
The demand of software is all time increasing that has been quite instrumental in a vast success of the software companies and the industry in India. Actually, export of software from India generally accounts for over 65% of the total revenue from the software. The domestic market of the software highly depends on the sale of the products and packages that constitute important part of the revenues. The products account for over 40% of this domestic market. Alternatively, over 80% of the revenue from the software exports generally comes from the software services such as custom software development & consultancy services and more.

对软件的需求一直在增长,这对软件公司和印度行业的巨大成功至关重要。 实际上,印度的软件出口通常占该软件总收入的65%以上。 软件的国内市场在很大程度上取决于构成收入的重要部分的产品和软件包的销售。 产品占国内市场的40%以上。 另外,软件出口收入的80%以上通常来自软件服务,例如定制软件开发和咨询服务等。

印度软件公司成功背后的原因 (Reasons Behind the Success of Software Companies in India)

There’re many amazing reasons why Indian software companies are so successful. With software companies in India, many multinational giants also have plunged in the IT sector. India being a hub of the skilled and cheap software experts is available in a lot. This helps many software companies to produce cost-effective solutions for the clients. Thus, Indian software firms will place the products & services in this global market in a most competitive rate. It is one reason why India is one of the best destinations for outsourcing. Most of the multinational IT software giants have got their offshore centers in India. For getting a little idea on the custom software development firm, let’s check out different types of software companies and solutions.

印度软件公司如此成功的原因有很多令人惊讶的原因。 随着印度的软件公司的发展,许多跨国巨头也纷纷跳入IT领域。 印度拥有大量熟练且廉价的软件专家作为枢纽。 这有助于许多软件公司为客户提供具有成本效益的解决方案。 因此,印度软件公司将以最具竞争力的速度将产品和服务投放到这个全球市场。 这是印度成为最佳外包目的地之一的原因之一。 大多数跨国IT软件巨头都在印度设立了离岸中心。 为了对定制软件开发公司有所了解,让我们检查一下不同类型的软件公司和解决方案。

软件公司类型 (Types of Software Companies)

基于服务 (Service-based)

This kind of software company is in software engineering, business consulting, information technology, or outsourcing. There’re many giants included in this list like Wipro, Tech Mahindra, TCS, Infosys, CTS, IMB, and Accenture. At present, this has thrived with time and is also said to be on the top of the list with the regular advancement. Companies generally opt for such service-based business solution to complete their requirement and get best of all. The prospect has actually made it the most important addition to this business world, which will allow achieving the business goals.

这种软件公司从事软件工程,业务咨询,信息技术或外包。 此列表中包括许多巨头,例如Wipro,Tech Mahindra,TCS,Infosys,CTS,IMB和Accenture。 目前,随着时间的流逝,它蓬勃发展,并且随着定期更新,它也名列榜首。 公司通常会选择这种基于服务的业务解决方案来完成其要求并获得最大的收益。 潜在客户实际上已使其成为此业务世界中最重要的成员,这将有助于实现业务目标。

库存管理 (Inventory Management)

These types of software companies are outsourcing to businesses and give the inventory management program. It’s the important addition for this business world to make sure they’re maintaining an inventory and come to know when they do not have stock so they will order it when possible.

这些类型的软件公司正在外包给企业,并提供库存管理程序。 对于这个商业世界来说,重要的一点是要确保他们保持库存并知道何时没有库存,以便在可能时定购。

Custom software company will help to achieve so much with the perfect inventory management, which gives out best possible knowledge. It works in the real-time for getting the top solution for your business world & department.

定制软件公司将通过完善的库存管理来帮助您实现最大的成就,从而提供最佳的知识。 它可以实时工作,为您的业务领域和部门提供最佳解决方案。

移动应用开发 (Mobile App development)

Another type of offshore software services popular in the world is the application development. These software companies generally rely on development towards outsourcing that will allow them get the possible solution for the Android devices, and Window. They built programming languages, which will work on various operating systems and reducing an overall work.

在世界上流行的另一种离岸软件服务是应用程序开发。 这些软件公司通常依靠向外包的开发,这将使他们获得针对Android设备和Window的可能解决方案。 他们构建了编程语言,可以在各种操作系统上工作并减少整体工作。

It’s quite versatile for and used as a mode of entertainment. But, this has added up the quality of software development allowing firms to embrace this and get most out of it. Software development solutions have got the tendency of achieving various solutions for their application that includes photographed face, games, drink water, news, music, and more.

它是一种非常通用的娱乐方式。 但是,这增加了软件开发的质量,使公司可以接受并充分利用它。 软件开发解决方案已经趋向于为其应用程序实现各种解决方案,包括拍照的面Kong,游戏,饮用水,新闻,音乐等。

供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management)

The most important additions in the business world will be the supply chain management. They’re focused on management software, which makes the web development solutions to offer the supply chain software. They’re the best in this market and have an ability of tracking down the products and materials in the real-time.

商业世界中最重要的补充将是供应链管理。 他们专注于管理软件,该软件使Web开发解决方案能够提供供应链软件。 他们是这个市场上最好的,并且具有实时追踪产品和材料的能力。

This works up in a real-time just to make sure nothing will be missed out & manufacturing part will be rightly covered up. This allows this system to get notify crucial data to the user for getting firsthand knowledge on it.

这是实时工作,以确保不会遗漏任何东西,并且正确掩盖了制造零件。 这允许该系统将关键数据通知用户,以获取有关其的第一手知识。

云计算 (Cloud Computing)

This Offshore software services understands an idea about traditional idea of the files that will be stored. But, the business has a lot of files, which make it tough for them to stay safe and prevalent. This works up with remote servers and allowing the companies to embrace this when working up with the network software. Cloud computing will work really well with personal computer and enables them to work out with various software like Amazon Web Services, OneDrive, GitHub, and more.

该离岸软件服务了解有关将要存储的文件的传统概念的想法。 但是,该企业有很多文件,这使他们很难保持安全和流行。 这可与远程服务器配合使用,并允许公司在使用网络软件时将其包含在内。 云计算将非常适合与个人计算机配合使用,并使它们能够与Amazon Web Services,OneDrive,GitHub等各种软件一起使用。

应用程序软件 (Application Software)

They’re popularly called as the end-user programs and productivity programs that help the user to complete different tasks such as conducting research online, making notes, maintaining accounts, designing graphics, carrying out calculations and playing computer games. Essentially they lie above this system software. They’re used by an end-user and have got specific functionality and tasks that they are made to perform. The software is developed by custom software development, as per the requirements of users. There’s a wide range of the application software available.

它们通常被称为最终用户程序和生产力程序,它们可以帮助用户完成不同的任务,例如在线进行研究,做笔记,维护帐户,设计图形,进行计算和玩计算机游戏。 本质上,它们位于该系统软件之上。 它们由最终用户使用,并具有要执行的特定功能和任务。 根据用户要求,通过定制软件开发来开发该软件。 有各种各样的应用软件可用。

开源软件 (Open-source Software)

Such kinds of software are generally available to the users all along with the source code that means that user will easily modify as well as distribute software and add extra features in it. They may either be free or chargeable. Some the examples of the software are:

这类软件通常与源代码一起提供给用户,这意味着用户可以轻松地进行修改以及分发软件并在其中添加额外的功能。 它们可以是免费的或收费的。 该软件的一些示例包括:

  • Thunderbird雷鸟
  • Mozilla Firefox火狐浏览器
  • Moodle面条
  • Apache Web ServerApache Web服务器
  • GNU Compiler CollectionGNU编译器集合

These are some different types of software companies, which have spread their domain in domestic & international market. This has kept things safe and secure with the top solution with the software development company. This will help to plan and process and improve business productivity and increase growth towards success.

这些是一些不同类型的软件公司,它们已在国内外市场中扩展了自己的领域。 这可以通过软件开发公司的顶级解决方案确保事情的安全。 这将有助于计划和处理流程并提高业务生产率,并促进成功的增长。

Wrap Up


With an increasing role of the software in our daily lives, full stack development companies are offering the modern software to take care of their demands. Like we know, there’re different kinds of the software where system software market is saturated with giant players like Apple, Microsoft, and more whereas application software have got some stiff competition with the established players and the new players are competing to get an edge over it. The software development company will venture in the development of this software and earn huge profits.

随着软件在我们日常生活中的作用日益增强,全栈开发公司正在提供现代软件来满足他们的需求。 就像我们知道的那样,存在各种类型的软件,其中系统软件市场被苹果,微软等大型厂商所饱和,而应用软件与既有厂商之间存在激烈的竞争,而新厂商则在竞争中获得优势。超过它。 该软件开发公司将冒险开发该软件并获得丰厚的利润。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2020/07/types-of-software-companies-in-india.html



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