TI DSP各种库文件

1 概述


  • RTS
  • VLIB
  • XDCtool&RTSC


官方介绍:Some of the features of C/C++ (such as I/O, dynamic memory allocation, string operations, and trigonometric functions) are provided as an ANSI/ISO C/C++ standard library, rather than as part of the compiler itself. The TI implementation of this library is the run-time-support library (RTS).



官方介绍:TMS320C6000 Digital Signal Processor Library(DSPLIB) is a platform optimized DSP function library for C programmers. It includes C-callable, general-purpose signal-processing routines that are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications. With these routines, you can achieve higher performance than equivalent code written in standard ANSI C language. By providing ready-to-use DSP functions with source code, DSPLIB can significantly shorten your application development time.


官方介绍:C6000 Image Processing Library (IMGLIB) is an optimized image/video processing function library for C programmers. It includes C-callable general-purpose image/video processing routines that are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications. With these routines, you can achieve higher performance than equivalent code written in standard ANSI C language. By providing ready-to-use DSP functions with source code, IMGLIB can significantly shorten your application development time.


官方介绍:Texas Instruments TMS320C64x+ IQmath Library is collection of highly optimized and high precision mathematical Function Library for C/C++ programmers to seamlessly port the floating-point algorithm into fixed point code on TMS320C64x+ devices. These routines are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications where optimal execution speed & high accuracy is critical. By using these routines you can achieve execution speeds considerable faster than equivalent code written in standard ANSI C language. In addition, by providing ready-to-use high precision functions, TI IQmath library can shorten significantly your DSP application development time. The IQmath library release also includes example implementation of complex FFT and FIR kernels using the IQmath kernels.


官方介绍:This is a GA release of the Vision Library (VLIB) for C64x+/C674x/C66x processors.VLIB is a software library of more than 40 royalty-free kernels from Texas Instruments that accelerates video analytics development and increases performance up to 10 times. VLIB is an extensible library that is optimized for the C6x DSP core and is available royalty-free. This collection of 40+ kernels provide the ability to perform.

7 XDCtool&RTSC

SYS/BIOS uses underlying technology provided by Real Time Software Components (RTSC).
- RTSC is an open-source specification within the Eclipse.org ecosystem for providing reusable software components (called “packages”) for use in embedded systems. SYS/BIOS packages conform to this convention with names that consist of a hierarchical naming pattern; each level is separated by a period (“.”). Usually, the highest level of the name is the vendor (“ti”), followed by the product (“sysbios”), and then followed by the module and submodule names (for example, “knl” and “Clock”). So, the full name to reference the Clock module is ti.sysbios.knl.Clock. These names have the added benefit of reflecting the physical layout of the package within the file system where SYS/BIOS has been installed. For example, the ti.sysbios.knl package files can be found at BIOS_INSTALL_DIR\bios_6_##_##\packages\ti\sysbios\knl.
- XDCtools is the actual product that contains all the tools necessary for you to use the SYS/BIOS components and configure your application. XDCtools is installed as part of Code Composer Studio (CCS).
RTSC and XDCtools are important to SYS/BIOS users because:
- SYS/BIOS is delivered as a set of RTSC packages containing the modules that make up the RTOS.
- XDCtools provides configuration tools you use to create and build a static configuration as part of your application. This *.cfg configuration file specifies: Which modules from XDCtools, SYS/BIOS, and other components to include in the run-time image. What static instances of RTOS objects to create. For example, these include tasks and semaphores. Settings for parameter values for modules and objects.
- XDCtools provides critical APIs that are used by SYS/BIOS and other related software components. These include memory allocation, logging, and system control.


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