


  1. SCREEN_SIZE = (640, 480)
  2. NEST_POSITION = (320, 240)
  3. ANT_COUNT = 20
  4. NEST_SIZE = 100.
  5. import pygame
  6. from pygame.locals import *
  7. from random import randint, choice
  8. from gameobjects.vector2 import Vector2
  9. class State(object):
  10. def __init__(self, name):
  11. self.name = name
  12. def do_actions(self):
  13. pass
  14. def check_conditions(self):
  15. pass
  16. def entry_actions(self):
  17. pass
  18. def exit_actions(self):
  19. pass
  20. class StateMachine(object):
  21. def __init__(self):
  22. self.states = {}
  23. self.active_state = None
  24. def add_state(self, state):
  25. self.states[state.name] = state
  26. def think(self):
  27. if self.active_state is None:
  28. return
  29. self.active_state.do_actions()
  30. new_state_name = self.active_state.check_conditions()
  31. if new_state_name is not None:
  32. self.set_state(new_state_name)
  33. def set_state(self, new_state_name):
  34. if self.active_state is not None:
  35. self.active_state.exit_actions()
  36. self.active_state = self.states[new_state_name]
  37. self.active_state.entry_actions()
  38. class World(object):
  39. def __init__(self):
  40. self.entities = {}
  41. self.entity_id = 0
  42. self.background = pygame.surface.Surface(SCREEN_SIZE).convert()
  43. self.background.fill((255, 255, 255))
  44. pygame.draw.circle(self.background, (200, 255, 200), NEST_POSITION, int(NEST_SIZE))
  45. def add_entity(self, entity):
  46. self.entities[self.entity_id] = entity
  47. entity.id = self.entity_id
  48. self.entity_id += 1
  49. def remove_entity(self, entity):
  50. del self.entities[entity.id]
  51. def get(self, entity_id):
  52. if entity_id in self.entities:
  53. return self.entities[entity_id]
  54. else:
  55. return None
  56. def process(self, time_passed):
  57. time_passed_seconds = time_passed / 1000.0
  58. for entity in self.entities.values():
  59. entity.process(time_passed_seconds)
  60. def render(self, surface):
  61. surface.blit(self.background, (0, 0))
  62. for entity in self.entities.itervalues():
  63. entity.render(surface)
  64. def get_close_entity(self, name, location, range=100.):
  65. location = Vector2(*location)
  66. for entity in self.entities.itervalues():
  67. if entity.name == name:
  68. distance = location.get_distance_to(entity.location)
  69. if distance < range:
  70. return entity
  71. return None
  72. class GameEntity(object):
  73. def __init__(self, world, name, image):
  74. self.world = world
  75. self.name = name
  76. self.image = image
  77. self.location = Vector2(0, 0)
  78. self.destination = Vector2(0, 0)
  79. self.speed = 0.
  80. self.brain = StateMachine()
  81. self.id = 0
  82. def render(self, surface):
  83. x, y = self.location
  84. w, h = self.image.get_size()
  85. surface.blit(self.image, (x-w/2, y-h/2))
  86. def process(self, time_passed):
  87. self.brain.think()
  88. if self.speed > 0. and self.location != self.destination:
  89. vec_to_destination = self.destination - self.location
  90. distance_to_destination = vec_to_destination.get_length()
  91. heading = vec_to_destination.get_normalized()
  92. travel_distance = min(distance_to_destination, time_passed * self.speed)
  93. self.location += travel_distance * heading
  94. class Leaf(GameEntity):
  95. def __init__(self, world, image):
  96. GameEntity.__init__(self, world, “leaf”, image)
  97. class Spider(GameEntity):
  98. def __init__(self, world, image):
  99. GameEntity.__init__(self, world, “spider”, image)
  100. self.dead_image = pygame.transform.flip(image, 0, 1)
  101. self.health = 25
  102. self.speed = 50. + randint(-20, 20)
  103. def bitten(self):
  104. self.health -= 1
  105. if self.health <= 0:
  106. self.speed = 0.
  107. self.image = self.dead_image
  108. self.speed = 140.
  109. def render(self, surface):
  110. GameEntity.render(self, surface)
  111. x, y = self.location
  112. w, h = self.image.get_size()
  113. bar_x = x - 12
  114. bar_y = y + h/2
  115. surface.fill( (255, 0, 0), (bar_x, bar_y, 25, 4))
  116. surface.fill( (0, 255, 0), (bar_x, bar_y, self.health, 4))
  117. def process(self, time_passed):
  118. x, y = self.location
  119. if x > SCREEN_SIZE[0] + 2:
  120. self.world.remove_entity(self)
  121. return
  122. GameEntity.process(self, time_passed)
  123. class Ant(GameEntity):
  124. def __init__(self, world, image):
  125. GameEntity.__init__(self, world, “ant”, image)
  126. exploring_state = AntStateExploring(self)
  127. seeking_state = AntStateSeeking(self)
  128. delivering_state = AntStateDelivering(self)
  129. hunting_state = AntStateHunting(self)
  130. self.brain.add_state(exploring_state)
  131. self.brain.add_state(seeking_state)
  132. self.brain.add_state(delivering_state)
  133. self.brain.add_state(hunting_state)
  134. self.carry_image = None
  135. def carry(self, image):
  136. self.carry_image = image
  137. def drop(self, surface):
  138. if self.carry_image:
  139. x, y = self.location
  140. w, h = self.carry_image.get_size()
  141. surface.blit(self.carry_image, (x-w, y-h/2))
  142. self.carry_image = None
  143. def render(self, surface):
  144. GameEntity.render(self, surface)
  145. if self.carry_image:
  146. x, y = self.location
  147. w, h = self.carry_image.get_size()
  148. surface.blit(self.carry_image, (x-w, y-h/2))
  149. class AntStateExploring(State):
  150. def __init__(self, ant):
  151. State.__init__(self, “exploring”)
  152. self.ant = ant
  153. def random_destination(self):
  154. w, h = SCREEN_SIZE
  155. self.ant.destination = Vector2(randint(0, w), randint(0, h))
  156. def do_actions(self):
  157. if randint(1, 20) == 1:
  158. self.random_destination()
  159. def check_conditions(self):
  160. leaf = self.ant.world.get_close_entity(“leaf”, self.ant.location)
  161. if leaf is not None:
  162. self.ant.leaf_id = leaf.id
  163. return “seeking”
  164. spider = self.ant.world.get_close_entity(“spider”, NEST_POSITION, NEST_SIZE)
  165. if spider is not None:
  166. if self.ant.location.get_distance_to(spider.location) < 100.:
  167. self.ant.spider_id = spider.id
  168. return “hunting”
  169. return None
  170. def entry_actions(self):
  171. self.ant.speed = 120. + randint(-30, 30)
  172. self.random_destination()
  173. class AntStateSeeking(State):
  174. def __init__(self, ant):
  175. State.__init__(self, “seeking”)
  176. self.ant = ant
  177. self.leaf_id = None
  178. def check_conditions(self):
  179. leaf = self.ant.world.get(self.ant.leaf_id)
  180. if leaf is None:
  181. return “exploring”
  182. if self.ant.location.get_distance_to(leaf.location) < 5.0:
  183. self.ant.carry(leaf.image)
  184. self.ant.world.remove_entity(leaf)
  185. return “delivering”
  186. return None
  187. def entry_actions(self):
  188. leaf = self.ant.world.get(self.ant.leaf_id)
  189. if leaf is not None:
  190. self.ant.destination = leaf.location
  191. self.ant.speed = 160. + randint(-20, 20)
  192. class AntStateDelivering(State):
  193. def __init__(self, ant):
  194. State.__init__(self, “delivering”)
  195. self.ant = ant
  196. def check_conditions(self):
  197. if Vector2(*NEST_POSITION).get_distance_to(self.ant.location) < NEST_SIZE:
  198. if (randint(1, 10) == 1):
  199. self.ant.drop(self.ant.world.background)
  200. return “exploring”
  201. return None
  202. def entry_actions(self):
  203. self.ant.speed = 60.
  204. random_offset = Vector2(randint(-20, 20), randint(-20, 20))
  205. self.ant.destination = Vector2(*NEST_POSITION) + random_offset
  206. class AntStateHunting(State):
  207. def __init__(self, ant):
  208. State.__init__(self, “hunting”)
  209. self.ant = ant
  210. self.got_kill = False
  211. def do_actions(self):
  212. spider = self.ant.world.get(self.ant.spider_id)
  213. if spider is None:
  214. return
  215. self.ant.destination = spider.location
  216. if self.ant.location.get_distance_to(spider.location) < 15.:
  217. if randint(1, 5) == 1:
  218. spider.bitten()
  219. if spider.health <= 0:
  220. self.ant.carry(spider.image)
  221. self.ant.world.remove_entity(spider)
  222. self.got_kill = True
  223. def check_conditions(self):
  224. if self.got_kill:
  225. return “delivering”
  226. spider = self.ant.world.get(self.ant.spider_id)
  227. if spider is None:
  228. return “exploring”
  229. if spider.location.get_distance_to(NEST_POSITION) > NEST_SIZE * 3:
  230. return “exploring”
  231. return None
  232. def entry_actions(self):
  233. self.speed = 160. + randint(0, 50)
  234. def exit_actions(self):
  235. self.got_kill = False
  236. def run():
  237. pygame.init()
  238. screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE, 0, 32)
  239. world = World()
  240. w, h = SCREEN_SIZE
  241. clock = pygame.time.Clock()
  242. ant_image = pygame.image.load(“ant.png”).convert_alpha()
  243. leaf_image = pygame.image.load(“leaf.png”).convert_alpha()
  244. spider_image = pygame.image.load(“spider.png”).convert_alpha()
  245. for ant_no in xrange(ANT_COUNT):
  246. ant = Ant(world, ant_image)
  247. ant.location = Vector2(randint(0, w), randint(0, h))
  248. ant.brain.set_state(“exploring”)
  249. world.add_entity(ant)
  250. while True:
  251. for event in pygame.event.get():
  252. if event.type == QUIT:
  253. return
  254. time_passed = clock.tick(30)
  255. if randint(1, 10) == 1:
  256. leaf = Leaf(world, leaf_image)
  257. leaf.location = Vector2(randint(0, w), randint(0, h))
  258. world.add_entity(leaf)
  259. if randint(1, 100) == 1:
  260. spider = Spider(world, spider_image)
  261. spider.location = Vector2(-50, randint(0, h))
  262. spider.destination = Vector2(w+50, randint(0, h))
  263. world.add_entity(spider)
  264. world.process(time_passed)
  265. world.render(screen)
  266. pygame.display.update()
  267. if __name__ == “__main__”:
  268. run()





我们这几次讲述的东西相当有用,尽管不是那么直观,但对于游戏设计至关重要,而此次的蚁巢演示,也给我们揭示了AI系统的种种,至少这个系统式可以运作的了,不错不错~ 参天大树也是从小树苗开始的。






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