

.fromSpherical函数:Converts the provided Spherical into Cartesian3 coordinates
.fromElements函数:Creates a Cartesian3 instance from x, y and z coordinates.
.clone函数:Duplicates a Cartesian3 instance.
.fromCartesian4对象:Creates a Cartesian3 instance from an existing Cartesian4.  This simply takes the x, y, and z properties of the Cartesian4 and drops w.
.packedLength对象:The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.


.pack函数:Stores the provided instance into the provided array.
.unpack函数:Retrieves an instance from a packed array


array的数据结构:[ x , y , z , x , y , z , x , y , z , x ……]

.packArray函数:Flattens an array of Cartesian3s into an array of components.
.unpackArray函数:Unpacks an array of cartesian components into an array of Cartesian3s.


C3数组的数据结构:[C3_1 , C3_2 , C3_3 ……]

.fromArray对象:Creates a Cartesian3 from three consecutive elements in an array.
.maximumComponent函数:Computes the value of the maximum component for the supplied Cartesian.
.minimumComponent函数:Computes the value of the minimum component for the supplied Cartesian.
.minimumByComponent函数:Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the minimum components of the supplied Cartesians.
.maximumByComponent函数:Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the maximum components of the supplied Cartesians.
.magnitudeSquared函数:Computes the provided Cartesian's squared magnitude.
.magnitude函数:Computes the Cartesian's magnitude (length).
.distance函数:Computes the distance between two points.
.distanceSquared函数:Computes the squared distance between two points.  Comparing squared distances
.normalize函数:Computes the normalized form of the supplied Cartesian.
.dot函数:Computes the dot (scalar) product of two Cartesians.(物理意义是什么?经常用到)
.multiplyComponents函数:Computes the componentwise product of two Cartesians.
.divideComponents函数:Computes the componentwise quotient of two Cartesians.
.add函数:Computes the componentwise sum of two Cartesians.
.subtract函数:Computes the componentwise difference of two Cartesians.
.multiplyByScalar函数:Multiplies the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.
.divideByScalar函数:Multiplies the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.
.negate函数:Negates the provided Cartesian.
.abs函数:Computes the absolute value of the provided Cartesian.
.lerp函数:Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided cartesians.
.angleBetween函数:Returns the angle, in radians, between the provided Cartesians.
.mostOrthogonalAxis函数:Returns the axis that is most orthogonal to the provided Cartesian.(还不是很懂)
.projectVector函数:Projects vector a onto vector b
.equals函数:Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns
.equalsEpsilon函数:Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns
.cross函数:Computes the cross (outer) product of two Cartesians.(还不是很懂)
.fromDegrees函数:Returns a Cartesian3 position from longitude and latitude values given in degrees.
.fromRadians函数:Returns a Cartesian3 position from longitude and latitude values given in radians.
.fromDegreesArray函数:Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude and latitude values given in degrees.
.fromRadiansArray函数:Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude and latitude values given in radians.
.fromDegreesArrayHeights函数:Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude, latitude and height values where longitude and latitude are given in degrees.
                                               [-115.0, 37.0, 100000.0, -107.0, 33.0, 150000.0 ……]
.fromRadiansArrayHeights函数:Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude, latitude and height values where longitude and latitude are given in radians.
                                              [-2.007, 0.645, 100000.0, -1.867, .575, 150000.0 ……]

.ZERO对象:An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
.UNIT_X对象:An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).
.UNIT_Y对象:An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).
.UNIT_Z对象:An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0).

.prototype.clone函数:Duplicates this Cartesian3 instance.
.prototype.equals函数:Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns
.prototype.equalsEpsilon函数:Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns
.prototype.toString函数:Creates a string representing this Cartesian in the format '(x, y, z)'.

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