if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[f_replace]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))

drop function [dbo].[f_replace]




保留 TAB  char(9)

换行 char(10)

回车 char(13)


--邹建 2004.09(引用请保留此信息)--*/



declare @s varchar(10)

set @s='a '+'b'+char(11)+'c'

select dbo.f_replace(@s)


create function f_replace(

@str varchar(8000)

)returns varchar(8000)



select @str=replace(@str,a,'')

from(select a=N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N''

--  union all select N' ' --TAB  char(9)

--  union all select N'

--  '      --换行 char(10)

union all select N' ' union all select N' '

--  union all select N'

--  '      --回车 char(13)

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'' union all select N''

union all select N'

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