sql azure 语法

We hear a lot about hybrid SQL Server environments, but how to integrate my datacenter with Azure? Check this article and you will have a simple and effective explanation about the connectivity option!

我们听到了很多有关混合SQL Server环境的信息,但是如何将我的数据中心与Azure集成? 查看本文,您将获得有关连接选项的简单有效的解释!

It is being very common to hear about cloud in the last months (or even years). We can see huge companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft heavily investing in infrastructure and new cloud-based services.

在过去的几个月(甚至几年)里听到有关云的信息非常普遍。 我们可以看到亚马逊,谷歌和微软等大型公司在基础设施和基于云的新服务上进行了大量投资。

In fact, the cloud is being more and more part of our lives. Probably you didn’t even noticed that! But just look back, maybe two or three years ago… Almost everyone used to have a “pendrive” in a corner of their pockets. I am including myself into this account, by the way!

实际上,云越来越成为我们生活的一部分。 可能您甚至都没有注意到! 但是回首一下,也许是两三年前……几乎每个人以前在口袋的角落里都有一个“ pendrive”。 顺便说一句,我将自己纳入这个帐户!

Maybe the story has changed. Looking for nowadays, you can still find your good old pendrive, collecting dust somewhere in your house, and not being used as former times.

故事可能已经改变了。 如今,您仍然可以找到旧的笔式驱动器,将灰尘收集在房屋中的某个地方,而不是以前的时代。

But what happened? Just look at some services as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive:

但是发生了什么? 只需查看一些服务,例如Dropbox,Google Drive或OneDrive:

  • You can store your files.您可以存储文件。
  • You can access it from everywhere where you have internet connection.您可以从任何有互联网连接的地方访问它。
  • If you delete your files you will be able to recover it easily.如果删除文件,则可以轻松恢复它。
  • The space constraint is a matter of upgrade your plan.空间限制是升级计划的问题。
  • … and more! … 和更多!

We can also refer that in a world where a single person may have different devices as a cellphone, a tablet, one work PC and a personal PC, those services are also useful in order to keep your files up to date and accessible without effort. And in some case you also have a recoverable list of versions!!

我们还可以提到,在一个人可能拥有不同设备(例如手机,平板电脑,一台工作PC和一台个人PC)的世界中,这些服务也非常有用,可以使您的文件保持最新状态,并且可以轻松访问。 在某些情况下,您还可以获得版本的可恢复列表!!

Well, the pendrive example is the one that I most identify myself, because I started to use it without even know that I was entering in the Cloud era. And this would be useful even to SQL Server! You can easily find articles explaining how to take advantage of one of those services to store… database backups!

好吧,pendrive示例是我最能识别自己的示例,因为我开始使用它时甚至都不知道自己正在进入云时代。 这甚至对于SQL Server也是有用的! 您可以轻松找到说明如何利用这些服务之一来存储数据库备份的文章!

In a broader look, we can see that the cloud brought benefits and options to also improve high availability and disaster recovery strategies, making those architectures more economic, scalable, and elastic.


As we will be talking about SQL Server, nothing better than talk about Azure, where I already lost track of the tremendous number of new services and improvements that Microsoft is constantly announcing. Yes, they are heavily investing on Azure, this came to stay!

在谈论SQL Server时,没有什么比谈论Azure更好的了,在Azure中,我已经失去了对微软不断发布的大量新服务和改进的跟踪。 是的,他们正在对Azure进行大量投资,而这种情况一直存在!

混合云 ( The hybrid cloud )

The objective of this article is start a series of technical guides on how to take advantage of the Azure integration with SQL Server, and in order to reach this objective, we will be focusing in two specific service stacks of Azure:

本文的目的是开始一系列有关如何利用Azure与SQL Server集成的技术指南,为了实现此目标,我们将重点介绍Azure的两个特定服务堆栈:

  • Data Services


  • Network & Automation Services


By playing with both of those together, we will be able to build a complete solution and integrate on-premises with the cloud. So let’s start talking about network…

通过将两者结合在一起,我们将能够构建完整的解决方案并将本地与云集成。 因此,让我们开始讨论网络…

如何集成本地和云? ( How to integrate on-premises and cloud? )

In order to integrate your datacenter (on-premises) and Azure, Microsoft offers some options, which have different levels of performance, complexity and may or not fit with your needs. The following picture shows a summary of this:

为了集成您的数据中心(本地)和Azure,Microsoft提供了一些选项,这些选项具有不同级别的性能,复杂性,并且可能会满足您的需求。 下图显示了此摘要:

互联网连接 ( Connectivity over the internet )

This is targeted to consumers. For example, if you have a service, which you need to connect from everywhere, and want to connect by using a workstation (using a browser, for example) or some tool that will provide you access if you have all the credentials to. Typically, services that are using a public IP or more specific cases where you need to explicitly open a port on an Azure Portal, like connect to an Azure Virtual Machine, by using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

这是针对消费者的。 例如,如果您有一项服务,您需要从任何地方进行连接,并且希望使用工作站(例如,使用浏览器)或某些具有所有凭据的访问权限的工具来进行连接。 通常,使用公共IP或更特定情况的服务(其中需要通过使用远程桌面协议(RDP)在Azure门户上显式打开端口,例如连接到Azure虚拟机)来进行服务。

点对点(P2S)– IPSec VPN ( Point-to-Site (P2S) – IPSec VPN )

在这里,我们处于另一个连接级别。 点对点VPN或仅P2S要求更复杂的部署。 P2S VPN用于将单个工作站连接到Azure中基于特定子网的一系列服务。

This is a one way of connection, based in an IPSec VPN that you need to configure in the computer that is going to be connected to an Azure vNet. This way a point (the computer) connects to a site (Azure). This strategy also allows the user to connect to a service in Azure, like a Virtual Machine or a Database.

这是一种连接方式,它基于IPSec VPN,您需要在将要连接到Azure vNet的计算机中进行配置。 这样,一个点(计算机)就连接到一个站点(Azure)。 此策略还允许用户连接到Azure中的服务,例如虚拟机或数据库。

I wrote an article on how to configure a P2S VPN, step-by-step. Just follow this link if you are interested.

我写了一篇有关如何逐步配置P2S VPN的文章。 如果您有兴趣,请点击此链接 。

站点到站点(S2S)– IPSec VPN ( Site-to-Site (S2S) – IPSec VPN )

The site-to-site (S2S) IPSec VPN, is a kind of P2S VPN, but with a difference that changes the game: You are now connecting your network to Azure. We can call this a many-many connectivity (I don’t know if this exists, but the idea is make it simple for the DB professionals :)), as we are connecting the on-premises network to an Azure virtual network.

站点到站点(S2S)IPSec VPN是一种P2S VPN,但区别在于改变了游戏规则:您现在将网络连接到Azure。 当我们将本地网络连接到Azure虚拟网络时,我们可以将其称为很多连接(我不知道这种连接是否存在,但是对于数据库专业人员来说,这个想法很简单:)。

This VPN is configured in the network layer, differently from the P2S, where you need to setup a soft VPN in a computer. However, there is a way to do this from the application layer, using the Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS), from Windows.

此VPN是在网络层中配置的,与P2S不同,在P2S中,您需要在计算机中设置软VPN。 但是,有一种方法可以从应用程序层通过Windows使用路由和远程访问服务(RRAS)来执行此操作。

The S2S VPN allows us to create more complex strategies, as we will be permanently connecting our servers with Azure infrastructure and services. So we can use it to an Active Directory replica, extend the AlwaysOn Availability Groups strategy, etc…

S2S VPN允许我们创建更复杂的策略,因为我们将服务器与Azure基础结构和服务永久连接。 因此,我们可以将其用于Active Directory副本,扩展AlwaysOn可用性组策略等。

If you want to check on how to create a S2S VPN using RRAS, I have an article published here that explains all the steps.

如果您想检查如何使用RRAS创建S2S VPN,请在此处发表一篇文章,其中介绍了所有步骤。

快速路线 ( ExpressRoute )

This is an option to the site-to-site VPN. But what is the difference?

这是站点到站点VPN的选项。 但是有什么区别呢?

The main difference here is that using ExpressRoute you will be using a private network and, of course, you will need to pay for this

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