
With Yahoo suffering massive data breaches and selling itself to Verizon, you may want to delete that old Yahoo account. If you still have important data in your account, you can download much of it before you delete it, too.

随着Yahoo遭受大量数据泄露并将其出售给Verizon ,您可能想要删除该旧Yahoo帐户。 如果您的帐户中仍然有重要数据,那么您也可以在删除大量数据之前先进行下载。

第一:下载您的Yahoo电子邮件和其他数据 (First: Download Your Yahoo Emails and Other Data)

Delete your Yahoo account and Yahoo will delete all the data associated with it, including your Yahoo emails, contacts, and calendar events. If you have any important data stored in your Yahoo account, you’ll want to back it up first.

删除您的Yahoo帐户,Yahoo会删除与其相关的所有数据,包括Yahoo电子邮件,联系人和日历事件。 如果您的Yahoo帐户中存储了任何重要数据,则需要首先对其进行备份。

Each service—Mail, Contacts, and Calendar—has different methods for exporting their information. If you want to keep any of it, you can follow Yahoo’s instructions here.

每种服务(邮件,联系人和日历)都有导出其信息的不同方法。 如果您想保留其中的任何内容,可以在此处按照Yahoo的说明进行操作 。

Be sure to use POP3 to download all your email—if you set up the account with IMAP, your email client won’t necessarily download everything.


确保您不需要电子邮件地址 (Ensure You Don’t Need the Email Address)

Since you’re closing an email account and losing access to an email address as part of this process, you should be completely sure you don’t actually need that email address before continuing.


Many online services—from bank, credit card, and investment accounts to social media services like Facebook and stores like Amazon.com—rely on your email address. Ensure you have a new email address that’s associated with all your important online accounts before continuing. If you delete your old email address while important services are still associated with it, you may miss important email notifications and you won’t be able to use your email address to recover your password. Sign into your important online accounts and ensure they’re pointed at your new email address, and not the old Yahoo account you’ll be deleting.

从银行,信用卡和投资帐户到社交媒体服务(如Facebook)和商店(如Amazon.com)等许多在线服务都依赖您的电子邮件地址。 在继续操作之前,请确保您拥有与所有重要在线帐户相关联的新电子邮件地址。 如果在重要服务仍与旧电子邮件地址相关联的情况下删除了旧电子邮件地址,则可能会错过重要的电子邮件通知,并且您将无法使用该电子邮件地址来恢复密码。 登录重要的在线帐户,并确保它们指向的是您的新电子邮件地址,而不是要删除的旧Yahoo帐户。

If you do need to create another email address because you haven’t already, both Google’s Gmail and Microsoft’s Outlook.com are solid alternatives.


如何删除您的Yahoo帐户 (How to Delete Your Yahoo Account)

You can delete your account from Yahoo’s website. Yahoo warns that your account may not be recoverable if you change your mind, but you’re welcome to create a new account in the future.

您可以从Yahoo的网站删除您的帐户。 雅虎警告说,如果您改变主意,您的帐户可能无法恢复,但是欢迎您将来创建一个新帐户。

To delete your account, head to the Terminating Your Yahoo Account page. Sign in with your Yahoo account details if you haven’t already.

要删除您的帐户,请转到“ 终止Yahoo帐户”页面 。 如果尚未登录,请使用您的Yahoo帐户详细信息登录。

You’ll be warned that you’ll lose access to all the data associated with your Yahoo account, including any paid services associated with it. Your account will be deleted within approximately 90 days, and other people will likely be able to sign up for the same email account address afterwards.

将会警告您,您将失去对与Yahoo帐户关联的所有数据的访问权限,包括与之相关的任何付费服务。 您的帐户将在大约90天内被删除,之后其他人很可能可以注册相同的电子邮件帐户地址。

If you want tro reserve your old email address so someone else can’t take it in the future, you’ll need to leave your Yahoo account open, and not delete it.


Once you’re sure you want to delete your account, you’ll need to enter your account password, provide the CAPTCHA code displayed on the page, and click the “Terminate This Account” button.


You’ll be informed that your Yahoo account is terminated and the data will be deleted from Yahoo’s user database in approximately 90 days.


如何恢复已删除的Yahoo帐户 (How to Recover a Deleted Yahoo Account)

If you want to recover your Yahoo account within the next 90 days before it’s deleted, you can visit the Yahoo Sign-in Helper page and provide the account details to verify your identity. Depending on how long you take to reactivate your account, some of your emails, contacts, and other account data may already be deleted when you regain access to the account.

如果要在删除Yahoo帐户后的90天内恢复其Yahoo帐户 ,可以访问Yahoo登录帮助页面并提供帐户详细信息以验证您的身份。 根据重新激活帐户所需的时间,重新获得对该帐户的访问权限时,某些电子邮件,联系人和其他帐户数据可能已被删除。

Image Credit: peanutian

图片来源: 花生

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280322/how-to-delete-your-yahoo-mail-account/


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