How do you convert bmp to jpg in Java? I know how to use the ImageIO way but is there a much faster or better way of doing it?

This is the ImageIO way of doing that I found on the web.

`//Create file for the source

File input = new File("c:/temp/image.bmp");

//Read the file to a BufferedImage

BufferedImage image =;`

//Create a file for the output

File output = new File("c:/temp/image.jpg");

//Write the image to the destination as a JPG

ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", output);

If I use this way will I lose quality?



Yes you will. Actually regardless of the way to convert a BMP (lossless) to JPG (lossy) you always lose quality. You can limit the damage if you set the JPG quality to 100% (which kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion).

Use this tutorial to fix it.

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