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Source code for book "Hadoop in Practice", Manning Publishing


This repo contains the code, scripts and data files that are referenced

from the book Hadoop in Practice, published by Manning.


If you hit any compilation or execution problems please create an issue

and I'll look into it as soon as I can.

Hadoop Version

All the code has been exercised against CDH3u2, which for the purposes

of the code is the same has Hadoop 0.20.x. There are a couple of places

where I utilize some features in Pig 0.9.1, which won't work with CDH3u1

which uses 0.8.1.

I've recently run some basic MapReduce jobs against CDH4, and I also updated

the examples so that they would run against Hadoop 2. Please let me know

on the Manning forum or

in a GitHub ticket if you encounter any issues.

Building and running

Download from github

git clone git://github.com/alexholmes/hadoop-book.git


cd hadoop-book

mvn package

Runtime Dependencies

Many of the examples use Snappy and LZOP compression. Therefore

you may get runtime errors if you don't have them installed and configured

in your cluster.

Snappy can be installed on CDH by following the instructions at


To install LZOP follow the instructions at https://github.com/kevinweil/hadoop-lzo.

Run an example

# copy the input files into HDFS

hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp

hadoop fs -put test-data/ch1/* /tmp/

# replace the path below with the location of your Hadoop installation

# this isn't required if you are running CDH3

export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop

# run the map-reduce job

bin/run.sh com.manning.hip.ch1.InvertedIndexMapReduce /tmp/file1.txt /tmp/file2.txt output



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