

version: "2.0"name: calculatoractions:calc_summ:description: HTTP request to the server.base: std.httpbase-input:url: 'http://<% $.vm_ip %>:5000/summ'method: POSTbody:arguments: <% $.arguments %>output:summ_result: <% $.content.result %>input:- vm_ip- argumentsrun_calculator_server:description: SSH command to run the server.base: std.sshbase-input:host: <% $.host %>username: <% $.username %>password: <% $.password %>cmd: 'nohup python ~/web_app.py > web_app.log &'input:- host- username- passwordworkflows:run_calculator:type: directinput:- server_name # Name of the new instance- image_id  # image id from Glance service- flavor_id # flavor id - type of instance hardware- ssh_username # VM username- ssh_password # VM password- to_email # email address to send notifications to- from_email # email address to send notifications from- smtp_server # SMTP server to use for sending emails (e.g. smtp.gmail.com:587)- smtp_password # password to connect to SMTP servertask-defaults:on-error:- send_create_vm_errordescription: |This workflow spins up a vm,deploys calculator web app on itand runs the calculation by sendinga request to calculator app.tasks:create_vm:description: Initial request to create a VM.workflow: std.create_instanceinput:name: <% $.server_name %>image_id: <% $.image_id %>flavor_id: <% $.flavor_id %>ssh_username: <% $.ssh_username %>ssh_password: <% $.ssh_password %>publish:vm_id: <% task(create_vm).result.id %>vm_ip: <% task(create_vm).result.ip %>on-success:- run_serverrun_server:description: When VM is up, we are able to run the server on VM (SSH command).action: run_calculator_server host=<% $.vm_ip %> username=<% $.ssh_username %> password=<% $.ssh_password %>on-success:- calc_summcalc_summ:description: Send HTTP request on server and calc the result.action: calc_summ arguments=[32, 45, 23] vm_ip=<% $.vm_ip %>retry:count: 10delay: 1publish:result: <% task(calc_summ).result.summ_result %>on-complete:- send_result_emailsend_result_email:description: Email the result of the calculation.action: std.emailinput:from_addr: <% $.from_email %>to_addrs: [<% $.to_email %>]subject: Workflow resultbody: |Workflow result of execution <% execution().id %> is <% $.result %>-- Thanks, Mistral Team.smtp_server: <% $.smtp_server %>smtp_password: <% $.smtp_password %>on-complete:- delete_vmsend_create_vm_error:description: In case of createVM error send e-mail with error message.action: std.emailinput:from_addr: <% $.from_email %>to_addrs: [<% $.to_email %>]subject: Workflow errorbody: |Failed to create a VM in execution <% execution().id %>-- Thanks, Mistral Team.smtp_server: <% $.smtp_server %>smtp_password: <% $.smtp_password %>on-complete:- delete_vmdelete_vm:description: Destroy VM.workflow: std.delete_instance instance_id=<% $.vm_id %>on-error:
- fail






【Mistral】 workflow实例一, yaml文件里的变量定义,action调用等相关推荐

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  3. php调用另一个php文件里的变量的值,thinkphp中一个方法调用另一个步骤的变量

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  5. shell中文件路径用变量定义_环境变量

    环境变量可以使得 bash shell 存储有关 shell 会话和工作环境的信息,允许在内存中存储数据. 在 bash shell 中,环境变量分为: 全局变量 局部变量 全局变量对 shell 会 ...

  6. shell中文件路径用变量定义_shell学习笔记01(概述amp;变量)

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  7. 如何在一个.c文件里调用另一个.c文件里的变量

    假设被调用的C文件为func.c,则被调用的全局变量需被定义在文件开始处,即与头文件.宏定义. 函数声明在一起 #include <stdio.h> #define KEY abcd in ...

  8. string.h头文件里的函数源代码及调用(尝试编写)

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  9. android读取本地yaml文件_python笔记11-读取yaml配置文件(pyyaml)

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