How to install iftop on Unix/Linux server?
The command “iftop” is using for bandwidth (BW) monitoring on a server. It is simple to monitor a server BW with iftop command.

You can analyse the incoming and outgoing packets using iftop tool. This is very useful to analyse network outages or some kind of network level attacks. In this article, I am sharing the steps to install this tool on your Linux box.

How to install iftop on my server?
Ya… Its really simple to install iftop on your Unix/Linux server. The following steps will help you to install iftop.

ssh to your server---->

[root@server]# wget
[root@server]# tar -zxvf iftop-0.17.tar.gz
[root@server]# cd iftop-0.17
[root@server]# ./configure

For a fresh server you may get an error like this

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