创建自定义的服务 v1.00+(适用以后版本)






最容易创建一个新服务的方法是使用KBMMW服务向导。 File->New (->Others for Delphi 6):



'Extend the service' 复选框意味着你创建一个派生与服务而不是只是使用它,如果你想要创建它自己本身,向导将会告诉你添加什么到你的项目中来来使用它。

Creation of customized services
for kbmMW v. 1.00+
kbmMW supports RPC, or Remote Procedure Calls, using a different term – services.
A service is a grouping of business logic (or business objects which is another term) on the server
which can be accessed by clients through remote procedure calls.
In a normal 2-tier application, the server side often does not contain any business logic at all, but
only the raw data in the form of a database of some kind. In the n-tier architecture (usually 3-tier)
there are two tiers (or servers) on the server side – the database server and the application server.
Instead of placing business related code (e.g. special calculations, lookups in databases,
screenscraping on backend host systems etc.) in the client, this code would be moved to a service
object on the server side application server.
The benefits of this are that it is much easier to maintain one server than to have to upgrade 100s of
clients. Further, it makes it much easier to have several different types of clients use the business
rules, since they would not have each of them to contain the business code themselves. They would
instead simply call the application server that contains the business code.
This document will show two ways to create services, the easy way using a wizard and the manual
To better understand of the inner workings of services, it is strongly suggested that you read the
manual method even if you choose the wizard for creating new services.
For our example, we will create a new service (KBMMW_TIME) version 1.0 which will return the

server time to the client when called

The magic of wizards
The easiest way to create a new service is to use the kbmMW Service Wizard.
Find it in File->New (->Others for Delphi 6):


最容易创建一个新服务的方法是使用KBMMW服务向导。 File->New (->Others for Delphi 6):

This will start the wizard with this initial dialog where you are asked to choose the type of service
you want to create. You have several choices depending on the types of registered services on your
installation. For creating a simple business object, you would normally either choose to base it on
Custom service, Simple service or Eventoperated service. Read more about the different services in
the description in the wizard.


For the example in this document we want to create a custom service.

The 'Extend the service' checkbox means you are creating a descendent of the service (adding new
functionality) instead of using it as is. If you would use as is, the wizard would tell you what to add
to your project to use it.
All services are automatically registered in the registry for the benefit of the wizard. By selecting
the 'Service administration' tab, that information can be viewed and altered.
After selecting the Custom service, click Next.


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