戏,然后在另一个平台上下载游戏!

This is a known problem for other games, too—for example, it also seems to be required when moving save games from Torchlight for Windows to Torchlight for Linux.

这也是其他游戏的已知问题,例如, 将保存游戏从Windows的Torchlight 迁移到Linux的Torchlight时,似乎也是必需的。



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