

P&D 过河游戏智能帮助实现,程序具体要求:

  • 实现状态图的自动生成
  • 讲解图数据在程序中的表示方法
  • 利用算法实现下一步的计算
  • 参考:P&D 过河游戏智能帮助实现


为了方便调试,我首先写了一个C++的模拟程序。这里使用一个三元组(ld, lp, side)ld:左边恶魔数、lp:左边牧师数、side:船在哪一边,这三个信息唯一的标识一个状态。使用一个visited数组记录当前是否展开过某个状态,这样可以防止搜索过程中重复展开已经展开过的状态。使用一个search函数递归的进行搜索,然后返回一个记录了可行路径的栈。详细程序如下:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;bool visited[4][4][2]; //标志一个状态是否被展开过 bool is_valid(int ld, int lp){ //判断一个状态是否违反规则(某一边恶魔大于牧师) if((lp!=0 && ld > lp) || ((3-lp!=0) && (3-ld)> (3-lp)))return false;return true;
}stack<pair<int, int> > search(int ld, int lp, int side){ //输入一个状态,进行寻路 visited[ld][lp][side] = true;stack<pair<int, int> > path;if(ld==3 && lp==3){  //结束状态,用全0标记 path.push(pair<int, int>(0,0));return path;}int D = (side==0)?ld:(3-ld);int P = (side==0)?lp:(3-lp);int next_side = (side==0)?1:0;for(int d = 0; d <= D; d++){for(int p = 0; p <= P; p++){if(d+p>2 || d+p==0)continue;int temp_ld = (side==0)?ld-d:ld+d;int temp_lp = (side==0)?lp-p:lp+p;if(!is_valid(temp_ld, temp_lp))continue; //检查变换之后是否违反规则 if(visited[temp_ld][temp_lp][next_side])continue; //检测变换之后的状态是否已经展开过 printf("(%d, %d, %d)->(%d, %d, %d)\n",ld,lp,side,temp_ld,temp_lp,next_side);path = search(temp_ld, temp_lp, next_side); //递归查找一条路径 if(path.size()!=0){ //如果返回结果为空,说明是死路 path.push(pair<int,int>(d,p));return path;}}}return path;
}int main(){memset(visited, false, sizeof(visited));stack<pair<int, int> > path;path = search(0,0,1); //左边没有Devil和Priest,船在右边作为起始状态 int curr_side = 1;while(path.size()!=0){pair<int, int> move =;path.pop();curr_side = (curr_side==1)?0:1;if(move.first==0 && move.second==0){cout<<"success!"<<endl; break;}printf("move %d Devils and %d Priests ", move.first,move.second);string move_str = (curr_side==0)?"from right to left":"from left to right";cout<<move_str<<endl;}








public class Controller : MonoBehaviour, ISceneController, IUserAction
{private GameObject left_land, right_land, river;private CharacterModel[] MCharacter;  private BoatModel MBoat;private bool[,,] visited;public CCActionManager actionManager;public CCJudgement judgement;Stack<KeyValuePair<int, int>> path;bool auto_mode;float spendTime;// Start is called before the first frame updatevoid Awake(){SSDirector director = SSDirector.getInstance();director.currentSceneController = this;MCharacter = new CharacterModel[6];director.currentSceneController.LoadResources();actionManager = gameObject.AddComponent<CCActionManager>() as CCActionManager;visited = new bool[4,4,2];auto_mode = false;}public void LoadResources(){Vector3 left_land_pos = new Vector3(-8F, 0, 0);Vector3 right_land_pos = new Vector3(8F, 0, 0);Vector3 river_pos = new Vector3(0, -0.5F, 0);Vector3 boat_pos = new Vector3(4F, 0.25F, 0);Vector3[] charactor_pos = { new Vector3(5.25F, 1.25F, 0), new Vector3(6.25F, 1.25F, 0), new Vector3(7.25F, 1.25F, 0),new Vector3(8.25F, 1.25F, 0), new Vector3(9.25F, 1.25F, 0), new Vector3(10.25F, 1.25F, 0) };left_land = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Land", typeof(GameObject)), left_land_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; = "left_land";right_land = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Land", typeof(GameObject)), right_land_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; = "right_land";river = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("River", typeof(GameObject)), river_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; = "river";MBoat = new BoatModel(boat_pos);for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if (i < 3)MCharacter[i] = new CharacterModel(0, charactor_pos[i], i);elseMCharacter[i] = new CharacterModel(1, charactor_pos[i], i);}}public int get_character_side(int num){return MCharacter[num].get_side();}public void change_game_situation(){UserGUI.situation = judgement.GetSituation();if (UserGUI.situation != 0) stop_all();}public void stop_all(){for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)MCharacter[i].stop_character();MBoat.stop_boat();}public void enable_all(){for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)MCharacter[i].enable_character();MBoat.enable_boat();}bool is_valid(int ld, int lp){ //判断一个状态是否违反规则(某一边恶魔大于牧师) if ((lp != 0 && ld > lp) || ((3 - lp != 0) && (3 - ld) > (3 - lp))) return false;return true;}Stack<KeyValuePair<int, int> > search(int ld, int lp, int side){ //输入一个状态,进行寻路 visited[ld,lp,side] = true;Stack<KeyValuePair<int, int> > path = new Stack<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();if (ld == 3 && lp == 3){  //结束状态,用全0标记 path.Push(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(0, 0));return path;}int D = (side == 0) ? ld : (3 - ld);int P = (side == 0) ? lp : (3 - lp);int next_side = (side == 0) ? 1 : 0;for (int d = 0; d <= D; d++){for (int p = 0; p <= P; p++){if (d + p > 2 || d + p == 0) continue;int temp_ld = (side == 0) ? ld - d : ld + d;int temp_lp = (side == 0) ? lp - p : lp + p;if (!is_valid(temp_ld, temp_lp)) continue; //检查变换之后是否违反规则 if (visited[temp_ld,temp_lp,next_side]) continue; //检测变换之后的状态是否已经展开过 //Debug.Log("(%d, %d, %d)->(%d, %d, %d)\n", ld, lp, side, temp_ld, temp_lp, next_side);path = search(temp_ld, temp_lp, next_side); //递归查找一条路径 if (path.Count != 0){ //如果返回结果为空,说明是死路 path.Push(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(d, p));return path;}}}return path;}public void auto_move(){for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)visited[i, j, k] = false;int left_d = 0, left_p = 0, right_d = 0, right_p = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if (i < 3){if (get_character_side(i) == -1)right_d += 1;elseleft_d += 1;}else{if (get_character_side(i) == -1)right_p += 1;elseleft_p += 1;}}int side = (MBoat.get_side()==-1)?1:0;path = search(left_d, left_p, side);auto_mode = true;this.stop_all();} void next_step(){if (path.Count == 0) return;int side = MBoat.get_side();KeyValuePair<int, int> move = path.Pop();if (move.Key == 0 && move.Value == 0){Debug.Log("success");return;}string output = "move " + (move.Key).ToString() + " Devils and " + (move.Value).ToString() + " Priests ";string move_str = (side == 0) ? "from right to left" : "from left to right";output += move_str;Debug.Log(output);for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if (MCharacter[i].get_whether_on_boat()){to_land(i);}}int curr_d = 0, curr_p = 0;for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){if(MCharacter[i].get_side() == side){if(i < 3 && curr_d < move.Key){take_boat(i);curr_d+=1;}if(i >= 3 && curr_p < move.Value){take_boat(i);curr_p += 1;}}}move_boat();}public void move_boat(){Debug.Log("Move boat");if (MBoat.is_empty())return;MBoat.turn_side();int[] custom_num = MBoat.get_customs();if (custom_num[0] != -1){MCharacter[custom_num[0]].turn_side();actionManager.Move(MCharacter[custom_num[0]].character, MCharacter[custom_num[0]].get_dst(), 20);}if (custom_num[1] != -1){MCharacter[custom_num[1]].turn_side();actionManager.Move(MCharacter[custom_num[1]].character, MCharacter[custom_num[1]].get_dst(), 20);}actionManager.Move(MBoat.boat, MBoat.get_dst(), 20);this.stop_all();Debug.Log(UserGUI.situation);}public void click_character(int character_num){if (MCharacter[character_num].get_whether_on_boat())to_land(character_num);elsetake_boat(character_num);}public void take_boat(int character_num){if (!MBoat.has_empty() || MCharacter[character_num].get_side() != MBoat.get_side()||MCharacter[character_num].get_whether_on_boat())return;Vector3 boat_seat = MBoat.get_seat(character_num);MCharacter[character_num].take_boat(boat_seat);}public void to_land(int character_num){if (!MCharacter[character_num].get_whether_on_boat())return;MBoat.clear_seat(character_num);MCharacter[character_num].to_land();}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){if (!auto_mode) return;spendTime += Time.deltaTime;if(spendTime > 1.5){spendTime = 0;next_step();}}public void restart(){MBoat.restart();auto_mode = false;for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)MCharacter[i].restart();enable_all();}


点击Auto Move按钮之后,程序就会根据当前状态计算出一条可以达到最终状态的运动路径,并自动控制角色的上下船和船的左右移动。

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