OSPO Summit of the open source community, by the open source community and for the open source community.

—— Zhiqiang Yu, OSPO into enterprise meetup co-founder,OSPO Summit 2022 Chairperson

我们很高兴地宣布,作为开源在中国本土发展的重要一步,OSPO Summit 2022 已经正式启动。

作为一个完全中立的活动,OSPO Summit 由 Linux Foundation APAC 布道者 OSPO SIG 发起,我们有一个来自不同公司和组织的、超过 20 人的筹备团队。


Linux Foundation APAC, TODO Group, OpenInfra Foundation



江波,SegmentFault 思否 COO,Co-founder of Answer.dev





受限于防疫政策,我们与国际会议的交流已经中断了超过 3 年。我们迫切地需要一个线下聚会来团结中国企业的开源力量。我们希望让依靠开源的企业能够分享、学习、总结经验,让各方都能受益,尤其是从业者能够成功。

我们的峰会定于 12 月 16 日北京举行,通过筹备组的投票,我们选择了本地化和全球化作为本次大会的主题。

时间:12 月 16 日, 2022 年




本届峰会将重点讨论 Upstream First 的成功实践和 OSPO 的工作实践。来自多个企业的 OSPO Leader 将带来上述话题的分享,我们还将邀请 Dr. Ibrahim Haddad 等国际专家和各开源基金会的代表为我们带来国际领先的观点。TODO Group manager Ana 也将分享如何在企业中建立 OSPO。


  • 工程:关注 Upstream First、降本增效、从996到711、DevSecOps

  • 管理/文化:关注企业自身制度、开源文化、企业单位与开源共同体、HR、绩效管理

  • 合规与资产:关注许可、供应链、SBOM、核算评估

  • 攀爬阶梯:能否跳跃发展、项目共同体构建、企业之间的合作推动参与者、成为开源世界的领导者


我们热烈欢迎关注建设企业 OSPO 以及对本土和全球开源发展感兴趣的朋友们加入我们!峰会网站目前正在开发中,更多信息请在 Twitter 上关注我们的核心贡献者(@zhiqiangyu, @lijiansheng1, @jiangbonadia)。如果你对社区合作和赞助我们感兴趣,你可以通过电子邮件联系我:nadia.jiangbo@gmail.com

We are excited to announce that as a significant step in the local development of open source in China, OSPO Summit 2022 has officially launched.

As a completely neutral event, OSPO Summit was initiated by the OSPO SIG, LF APAC evangelists, and we have a preparatory team of over 20 people from different companies and organizations.


Linux Foundation APAC, TODO Group, OpenInfra Foundation

Summit Chair

Zhiqiang Yu, Open Source Evangelist

Nadia Jiang, COO at SegmentFault, Co-founder of Answer.dev

Executive Team


Preparatory Team Members

Jiansheng Li, Jie Liu, Le Ma, Zhiqiang Yu, Nadia Jiang, Jinghe Ma, Jie Hu, Wenbin Zhao, Guofeng Zhang, Horace Li, Richard Bian, Zhenhua Sun, Hong Li, Wei Meng, Ailin Yang, Yiyang Zhang

Our communication with international conferences has been interrupted for over 3 years due to the requirements of China's epidemic prevention policy. We urgently need an offline gathering to unite the open-source power of Chinese companies. We want to enable companies that rely on open source to share, learn, and summarize their experiences so that all parties can benefit, and especially practitioners can succeed.

Our summit is scheduled to be held in Beijing on December 16, and through a vote of the preparatory team, we have chosen Localization and Globalization as the theme.

Time: December 16, 2022

Location: Beijing, China

Theme: Localization and Globalization

China is special, whereas open source is global. We must perceive rationally, both to understand and implement according to the local situation, but also to integrate and influence the world.

The summit will focus on the successful practices of Upstream First and the work of OSPO. The OSPO leaders from various enterprises such as HUAWEI, ByteDance, Ant Group, etc. will bring the above topics and we will also invite international experts such as Dr. Ibrahim Haddad and representatives of various open source foundations to give us international leading points. TODO Group manager Ana will share how to build OSPO in enterprise.

In addition to the sessions, we will also have many open discussion sections where attendees can choose from the following discussion groups based on their working background and requirements.

  • Engineering: Upstream First, cost reduction and efficiency, from 996 to 711, DevSecOps

  • Management/Culture: Enterprise Architecture Research, Open Source Culture, Enterprise, and Open Source Community, HR, OKR & KPI

  • Compliance and Assets: License, Supply Chain, SBOM, Accounting Assessment

  • Climbing the ladder: jump-start development, project community building, collaboration between enterprises to drive participants, becoming a leader in the open source world

We will do our best to ensure the high quality of this summit, avoid all kinds of advertising and strictly select the speeches.

We warmly welcome you to join us, as long as you are interested in building enterprise OSPO and the development of open source locally and globally. The Summit website is currently under development, so for more information please follow our core contributors on Twitter.(@zhiqiangyu, @lijiansheng1, @jiangbonadia) If you are interested in community collaboration and sponsoring us, you can contact me by email: nadia.jiangbo@gmail.com



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开源社成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人成员,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成,始终维持厂商中立、公益、非营利的特点,是最早以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、开源项目” 为使命的开源社区联合体。开源社积极与支持开源的社区、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,以 “立足中国、贡献全球” 为愿景,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态,推动中国开源社区成为全球开源体系的积极参与及贡献者。

2017 年,开源社转型为完全由个人成员组成,参照 ASF 等国际顶级开源基金会的治理模式运作。近八年来,链接了数万名开源人,集聚了上千名社区成员及志愿者、海内外数百位讲师,合作了近百家赞助、媒体、社区伙伴。

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