





 1 class Codec:
 3     def serialize(self, root):
 4         """Encodes a tree to a single string.
 6         :type root: TreeNode
 7         :rtype: str
 8         """
 9         def rec(root):
10             if root==None:
11                 return 'None,'
12             return str(root.val)+','+rec(root.left)+rec(root.right)
13         return rec(root)
15     def deserialize(self, data):
16         """Decodes your encoded data to tree.
18         :type data: str
19         :rtype: TreeNode
20         """
21         def rec(start):
22             i=start
23             while data[i]!=',':
24                 i+=1
25             if i-start==4 and data[start:i]=='None':
26                 return None,start+5
27             # print(data[start:i],'to trans')
28             node=TreeNode(int(data[start:i]))
29             l,ls=rec(i+1)
30             r,rs=rec(ls)
31             node.left=l
32             node.right=r
33             return node,rs
34         return rec(0)[0]


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